Chu Nan is instantly startled, yet somewhat unfathomable mystery.

It was clearly that Anis was pressing him from start to finish, he was racking his brains thinking about how to deal with it, and he didn't even successfully counterattack once, why is it now Anis himself? The appearance of the secondary injury vomiting blood?

What are you doing?

"That...senior, you..."

Chu Nan was about to ask again when he suddenly sensed several powerful breaths rising up not far away, and turned his head to look , and saw the last ten silhouettes flying from the direction of the Imperial Palace.

The leader saw the situation here, and immediately the complexion greatly changed, and shouted at Chu Nan: "Bold madman, dare to break into the Imperial Palace, it's not good for Her Highness the Princess, take it down for me. !"

"Huh? Crown Princess?"

Chu Nan glanced at Anise in astonishment, but didn't have time to ask any more questions, those people didn't give him anything at all. At the time of explanation, everyone burst out with the most powerful breath and attacked directly.

Fortunately, although these more than ten people are powerful, they are all of Heavenly Reign Grade. Although there are many people, for Chu Nan, the difference between a large number of people and a small number of people is not very big. Still manageable.

Just being besieged by so many people, even if his strong brain allows him to deal with it in an orderly manner, he doesn't have more time to explain it clearly, not to mention that these people on the other side don't give him a chance to explain at all. Almost everyone used desperate tricks, so he had to deal with it carefully and didn't dare to be distracted.

Fortunately, Anis only vomited blood and did not collapse completely. She regained her footing and watched Chu Nan fight with those people for a while, then suddenly said, "Stop. Let's go."

Everyone in the battle was stunned for a moment, Chu Nan took the opportunity to jump out of the encirclement, spread out his hand and explained to the other party: "I didn't want to come to harm Anis before... oh, The bad guy of Her Highness the Princess, you guys figure it out."

The leader frowned and glanced at Chu Nan, turned his head and looked towards Anis, and asked with concern: "Her Highness the Princess, you How are you feeling? Do you want me to inform Your Majesty?"

"No need." Anis waved her hand and looked towards Chu Nan.

Perhaps because she became weak after being injured, the cold expression on her face softened a lot, and her eyes were softer than before.

"You really are not Quediro's dísciple. I originally wanted to take you down and force him to come, but since you are not his dísciple, this cold-blooded guy will not care about your life or death. It's pointless. Well, you go back and tell him that since you haven't seen each other for 40 years, then don't see each other again. Anyway, I'm already used to this kind of life, and when I'm about to return to the arms of the stars, I'll cause some more troubles because of him. It's not good, go back."

After speaking, Anis sighed softly and turned to the hut.

The dozen or so people who still vaguely surrounded Chu Nan looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Obviously, she wanted to find trouble with Chu Nan, but Chu Nan dared to sneak into the "bedroom" of Her Highness the Princess, and even fought fiercely with Her Highness the Princess, That is a heinous crime that cannot be ignored.

Just as the leader made a decision, he planned to take down Chu Nan first and ask about it, no matter what, Chu Nan suddenly shouted.

"Agnes senior please hold your steps."

Having reached the door, Anis stopped, turned her head and looked towards Chu Nan, slightly frowned.

"What else do I need to do? I've made my words very clear, you hurry back and tell Quedillo, don't stay here."

"No, I'm not talking about Quediro senior, but about you." Chu Nan extend the hand pointed at Anise, hesitated, and asked, "senior, about your injury... can you let Junior take a look? "

"oh?" Anis and the dozen or so people around were all face surprised, and Anis couldn't help laughing. "Aren't you still a doctor? Even if you are, it's useless. My injury has something to do with cultivation techniques. It's not a normal doctor who can see it well. Even more how is a little child like you."

Since then Since Chu Nan saw her, the expression on her face has always been cold, but now she is laughing like this, but it seems as if the ice has melted, making her face soften a lot in an instant, revealing a lot of warmth.

Chu Nan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then shook his head and explained: "No, Junior is not a doctor, but he knows more about the injuries caused by the cultivation technique problem, and... he is very handy. If it is wrong, the injury that senior is currently suffering from should be a problem when running the Obliteration Core Technique, which is probably related to the difference in your Obliteration Core Technique of senior. If you can ask Junior to help you diagnose and treat it, it may be able to help senior alleviate and heal this injury. ."

Agnes looked at Chu Nan in surprise.

"You can actually tell that I am injured because of the Obliteration Core Technique? Who the hell are you, why are you so familiar with the Obliteration Core Technique?"

Chu Nan is helpless He touched his nose: "Junior just said that Junior is here because of this problem. Frankly, Junior has just finished meeting Greymane Your Majesty, and he has a good understanding of Junior's Obliteration Core Technique. Appreciate it."

"Oh? The younger brother actually looks at you differently?" Anise's face was even more surprised, and the dozen or so people around looked at Chu Nan with wide-eyed surprise.

"It's not a different thing, but Junior just happens to have a different understanding of cultivation technique than other Martial Artists, and he has a better understanding of Obliteration Core Technique, so Greymane Your Majesty praised Junior for two more. Just a sentence." Chu Nan waved his hand modestly said.

He noticed that Anise's name for Greymane Your Majesty was "Imperial Brother", plus the "Crown Princess" title given to her by the dozen or so people next to her, it proved that she Ness is supposed to be Greymane's elder sister to Your Majesty.

According to the fact that Declan Imperial Family has more than 10,000 people with official registered names, being able to have a specific title like "Crown Princess" is enough to prove that Anis is not only powerful Powerful, maybe even Greymane's elder sister of Your Majesty.

"Even so, why do you have the confidence to treat my injury?" Anis asked rhetorically. "Don't you think that you know better than me about the cultivation technique I use?"

"That's not true, but Junior knows more about healing." Chu Nan waved his hand. "If you ask Junior to help you, it should save you a lot of time for senior to heal your wounds."

Anis glanced at Chu Nan and was silent for a moment, just when Chu Nan thought she was still going to refuse At that time, she suddenly waved at the other dozen people.

"You guys step back."

The dozen people were stunned for a moment, and the leader couldn't help but say, "Long Her Highness the Princess, we..."

"Go back." Anis emphasized her tone.

The leader could only shut up. He glared at Chu Nan fiercely with warning eyes, and then reluctantly flew away with more than ten other people.

"Come in, I happen to have some questions to ask you."

Anis waved to Chu Nan and turned around to enter the small wood house.

Chu Nan was overjoyed and quickly followed along.

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