Seeing that although Chu Nan was severely injured and vomited blood, he was always able to recover quickly and continued to fight with full of energy. Quinn became more and more impatient.

The increasingly obvious stinging pain in his body also clearly told him that he could not drag it on.

Quinn gave Chu Nan a fiercely look in the distance, clenched the teeth hard, and suddenly a more violent red light erupted from his body.

Different from the red light he used before using the red lotus flame Divine Art, now these red lights seem to be leaking from every pore on his body, turning his whole body into a blush.

This is a high-level use of the Red Lotus Flame Divine Art, equivalent to activating the power of his fleshy body, the increased power will be more terrifying than before, but it will bring the fleshy body The burden is also more terrifying.

At the same time as the red light came out, Quinn felt the stinging pain from his body instantly intensified, and he almost couldn't help groaning.

He forced himself to hold back the terrifying pain that seemed to have tens of thousands of needles pierced into the depths of his body at the same time, but the expression on his face had become extremely terrifying.

His eyes were very round, and the eyeballs seemed to pop out of their sockets. Under the shroud of red light, the whole person seemed to have turned into a demon from hell in an instant.

"Kid, die!"

Quinn shouted out loudly, and the sound wave came out, which naturally caused a violent vibration of space energy, and the whole different space rolled for a while, even more The black gas that was several times thicker rushed towards Chu Nan like a huge wave.

There is no need to feel carefully, just from this amazing momentum, Chu Nan has already sensed the danger.

But he didn't plan to just avoid it, but suddenly his body flashed, but he cleverly used the gap to escape out of the realm, and then he didn't escape, but held his breath, Inner Breath circulates wildly, completes five turns in an instant, and then throws a punch.

The violent space energy in the different space around him immediately seemed to be stimulated by something, and suddenly became more crazy than before. This madness also seemed to be contagious, quickly sending more violent The space energy was brought in, and a storm had been formed in an instant.

This terrifying space energy storm collided head-on with Quinn's rich black energy. Although the storm subsided quickly under the powerful effect of the Obliteration Core Technique, the rich black energy It also faded away a lot, and when he really fell in front of Chu Nan, it had become extremely thin and naturally did not pose too much threat to Chu Nan.

Quinn stared at Chu Nan with wide eyes, the surprise in his heart almost made him cry out.

How is this possible!

This is the strongest blow after he has fully run the Red Lotus Flame Divine Art, this kid actually took it so hard!

When he was outside in the positive space universe, he obviously couldn't take such a blow at all!

Quinn really didn't get it wrong, if it is in the positive space universe, Chu Nan is indeed impossible to take over, but in the other space it is another matter.

This fist just now is that he used his previous experience to deliberately mobilize the violent attribute of the energy of the different space, making it more violent and raging. From the attribute point of view, he just restrained the Obliteration Core Technique.

The formidable power of this fist caused even the Marr Venerable, who had no strength to suffer, to suffer a loss. Now, when it comes to Quinn, who is far less powerful than Marr's Venerable, of course, the effect is remarkable.

Quinn's eyelids twitched suddenly.

The stinging pain inside the meridian was even worse than before, and he couldn't delay any longer.

Quinn's figure flashed, and he had already crossed the large space and came directly to Chu Nan. The realm enveloped Chu Nan again, and the black air rolled, covering almost all the different spaces that naked eyes could see. .

After all, he's a real Star Level Martial Artist. With his full strength, even if Chu Nan can react, he can't keep up with his movements, but he can't completely dodge this attack, and he can't do it instantly. He mobilized enough energy in the different space and violent space, and was immediately severely injured by Quinn's blow.

But under the dual action of the Fire of Life cultivation technique and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, his injury improved in an instant, and it also bought him enough space and time to deal with Quinn's next attack.

So under Quinn's fierce attack like howling wind and torrential rain, Chu Nan couldn't fully respond to every attack, but he was always able to find a suitable recovery time for himself. It was extremely thrilling and reluctant, but in fact, it persisted without any real fatal damage.

In comparison, the situation on Quinn's side was getting worse.

The stinging pain from the meridian is getting more and more intense, and gradually it has begun to affect the operation of his Inner Breath in the meridian, and even the Inner Breath is starting to run a little less smoothly.

This situation shows that his field is becoming more and more unstable, and even the Obliteration Core Technique transforming the violent energy of different space into black energy has become difficult, and Chu Nan's attack on formidable power begins a little bit. decline.

After launching another powerful attack, Quinn suddenly shuddered slightly, and his face changed suddenly.

Just now when he tried his best to activate the Red Lotus Divine Art, he clearly felt that the flow of Inner Breath in one of the secondary meridians had stopped flowing.

That secondary meridian... actually broke!

This time, I was caught off guard. Although Quinn's body was constantly being stimulated by the red lotus flame Divine Art, the Inner Breath circulated at a super high speed. The entire Inner Breath was running erratically. Fortunately, it was not the first time he used the Red Lotus Divine Art, nor was it the first time he encountered a similar situation. He immediately reacted, and quickly forcibly restrained the Inner Breath and stopped the Red Lotus Fury at the same time. Flame Divine Art, all the red lights on the body were put away, and the black air tumbling in the field also subsided.

This time the attack naturally lost most of its formidable power and was easily taken over by Chu Nan.

He turned his head and looked towards Quinn, who was shrouded in black air in the distance. Although he couldn't see Quinn's face clearly, the sudden change in the attack just now made him very clear about the current situation. condition.

The guy on the other side can't hold it anymore.

After a while, the black energy that had been shrouded in the large space around Chu Nan suddenly gradually subsided, and soon disappeared, revealing Quinn hiding inside.

At this time, the red light on his body subsided, the black energy subsided, and even the field had completely retracted. After meeting Chu Nan's gaze, he nodded to him, and soundly transmitted to him: " Boy, it's pointless to continue this battle, I've been playing with you for so long, it's time to go."

Leave this sentence, Quinn body moved, and it's already broken. The wall of space, returned to the positive space universe, and flew towards the surface of the Landis star.

But just as he flew out, the silhouette in front of him flashed, and Chu Nan had come back from the different dimension and stood in front of him.

"Senior, you promised well just now that you will only leave after I have gained enough insight." Chu Nan smiled and sent Quinn's sound transmission. "Junior hasn't realized enough yet. Wouldn't you break your promise if you just left?"

Quinn brows frowned: "You mean you're not satisfied, so I don't want to leave?"

"Hey, Junior didn't say that. But Junior is on the verge of getting an important insight, and you're leaving now, isn't it too kind?"

Quinn snorted heavily: "I can leave if I want, do I still need your consent?"

After saying that, he no longer paid attention to Chu Nan, and continued to face Lantis Fly in the direction of the star.

Chu Nan's figure flickered, but he was actually blocking him again.

Quin's complexion changed, with a dangerous light in his eyes: "Boy, do you really want to die?"

"It doesn't seem to be senior, you have the final say." Chu Nan smiled slightly and punched Quinn unceremoniously.

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