"What's going on!"

Quinn's surprise was no small feat.

If you are facing a Star Level Martial Artist of the same level, it is understandable that the field becomes unstable due to being attacked during the battle, because this may be Quinn facing the Star Level Martial Artist. Level Martial Artist is more powerful than him, and under the interference of the domain, it may cause his domain control to be affected.

But of course Chu Nan is impossible to be a Star Level Martial Artist, he is impossible to master the realm at all, and even more impossible to interfere to get Quinn's realm.

But it happened.

With one punch, Quinn's domain space fluctuated obviously, and even was almost hit by a huge gap by Chu Nan forcibly.

Although he didn't understand how this situation came about, Quinn's response was still very fast, quickly re-manipulating the space energy generation field, and making up and stabilizing the space in that field.

But at the same time as he was doing this, Chu Nan had already flashed, came under Quinn's body, and was punched out again.

The energy fluctuations in this fist are not stronger than the punch just now, but it is even more weird. Quinn immediately sensed that the domain space below was damaged by a more obvious shock, which instantly made him Lost more control over the domain space.

"This is impossible!" Quinn roared inwardly.

This kid is just a trifling Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, how could he shake the field he laid down?

However, whether Quinn was willing to accept it or not, Chu Nan's movements continued.

As Chu Nan's figure keeps flashing, each punch is just selected at the weakest place in Quinn's field, and the energy fluctuations are constantly changing. The destruction is also getting stronger.

Because his own strength has not been greatly improved in an instant, Quinn's control of the domain has not changed. After each enhancement to make up for the control of the domain space destroyed by Chu Nan, it is necessary to weaken the control of the other one. The control of the domain space, so he gradually found that he was almost carrying out a futile move of tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall, and the speed of repairing was gradually unable to keep up with the speed of being destroyed by Chu Nan.

Quinn soon discovers that his control of the realm has been completely out of step with Chu Nan's destruction.

He...is about to take it anymore.

After clearly sensing this, Quinn didn't have time to feel angry and incredulous, because he knew very well that the previous battle between the two had shown that there were only two holes he could suppress Chu Nan, One is the domain, and the other is the Divine Art.

Now, because of the meridian's damage, he is unlikely to continue to use the Red Lotus Divine Art. If the realm is also completely destroyed, then he may really have nothing to do with Chu Nan, or even... Will in turn be suppressed by Chu Nan.

This is something he absolutely cannot accept, and it is also a risk he is unwilling to take, so he decisively makes a change - compressing the field.

Quin's thoughts move, originally centered on him, the super-large collar space with a radius of more than hundreds of kilometers widened rapidly, and turned into a small space with a radius of only about ten kilometers.

With his current ability, when the domain expands the maximum control range, there will indeed be insufficient control of some domain space, but as it is now compressed into such a small range, he has enough. Confidence will take full control.

Although it seems too cowardly to take the initiative to make this change, at this time, Quinn is also reluctant to talk about those meaningless face-saving things.

Feeling such a clear change, Chu Nan laughed.

"senior, it seems that you haven't discovered it yet, the reason why I was able to destroy your domain is not just because you have a problem with your domain, but... I discovered your domain The core element of it."

While the sound entered Quinn's ears through spatial energy fluctuations, Chu Nan was already approaching hundreds of kilometers in an instant, punched out again, and directly hit Quinn's reduced field.


Although there was no actual sound coming out, the violent spatial vibration directly generated a powerful rumbling sound in Quinn’s ears, along with the sound. A violent and extremely high-frequency frenzied vibration sound almost made his head tremble frantically.

If it weren't for the powerful fleshy body of the Star Level Martial Artist, even his brain would be tempering so tenacious, this one would almost shatter his entire head.

Quinn was extremely horrified to find that under Chu Nan this fist, the entire field he currently controls had violent fluctuations at the same time. That extremely special energy fluctuation is driven, and at the same time produces extremely high frequency vibration.

Under such high-frequency vibrations, he almost lost control of the entire field at once, almost completely disintegrating the field.

Quinn was even more horrified.

This kid is obviously not a Star Level Martial Artist, but why is he able to launch such a terrifying attack on his own field?

He's even... able to break through his own realm directly!

Although Chu Nan was blasted out due to the natural counterattack force of the domain, spurt a mouthful of blood, and seemed to be injured a lot, but Quinn knew very well that with Chu Nan's extremely terrifying recovery ability, this was a problem. A little injury is nothing to him, and he will surely return in a swirl of dust soon.

Thinking of this, Quinn suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Seeing Chu Nan re-stabilizing his body in the distant space, and starting to emerge strong milk white radiance, apparently recovering from the damage as before, Quinn suddenly clenched the teeth and turned around Go, take one step, but directly escape into the different dimension.

next moment, Quinn has appeared somewhere on the surface of the Landis star, quietly restraining his body's breath and disappearing his whereabouts.

He escaped!

Chu Nan obviously didn't expect Quinn to take the initiative to run away. After seeing his action, he couldn't help but stunned. When he chased after him, he had completely lost any traces of energy fluctuations left by Quinn. , naturally impossible to trace the past.

He froze for a while while Quinn escaped into the alien space and took out space, and couldn't help but hook the head.

It's such a pity to meet such a suitable opponent with such great difficulty, but not to be able to fully enjoy it.

Quinn obviously only broke through the Great Dao of Stars Soon, there are obvious problems with both his Star Level Martial Artist ability and his control of the field, far less than any Chu Nan encountered before. A Star Level Martial Artist is so sophisticated and powerful, which gave Chu Nan a lot of opportunities.

That is, through the fight with Quinn, Chu Nan got the best chance to directly explore the mysteries of the field at close range.

Through constant exploration and exploration in Quinn's apparently imperfect domain space, Chu Nan obtained a lot of data about the domain, which gave him a very good help in understanding the domain.

It's just a pity that Quinn ran away as soon as she noticed something was wrong.

If you can give more time for Chu Nan to investigate, or cooperate with some Chu Nan, then Chu Nan's harvest today will definitely be more abundant.

"Hey, it's rare to see such a weak Star Level Martial Artist. Next time I want to meet such a suitable one, I don't know when I will go." Chu Nan shook his head and sighed in his heart, Looking left and right, thinking of the agreement with the Elder Council, he flew quickly to the surface of Landis.

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