


Lan In the space outside the Tiss star, the powerful space energy fluctuations caused by the violent collision will quickly transmit the huge sound caused by the collision.

The terrifying space energy fluctuations cooperate with the sound waves to shake the large cosmic space to nearly shatter. A large number of densely packed Space Cracks are almost filled with large cosmic space, almost endless, naked eye visible The astonishing different space and violent space energy surged out, almost turning this large space into a purgatory.

However, these violent space energies did not vent too far. It didn't take long for them to come out, and they collided with a strong black qi. They were quickly appeased by the black qi and merged into the black qi. .

The black gas is getting thicker and thicker, and the area covered by it is getting bigger and bigger.

If you look carefully, you will find that all the black gas-affected spaces are completely different from the surrounding normal positive space universe, as if forcibly a piece of space has been cut off from this large space.

Yes, this is the power of the realm.

Quinn's realm is fully open, and he has brought this large cosmic space into his own realm control. The Obliteration Core Technique is even more fully activated, and all parts of the entire space are completely under his control. Down.

No... a small piece is missing.

Quinn has been frowned all the time, concentratingly sensing the silhouette that has been exuding brilliant white radiance in the rich black air in the realm, and is puzzled.

This kid, can't he run out of space energy in his fleshy body?

Chu Nan promised not to run away, so he really stopped running away. After the two started fighting again, even if Quinn opened up the realm to include Chu Nan in the realm, Chu Nan would no longer fight as if he had just started fighting. That way, he always finds a space to escape, but just stays in the realm and deals with Quinn.

Quin originally thought that this kid was so arrogant, he would definitely be able to easily deal with him, but didn't expect Chu Nan to still be alive and kicking in the field, and he didn't seem to be defeated after so long, but instead It was he who gradually discovered that there was nothing he could do with Chu Nan.

This is also something that makes Quinn feel very incredible.

It stands to reason that he has already broken through to become a Star Level Martial Artist. As long as the field is opened, in addition to other Star Level Martial Artists who also have the field to rely on the field to fight against him, the Martial Artist below the Star Level Martial Artist They are completely restrained by the realm, because they can't mobilize and absorb any space energy in the realm, and naturally there is no chance of rivalry.

But Chu Nan is like a slippery loach in Quinn's field. It's been so long that I haven't seen any hard work.

It is said that in the realm, Chu Nan wants to do this, only by consuming the inner space energy of his fleshy body, but it has been so long, his speed has not slowed down, and he is fighting back. The strength has not weakened in the slightest, which is really strange...

Seeing that Quinn avoided his fatal blow again, and had a backhand counterattack, Quinn frowned even more , there was a trace of anger in his heart.

As a powerful Star Level Martial Artist, it is a shame that Chu Nan, a trifling Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, has not been able to deal with Chu Nan for such a long time in a head-to-head match!

He hesitated for a moment, and decided to stop worrying so much. When his mind changed, a brilliant red light appeared on his body, but he activated the Divine Art once again.

Although I don't know why, it's clear that he can't take Chu Nan without using the Divine Art.

Even if the situation inside the fleshy body has reminded him that continuing the Red Lotus Divine Art may cause damage to the meridian, but now, in order to be able to deal with Chu Nan, he doesn't care so much.

As soon as the Red Lotus Furious Flame Divine Art is launched, the formidable power is immediately manifested, the power of the field is greatly enhanced in an instant, and the effect of the Obliteration Core Technique is also greatly increased. It was just as flexible in the field just now. A loach's Chu Nan movement was immediately sluggish, and even Quinn's attack could not be completely avoided. After a heavy blow, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Ha, this damn boy, this time I'll let you run away from nowhere!"

Seeing Chu Nan's injury, Quinn laughed heartily, and was about to test the pressure again , but suddenly felt a tingling pain in the body.

Although this stinging pain is still only equivalent to acupuncture, it is much more obvious and stronger than the stinging pain just now, which proves that his meridian can no longer bear the red lotus fury Divine Art. The overload brought on by him was slightly damaged because of the blow just now.

Quinn's brows furrowed, but seeing white radiance emerging from Chu Nan's body in the distance, he didn't intend to hesitate any longer, and continued to activate the Divine Art of Red Lotus, and once again greeted Chu Nan. Launch a powerful attack.

He knew very well that Chu Nan had a very special recovery ability. If Chu Nan was given a little time to recover, then he would have lost all his achievements, so even if he knew it was wrong, he didn't plan to worry about anything.

Quinn has a great red light on his body, and the red lotus fury Divine Art activates even more intensely than before, but Quinn intends to really use all his strength to do it quickly.

However, when he manipulated the Inner Breath to drive the extremely amazing space energy in the field to launch a fatal blow on Chu Nan, he suddenly found that Chu Nan suddenly burst out with milk that was several times stronger than before. white radiance, then punched out to the void in front of you.

An obvious Space Crack appeared in front of him, Chu Nan body moved, actually got into the Space Crack, and was disappeared!

Quinn couldn't help but startled.

This kid... actually has the ability to break through the walls of space, and he is actually going into a different dimension now?

But this kid is just a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. If he really wants to get into another dimension, wouldn't he be courting death himself?


Quinn suddenly reacted. According to some information about this kid from the clan, although this kid is only a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, the fleshy body has obviously undergone special tempering and is capable of The ability to survive alone in a different space is completely different from the ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

Thinking of this, Quinn frowned, thoughts move, but also directly broke the wall of space and entered the different space.

He was very worried that the hesitation just now gave Chu Nan a chance to escape into the different space, but when he entered the different space, he found that Chu Nan was floating not far away, It seemed to be waiting for him to chase in.

"You didn't run away?" Quinn asked Chu Nan sound transmission in surprise.

"I promised senior that I wouldn't run away this time." Chu Nan smiled. "This time I'm hiding in another dimension just to avoid the limelight, senior, you can't let me even hide in battle, right?"

Quinn waved his hand, too lazy to talk to Chu Nan After thinking so much about these small issues, Chu Nan seems to have no intention of leaving the different space, sneered, and activates the realm again.

The realm has instantly covered a large area of alien space, but Chu Nan is useless at all, allowing himself to be shrouded in the realm.

Quinn sneered in his heart.

This kid probably doesn't know that for the Obliteration Core Technique, it is the easiest place to exert formidable power in different spaces.

He is dead!

Quinn didn't notice at all. Facing his powerful attack, Chu Nan, who was shrouded in the field at this time, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a strange smile as if he had succeeded in a trick.

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