In fact, even without this promotion, Chu Nan would have already fully appreciated the power of the Two Great Influences of the galaxy, Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce.

It has actually been nearly a full year since he was officially acquitted by Speaker Anduin. The reason why Chu Nan has not returned to the Earth Federation for nearly a year is because The conversation he had with Prince Lycas.

After that conversation, Chu Nan confirmed that Prince Laikas wanted to use him as a bargaining chip with the Chamber of Commerce side, and after careful consideration, Chu Nan also agreed with Laika Prince's thoughts.

Now that he has become the object of the Two Great Influences competition, neither the Declan Empire nor the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum can match the Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist from a trifling Earth Federation. To contend, then his best course of action is to not take the initiative to favor either side, and let them both settle down first.

This kind of sloppy behavior is of course dangerous, and it also made Chu Nan encounter some dangers for the next period of time.

But after Chu Nan got rid of all dangers with his own strength, Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce finally reached a consensus and decided to cooperate to complete the research and development of Transmission Gate.

In fact, this is also an inevitable result, because the best place to study the Transmission Gate is in the endless abyss, and most of the endless abyss belongs to the domain of the Declan Empire. If you want to study Transmission Gate, you can only cooperate with Declan Empire.

The Declan Empire does not have the super science and technology of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, and the research on Transmission Gate is far inferior to that of the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, so on the one hand it occupies a favorable location. , on the one hand, occupy the technological advantage, of course, can only cooperate.

And the key to cooperation lies in Chu Nan.

Declan Empire and Nogentum Chamber of Commerce are already very efficient, but after reaching a consensus, it still took three full months to negotiate, and this was the official start of the transmission. Collaboration with Gate Research.

So for the next half a year, Chu Nan completely stayed in the endless abyss. The Transmission Gate in the Abyss has been tested again and again.

Chu Nan's main role in these tests is to provide detailed data support according to the changes of the Transmission Gate, and at the same time, relying on his super ability, all the detected Transmission Gates are simulated and generated experiment.

Before this, the biggest problem faced by both Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce in the study of Transmission Gate was the inability to obtain accurate data. Now, with Chu Nan, the biggest problem The problem is solved, and the research progress is naturally advancing rapidly.

According to Elcatel's statement, just over half a year of research has even far exceeded the research conducted on Transmission Gate by Nourytem Chamber of Commerce for nearly a hundred years. The research success rate jumped from 1.78% to 15.83%, significantly exceeding Elcatel's previous judgment.

According to the current research progress analysis, Elcatel said that as long as Chu Nan continues to participate in the research, the success rate will inevitably soar, and this research will most likely be really successful.

So the importance of Chu Nan has been greatly verified, both the Declan Empire and the Chamber of Commerce have paid more attention to him. The research that Chu Nan has participated in is much less than at the beginning. He simply cannot get the opportunity to leave the endless abyss and return to the Earth Federation like now.

Of course, there is another very important thing about his return this time, which is related to the fact that he has come to this secret base to meet Dong Fang.

"Hey, Dong Fang, is the federation ready? It's best to get these things done in the shortest possible time, because the time left for me is limited, so I have to hurry up. Time to go back and see my parents." Chu Nan asked Dong Fang.

"Don't worry, everything is ready." Dong Fang patted his chest to assure. "Actually, you're just a representative. You don't need to do anything specific. If it wasn't for the Chamber of Commerce's insistence that you must be present, you wouldn't have to come."

"Why don't these guys tell me this..." Chu Nan rolled the eyes. "This way I don't have to come here, and I can go back to Ziyunxing to see my parents."

"Anyway, you are coming to Earth to see Xiaoxi, of course, and that Miss Elway, isn't it?" Dong Fang smiled ambiguous. "Hey, Chu Nan, I didn't realize it before, you are still a shameful lolicon, when you first met Miss Elway, she didn't seem to be even fourteen years old, you beast? Can you get it?"

"get lost!" Chu Nan kicked him in the leg again unceremoniously. "You guy just said that I am the first lover in the galaxy, and now you say that I attack other little girls, courting death?"

Dong Fang patted the ashes on his legs, his face But it became serious.

"I'm serious. During your absence, I met with Miss Elway through Xiaoxi a few times. This little girl is obviously obsessed with you. What are you going to do? Can I do it?"

Chu Nan hearing this frowned, thought about it, and spread out his hands sighed.

"What can I do? I've always regarded her as a Little Sister, and she's well aware of this, but I can't help her if she likes me. Just walk around, hope she grows up.

" I can change my liking after getting older."

"You guy, alas..." Dong Fang shook the head and said nothing more.

This kind of thing between men and women is unreasonable in the first place. Elwei likes Chu Nan, but Chu Nan only likes Angelique. Both of them are right, they can only say They have no fate.

"Okay, don't talk about it, just get to know the things here, Konishi and Elvie are still with me at Earth High Level." Chu Nan urged.

"Well, let's go, Lord Marshal should be waiting."

Dong Fang no longer bothered about those issues, and took Chu Nan to a base. The traffic inside the base went through several tests in the base and traveled a distance of more than 3,000 meters before finally entering the depths of the base.

The traffic car was very wide in the base, but it stopped outside the crowded hall because of the countless instruments placed and a bunch of people going back and forth.

As soon as Chu Nan jumped out of the car, a hearty rude laughter burst out from the hall.

"Ha, Chu Nan, you brat is finally here!"

Accompanied by laughter, there was an extremely powerful energy wave that rushed out of the hall, heading straight for Chu Nan to attack Come.

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