Speaker Anduin, who was standing opposite Chu Nan, looked at the extremely happy smile on Chu Nan's face, and couldn't help but look the head, sighed.

"It's the first time I've seen someone laugh as much as you did after losing the chance to join our Declan Imperial Family. While I can probably see what you're thinking, I also have to Let me tell you, you missed a great opportunity that countless youngsters could only dream of."

Chu Nan's smile was still bright as he laughed.

"Lord Speaker, you can help me be a few heretics. And I always think that the pursuit of Martial Dao is the most important thing to pay attention to. The pursuit of Dao will inevitably be hindered by this. Moreover, if you can't let yourself have a clear conscience and a clear mind, what's the point of it?"

Speaker Anduin coldly snorted: "I am not It's the first time I've seen youngsters who think like you, but most of them don't end well, do you think you can be different from them?"

Chu Nan shrugged and spread his hands: "I originally Just different from them, isn't it?"

Speaker Anduin was speechless.

Chu Nan's words sounded extremely arrogant, but even Speaker Anduin had to admit that Chu Nan was indeed different from any youngster he had ever met. No matter what innate talent he possessed, Or the way things are handled, it is very different from those youngsters who are as good as him, and most importantly, he is always able to unexpectedly accomplish goals that others seem impossible to accomplish.

If it weren't for Chu Nan's amazing performance in the previous days, how could the final result of this matter have become so satisfactory to him now?

Speaker Anduin stared at Chu Nan for a while, then couldn't help sighed again.

"I don't know whether to bless you or curse you. You have made our entire Declan Imperial Family lose face this time. From my identity, I should even order to kill you directly. But The innate talent and courage you have shown, and the most important pure Martial Dao spirit, make me want to see you continue to grow stronger. Before you, there are many young Martial Artists from other ethnic groups who can also show shocking and stunning sides , but no one can reach the top of the real martial arts, I hope you can."

Hearing the sincerity in Speaker Anduin's tone, Chu Nan was silent for a moment, then gently nod.

"many thanks for your praise, Junior will continue to work hard."

Speaker Anduin, lightly sighed, seemed to have lost interest in speaking, and waved at Chu Nan.

"Okay, you can go now."

Chu Nan bowed to him to give a salute, turned around and left without fussing.

The matter was finally settled, but there were still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with, Chu Nan didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"Be careful." Speaker Anduin's voice suddenly sounded behind him. Chu Nan astonished turned his head to look, and saw that the expression on Speaker Anduin's face had become gloomier than before. Some. "You offended many families in the Imperial Family for Viannell this time. In order to maintain the honor of the family, they will pay everything."

Chu Nan looked towards Speaker Anduin's gaze even more surprised.

As the Supreme Speaker of the Declan Imperial Patriarch Old Council, he actually reminded himself to be careful about other Declan Imperial Family?

But Chu Nan didn't ask any further questions, gave a salute to Speaker Anduin again, and left.

As soon as he walked out of the judgment hall, a silhouette appeared out of thin air and pressed it on Chu Nan's shoulder.

"Come with me."

Chu Nan didn't resist, let the man wave his hand to break the wall of space and lead him through the different space for a while, and then from When the other dimension came out, it had already arrived at a desolate coast.

The man let go of the hand on Chu Nan's shoulder, and looked Chu Nan from head to toe seriously, then he looked at the head, smiled and sighed: "I thought I was I have overestimated you enough, but didn't expect to underestimate you."

Chu Nan smiled: "You have won the prize, Your Royal Highness."

This person who suddenly appeared , it is the culprit that caused Chu Nan to experience all kinds of things during this time - Prince Laikas!

"No, not at all." Prince Lekas shook his head again. "Whether you passed the test or still lived well after the previous month, your performance far exceeded my expectations, so I did not lose this time. Since you are strong enough, you can win the result you want in the end. as it should be by rights. Congratulations, Viannell also asked me to convey my greetings and congratulations to you for her, you don't have to worry about marrying her anymore, you can go to your beautiful little girlfriend."

"I'm afraid that's not the original words of Vianne's Imperial Princess, right?" Chu Nan couldn't help frowning. "I believe that with her character, she will only bless me sincerely, instead of being full of sarcasm like yours."

"So after you took advantage of her kindness to exonerate yourself, now Can you leave without any burden?" Prince Laikas's tone became more mocking. "Did you know that after Rockcamp was forced to announce that she had broken off her engagement with you, she burst into tears immediately?"

"I don't believe she would cry in front of you. "Chu Nan's tone was cold and his words were rude. "Because in this matter, it's not me who used her, but you, Your Royal Highness, the good Uncle of the Imperial Princess Vianne!"

The expression on Prince Laikas changed, The breath suddenly skyrocketed, and the space around the body was instantly affected and became chaotic and shattered, giving people the illusion of heaven falls and earth rends.

As a Star Level Martial Artist of cream of the crop, his anger is no small matter.

Chu Nan was not afraid. He just stood there, motionless, without looking away, still staring at Prince Lycas.

"His Royal Highness, you have lost self-control."

Prince Laikas's expression froze slightly, and then the space energy storm surging frantically around him quickly subsided. Calm and tranquil soon, everything is business as usual.

Chu Nan gave Prince Lekas a curious look.

He couldn't understand, although he said very rudely just now, but as Prince Laikas and the city government, he should not be so easily angered by himself, just two words Prince Laikas There was something wrong with such a strong reaction.

He certainly didn't know about that little conflict between Prince Lycus and Greymane Your Majesty not long ago.

Prince Lekas' expression also eased as the storm subsided quickly.

He took a deep look at Chu Nan, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, you are really courageous, but angering me won't do you any good. If I really want to kill you, no one can save you."

"But you obviously didn't intend to kill me, did you?" Chu Nan shrugged, his face relaxed. "If you just want to kill me, why do you have to make so much trouble, and also involve Vianne Imperial Princess, am I right?"

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