When Chu Nan saw Greymane Your Majesty, he was holding a cuboid boulder twenty meters long, six meters wide, and two meters high. Step by step, he walked to a wall on the edge of the glacier cliff, and then threw the boulder directly with his arms, hitting a wall with a bang.

The violent impact caused the glaciers below to tremble slightly, but the boulders were just perfectly aligned with the wall. Even a drop of 0.1 mm.

After doing this, Greymane Your Majesty looked at the wall and seemed to be nodded with satisfaction, then patted his hand, and continued to turn around and walk in front of Chu Nan, topless.

"You're here."

Greyman's Your Majesty greeting was casual in appearance and tone, Chu Nan could only be nodded, un'ed, but his eyes were not on his naked chest.

At this moment Greymane's Your Majesty's exposed skin is a trickle of sweat pooling down, reflecting the splendid constant starlight above his head, making him look a little oily and shiny. .

Your Majesty, who looks like this now, doesn't have the dignified and solemn look when Chu Nan saw him on the last day of the test, but it's like a media advertisement that is often seen Fitness coach.

And it can be seen from the sweat on his body that he obviously relied on fleshly body strength when he was carrying the boulder, and did not use the Inner Breath, otherwise, with his great strength, what would happen? Would be pressed to the point of sweating by such a trifling boulder that weighs only a few hundred tons.

But on second thought, this is still very terrifying. With Chu Nan's powerful fleshy body after countless temperings, if he only relies on fleshly body strength, he can only lift dozens of tons at most. Object, Greymane Your Majesty is now more than ten times that of Chu Nan in one fell swoop, which is enough to prove that his fleshy body strength is beyond Chu Nan's.

"Go over." Your Majesty took the towel handed over by the maid next to him, wiped his face, laughed at Chu Nan, pointed to the edge of the cliff, and motioned for Chu Nan to go over together.

When the two of them stood on the edge of the cliff, Greymane Your Majesty looked at Chu Nan from head to toe, and smiled nodded: "You really didn't disappoint me, even if those guys used You have passed the test even if you have cheated, not bad."

Just this sentence, Chu Nan immediately understood that the emperor Your Majesty also knew very well about Quinn's appearance. .

To Chu Nan's surprise, he confessed the matter to Chu Nan, and pointed out that it was "the equivalent of cheating".

Chu Nan certainly wouldn't foolishly complain in front of Greymane Your Majesty, not to mention Quinn's appearance helped him a lot and deepened his understanding of the field a lot, so He just humbly smiled and said: "Your Majesty has won the prize. In fact, I originally thought that the difficulties I would face would be greater, and I also thought that if something went wrong, I would seize every opportunity to run away first."

"If you choose to run away, then you have an impossible opportunity to stand in front of me and speak like this." Your Majesty's expression was calm and his tone was not very severe, but the meaning revealed in his words was not acceptable. Doubt. "Only through this postgraduate entrance examination can you stand right here and have the opportunity to turn your ideas into reality."

Chu Nan slightly startled: "What do I have in mind?"

Grimmane Your Majesty glanced at him with a smile: "You don't want to marry Vianne, right?"

Chu Nan's expression suddenly suffocated.

This is of course his true thoughts, and all his actions these days are indeed aimed at this goal, but now by Greymane Your Majesty lay bare the truth with one remark, Some surprise him.

"Your Majesty, I didn't..."

"You don't have to explain that clearly." Greymane Your Majesty waved and interrupted Chu Nan. "If you are willing to follow the arrangements of Laikas and Rockamp, then this matter is actually very easy to solve. But of course you are making such trouble on purpose, of course, it is only possible for this purpose. I know, you have a favorite girl, called Angel Beili, you did so many things for her, didn't you?"

Chu Nan was silent.

He can do these things, but he can't say them, at least not in front of Greymane Your Majesty.

Grimmane Your Majesty didn't care about Chu Nan's reaction either, and laughed continued: "To be honest, I didn't expect you to be such an affectionate kid, and Lykas certainly didn't expect it either. If he Knowing that you are willing to cause so much trouble for that girl named Angelique, maybe his plan at first will be very different."

Chu Nan looked at Gremei with some surprise. Well Your Majesty.

He was very surprised that the most honorable emperor, Your Majesty, had spoken so thoroughly about this matter in front of him. Could it be that he was disdainful of hiding something in front of him?

Perhaps seeing Chu Nan's thoughts, Greymane Your Majesty showed a meaningful smile.

"Do you know why I am giving you this amnesty?"

Chu Nan pondered for a while, and looked the head.

"Perhaps you don't quite understand, but it's okay, it turns out that your approach is exactly what I want." Greymane Your Majesty spread his hands and said with a smile easily. "Look, I want you to teach the guys who are going to challenge you enough to teach them that there are powerhouses like you outside of our Declan Imperial Family, to keep them in awe of the martial skill, and then You did it, you fiercely taught everyone who came to challenge you, and you were even better than I thought. You even taught Quinn, the guy who just broke through the Great Dao of Stars, didn't you?"

Chu Nan touched his nose: "Your Majesty...I didn't teach him a lesson, he left by himself."

"No, you taught him a lesson better than hitting His meal was even worse." Greymane Your Majesty shook the head. "This guy thought he had broken through the Great Dao of Stars and became a Star Level Martial Artist, so he could be arrogant, but didn't expect to lose to you, a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. This hit him harder than any other. The defeats are much more serious."

"That...can't be regarded as defeating him, it can only be regarded as me being more resistant to beatings, he can't do anything about me..." Chu Nan explained reluctantly.

"You think I'm not there, so you can't see the final situation between the two of you?" Greymane Your Majesty asked rhetorically.


Chu Nan certainly doesn't think Greymane Your Majesty doesn't see something implicit in his previous fight with Quinn, in fact any A sufficiently strong Martial Artist should be able to infer a lot from just superficial signs.

"I don't know exactly how you made him retreat, but I know you must have a very special understanding of the martial skill that forced him to retreat." Greymane Your Majesty Continue. "I've seen this understanding on previous tests, and I saw it again in your fight with Quinn, and it was even more impressive than in the test. To be honest, you should thank him, if not for Quinn The appearance of Yin has made me firm, I'm afraid I won't give you a chance."

"What chance?" Chu Nan astonished asked.

Grimmane Your Majesty had a slightly playful smile on his face.

"An opportunity that doesn't require you to marry Vianne."

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