Topol City, the second largest city in the northern hemisphere of Landis, today is bright sun and a gentle breeze, which is a rarely seen excellent weather in recent days.

Chu Nan stretched, walked out of the hotel room, stepped on the wide balcony outside, and stretched hard against the bright starlight rising in the morning.

It has been thirteen days since he left the special prison where he was detained by the Elder Council. Last night, he finally had time to sleep well, and now he naturally feels refreshed when he wakes up.

Although with his current fleshy body strength, he simply doesn't need to rely on sleep to recover like an ordinary person, but in these thirteen days every day all the spirits are tense, and it is not easy to be able to get in a suitable place and have A good night's sleep in a spare time is also a very rare enjoyment for him, at least it can help him get a short period of soothing for his highly concentrated spirit.

After stretching, Chu Nan looked back at the situation in the room behind him. Seeing those luxurious facilities, the counten's face suddenly flashed across his mind, revealing a wisp of ignorance. Not a wry smile.

If he didn't get one million dinars from the count of Viscan, he wouldn't say he has money to live in such a high-level luxury hotel, even the basic board and lodging in the past few days. be a problem.

The consumption level of Topper City is far higher than he imagined. Just relying on the little money he brought before going to the garden hunting party is not enough for him to use it for so many days.

Without the million dinars, he might be waking up in a nook on a street corner by now.

There is no way, who made him now the public enemy of the Declan Imperial Family, even if he wants to earn some money anywhere, it is impossible.

It was very strange for him to find such a hotel willing to host him and let him stay.

Speaking of this, he was actually very curious, what is the background of this guy's hotel? Not worried at all about meeting the wrath of those Imperial Family younger generation?

"Chu Nan!"

The far end of the balcony suddenly remembered a loud shout full of anger and murder, interrupting Chu Nan's reverie.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a young man in his twenties floating in the sky outside the high-rise building of the hotel, looking here with a dead eye. Stare at Chu Nan.

"I just woke up, these guys are really positive..."

Chu Nan sighed, the Inner Breath circulated, the figure flashed, and flew there instantly In front of the person, he looked at each other helplessly.

"If you want to duel with me, report your name."

The man pointed to a special mark on his chest, raised his head slightly, lightly snorted: "Koulik Noah Wolkins...Declan"

This man gave a very long name, but the last suffix became Declan.

With the special mark on his chest representing the Declan Imperial Family, it is enough to prove that he should be a standard Declan Imperial Family.

Chu Nan listened patiently to his name, and felt even more helpless.

How come all these Declan Imperial Family have this virtue, don't they think it's too long if they have to report their full name as soon as they come up?

"That...Coulik Noah Volkins...Declan, you should know the rules, right?"

The Declan Imperial Family with a very long name was stunned. For a moment, I obviously didn't expect that Chu Nan would remember his full name just after listening to it once.

Then he raised his eyebrows, coldly snorted.

"Rules? What other rules can there be in a duel? Of course, we all depend on our ability, and we don't care about life or death."

"It's good that you know." Chu Nan shrugged and made a move at the opponent. waved. "Come on then, Kulik Well... Forget it, I'm fine with calling you Prince Kulik, right?"

"Whatever you want to call me, you won't have a chance to call me by my name anyway. !"

Prince Kulik, whose name was forcibly shrunk by Chu Nan, raised his eyebrows, his aura skyrocketed, and he suddenly revealed a strong black air, but it was the Obliteration Core Technique that launched it with all his strength, looking towards him unceremoniously. Chu Nan attacked with all his strength.

However, Chu Nan did not confront immediately, but flickered and flew straight to the direction outside Topur City.

Prince Kulik was stunned, loudly shouted: "What? Do you want to run away?"

"Run away, don't you think it's bad to fight in the city? ?" Chu Nan complied, still quickly flying out of the city.

Prince Kulik, frowned, hurried to catch up.

Twenty minutes later, in the mountains outside Topur City.


Prince Kulik's body quickly fell from the sky and smashed heavily on a hill. The huge impact was actually smashing the hill directly. It had to be dented, and the top of the mountain was forcibly shorter.

Chu Nan then fell down and kicked Prince Kulik's chest with one foot. Prince Kulik's chest cracked for a while, and he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood, which was even mixed with With a few pieces of internal organs.

Prince Kulik looks pale, his breath is disordered, and his only Energy Shield was completely shattered by Chu Nan's attack. Now he has completely lost any ability to counterattack, and even cannot move even a little bit.

Chu Nan was about to raise his foot and step on it again, when a rushing mechanical sound suddenly sounded in the sky above his head.

Looking up, a small low-altitude hovering shuttle was coming at high speed and stopped overhead.

"Stop!" A mournful voice was uploaded from the hovering shuttle. "If you dare to kill him, our Volkins family will never end with you!"

Chu Nan raised the corners of his mouth, twisting the ankle that was about to land on Prince Kulik's chest, The toes turned to protrude under Prince Kulik, his ankles shook again, and the insteps exerted a little force, which lifted Prince Kulik's limp body into the air, and then he suddenly took a step back and assumed a football-like posture. , right leg threw away, right foot fiercely kicked on the back of Prince Kulik.


Prince Kulik's body made an astonishing muffled sound, and the whole person immediately flew up like a football, just flying to the in midair ship. Next to the suspension shuttle.

The hatch of the hovering shuttle opened, and a middle-aged man who looked like Prince Kulik had several points of flew out from it, took Prince Kulik, and glared at Chu Nan viciously on the ground. at a glance.

"Damn boy! If anything happens to Kulik, our Volkins family must make you pay a painful price!"

Chu Nan remain unmoved, smiling at him waved.

"If you're worried about Prince Kulik's accident, I advise you to take him to the hospital right now."

middle-aged man snorted heavily, hugging Kulik Prince Rick got back into the suspension shuttle.

The suspension shuttle started immediately and flew quickly towards the direction of Topur City.

There is the best hospital in the northern hemisphere of Lantis Star. Although Prince Kulik's injury is serious, with the medical level of Declan Empire Peak, there should be no major accident.

Watching the hovering shuttle vanish into the sky, the smile on Chu Nan's face disappeared, sighed.

Grimmane Your Majesty... You are really uneasy and kind.

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