Prince Taglo frowned at Chu Nan, his eyes dignified, and his expression filled with uncontrollable admiration.

Chu Nan's first attempt to use the myriad forms Tianluo net brought out the network cable that can only be said to barely exert the characteristics of the cultivation technique of the myriad forms Tianluo net cultivation technique, but it was enough to surprise him. Because although it is rough, it can be said to be a real myriad forms Tianluo net cultivation technique, which proves that Chu Nan has actually grasped the core of this cultivation technique.

And what really made him didn't expect and admire him was that in every subsequent attempt, Chu Nan's performance had improved significantly.

It has only been less than ten minutes since Chu Nan started to try it. At least in terms of appearance, the big net he weaved has already been used by Prince Taglo himself in myriad forms. The woven web is almost indistinguishable.

Of course, just the appearance does not mean that he has mastered this cultivation technique.

Prince Taglo released his senses and carefully swept through the space covered by the huge net woven by Chu Nan.

The fact that once again amazes him is discovered.

In the space shrouded by the giant net, he did not sense any special spatial energy fluctuations, not even the slightest bit of violent spatial energy from different dimensions!

Prince Taglo couldn't help widening his eyes, and glanced at Chu Nan with great surprise.

He can be sure that the giant net woven by Chu Nan has cut through the wall of space and released the violent space energy of different dimensions, so now he can't sense these violent space energy, isn't it? It means that Chu Nan has been able to perfectly suppress these violent space energy in those network cables?

If Chu Nan has really achieved this, it can be said that he has indeed mastered this cultivation technique!

Prince Taglo, frowned, flickered, came to the giant net, and photographed one against the blue light net.

It just seems meaningless. If the violent space energy guided from the different space can't be perfectly controlled in those blue network cables, then this giant net is just a flower stand , Naturally, it is impossible to say that you have mastered this cultivation technique.



Prince Taglo's palm fell, and as soon as he touched the giant net, the giant The blue light on the Internet produced a strange vibration, emitting a light blue light from the top, as if a lot of blue powders had been shaken off this line, it looked really good.

Then a strange, high-pitched rubbing sound came from Prince Tagloh's palm and where the light hit, as if Prince Tagloh was holding a piece of metal in his palm and was working with a metal wire. Intense friction in general.

Feeling the violent but frantic high-speed vibration of energy fluctuations in the palm of his hand, Prince Taglo started, quickly retracted his palms and stepped back, looking towards Chu Nan with a strange expression.

"Boy, what's going on?"

If he used the myriad forms Tianluo net, then these blue nets contained the deliberately suppressed violent energy of different space. At the moment of being touched, it is instantly stimulated, and the enemy is immediately attacked by the energy intensity of the violent space equivalent to several times the different space itself, and the lethality is amazing.

But when he slapped the blue light cast by Chu Nan with his palm just now, the rage of space energy he sensed from it proved that they were undoubtedly guided out of the different space, and it also proved that Chu Nan has indeed mastered the core of the myriad forms cultivation technique, cutting the wall of space directly, but the intensity of the violent space contained in the blue light is obviously insufficient, and at the same time, it has the characteristics of extremely strange high-frequency vibration. The lethality is not weak at all.

"This is impossible." Chu Nan shrugged and said helplessly with a smile: "Your Royal Highness, you are the Star Level Martial Artist you want the most, of course you can manipulate those characters in the other dimension at will. I don't have the ability to terrifying the violent space energy, so I can only borrow it and slightly change the characteristics of the myriad forms Tianluo net to synchronize it with the violent energy of the different space, which can not only restrain these violent space energies well , can also improve formidable power. This is a small improvement based on my own conditions, what do you think?"

"This is actually what you did on purpose?" Prince Taglo looked towards Chu Nan's eyes were even more shocked.

He thought it was an omission and weak spot caused by Chu Nan's failure to really master myriad forms and this cultivation technique, but now listening to Chu Nan's explanation, he found that Chu Nan did it deliberately. changes.

And when you think about it, you will find that Chu Nan is definitely not talking nonsense, trying to fool the past.

The gap between him and Prince Tagelo is real, and it is impossible to make up for it in such a short time. If he wants to use the full version of myriad forms Tianluo Wang like Prince Taglo, It is simply impossible for a strong man, absolutely impossible.

But Chu Nan has now adopted such a method to make improvements, using an ingenious method of amplification, so that the formidable power of the myriad forms Tianluo Net has not been weakened in the slightest!

After thinking about this, and thinking about the strange fluctuation of space energy that I felt when I patted my palm just now, even with the rich experience and power of Prince Taglo as a Star Level Martial Artist, Couldn't help but be amazed.

"Speaking of which, Your Royal Highness, don't you think that I haven't mastered myriad forms properly because of my inability to make changes?" Chu Nan asked back.

Prince Tagloshshook the head and rushed Chu Nan beckons with the hand.

"Try it again and you'll know."


Chu Nan agreed, thoughts move, the inner breath circulated in the body, and a large area of the whole body The space energy in the space surged at the same time, and it condensed into dozens of bright blue rays of light in an instant. Starting from his body, it extended to the west in all directions. In a moment, the wall of the space had been cut open, forming a bright and severe, but implicit. Dangerous gigantic webs.

Seeing this scene, Prince Taglo's eyebrows twitched involuntarily.

When Chu Nan was experimenting with this cultivation technique just now, he could only extend the rays of light to form a giant net, but now that he tried again, he was able to mobilize so many rays of light at once. , instantly interwoven into a web.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have doubted that this was the first time he came into contact with this cultivation technique today, and he was more like a veteran who had been practicing this cultivation technique for many years.

"This kid's innate talent is really too terrifying."

Prince Taglo sighed in his heart, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the giant net again.

The situation in the field now is completely opposite to when the test started.

At the beginning of this test, Prince Taglo released the myriad forms Tianluo net, Chu Nan kept actively attacking like a moth to the fire, and now Chu Nan has released a giant net, changing Became the Prince of Taglo who kept attacking.

The trend of offense and defense has been reversed.

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