The light of Zhanblue is densely packed and intertwined. There is a large net on the outside, but inside it is wrapped in layers by layers of smaller and denser light nets. Nan and Prince Taglo surrounded the center.

Compared to the previous time when the two fought, Prince Taglo seemed to be controlling a king to capture the "small insect" of Chu Nan. The current situation is more like a giant silkworm cocoon. The two were extremely tightly trapped in it, and it was obviously much more difficult to get out than before.

However, this image just looks dangerous. In fact, Prince Taglo strictly abides by his promise, and does not touch any light on Chu Nan, but keeps "weaving". "With the optical network, the density of the optical network is strictly controlled. Every time there is one more blue light, one is reduced at the same time, and the "cocoon" has been maintained in a stable form.

This not only fully demonstrates Prince Taglo's super understanding and application of this cultivation technique, but also proves that he is not just pressing the palms of Chu Nan together, but is using On the basis of myriad forms Tianluo runs Inner Breath and Chu Nan directly recklessly.

It stands to reason that the situation of directly using Inner Breath to fight recklessly like this will not last for too long in a formal battle, because once any two Martial Artists reach the point where they can directly use Inner Breath to fight recklessly, That usually means that the battle has reached the most intense and dangerous moment, not compelled by circumstances, and no Martial Artist would take such a risky approach.

But Prince Taglo apologized to Chu Nan for breaking his promise in public just now, so he deliberately and carefully maintained the operation of Inner Breath, trying to control it to the same level as Chu Nan, and tried to delay this for a while. Time, let Chu Nan test his Inner Breath operation for a longer time.

This is actually a big taboo for any Martial Artist, because the Inner Breath confrontation is simple but direct, and contains extremely dangerous terrifying, a little carelessness may lead to a signed to eternal damnation .

However, as a famous Star Level Martial Artist in the Declan Imperial Family, Prince Tagloh's true strength far exceeds that of Chu Nan, and his age advantage makes his Inner Breath strength far less than that of Chu Nan. It can be achieved, but I don't worry about this problem.

Now, instead of failing Chu Nan's test, he is more curious about whether Chu Nan really has the ability to learn the myriad forms Tianluo net cultivation technique that he is best at just through this method.

The phrase Chu Nan said just now, "no matter any cultivation technique, is just a game of permuting and combining the use of Inner Breath and the use of space energy" left a deep impression on him. I don't think Chu Nan is joking and completely bragging, because the previous 81 tests have fully proved Chu Nan's ability, so he would like to see if Chu Nan can do the same in an S-Rank cultivation technique Prove it.

And in the direct confrontation between the two Inner Breath... or in the communication, Prince Taglo can also understand Chu Nan true strength more clearly.

With this contact, the evaluation of Chu Nan in his heart instantly increased significantly.

During the direct Inner Breath contact between the two, Prince Taglo could sense very clearly that Chu Nan's Inner Breath could change significantly in an extreme time, and even completely changed in a blink of an eye. It gave him a completely different feeling.

This surprised him very much, because a Martial Artist's Inner Breath is closely related to the cultivation technique he uses, Chu Nan's Inner Breath changes so quickly and accurately, which proves that Chu Nan at least has mastered it. There are quite a variety of Inner Breath running cultivation techniques.

Different from most Martial Artists who can master multiple external martial skills, in Inner Breath cultivation technique, because of the particularity of Inner Breath, usually overwhelming majority Martial Artists can only master one Inner Breath cultivation technique. In the cultivation technique of Inner Breath, there are only a few cultivation techniques that complement the Inner Breath cultivation technique. There will never be any Martial Artist who will try to master multiple cultivation techniques, because it consumes too much time and energy. , on the contrary, it is greatly detrimental to the improvement of strength.

But now Chu Nan has shown at least 20 different Inner Breath circulation methods in a short period of time, and any of them are extremely skilled, and there is absolutely no Inner Breath disorder. His appearance proves that his understanding and mastery of this cultivation technique are extraordinary.

This made Prince Tagelo very curious.

Chu Nan is obviously just a 20-year-old young Martial Artist, no matter how strong his innate talent is, he shouldn't have so much time to cultivate so many different Inner Breaths and run cultivation techniques.

Could it be that...he has really reached the point where he sees all cultivation techniques as a game?

The Inner Breath surging in Chu Nan's palm suddenly weakened, and Prince Taglo also weakened the Inner Breath immediately.

The two instantly understood each other's meaning, and after a while, the Inner Breath was restrained at the same time, and the densely packed myriad forms that enveloped the two of them also retracted, and the two palms separated.

Chu Nan took a step back and bowed to Prince Tagello to give a salute.

"many thanks, His Royal Highness for guidance."

Prince Taglo looked at Chu Nan intently, and the question just now was still circling in his mind, he just called the head.

"No, I didn't give you any special advice. If you have any insights, it's your own business."

In front of so many people from the same family, he couldn't admit it He was deliberately pointing out Chu Nan, otherwise he would surely be resented by many of his fellow clansmen.

even more how he really didn't give any pointers, the Inner Breath confrontation between the two just now was real.

Chu Nan laughed, didn't bother about this issue, pondered for a while, and said to Prince Taglo: "His Royal Highness, can you give me a moment to think about it?"

Prince Taglo made a gesture of please.

"You're welcome, it's just a test anyway."


Chu Nan is not polite, step down and fly back After a distance, he stood there, lowered his head, and pondered.

The direct confrontation with Prince Taglo's Inner Breath just now has allowed him to fully collect the data about the Inner Breath when running the myriad forms, and now all he has to do is connect the Inner Breath with the outside space. The energies are perfectly combined, and more importantly, how to precisely cut the wall of space like this cultivation technique in myriad forms, without letting the violent space energy of the different space erupt completely at once, but cleverly Confined to the blue rays of the net of myriad forms.

This requires a lot of calculation and deduction. Even if he has a powerful brain like a lightbrain, it will take a certain amount of time.

But as Prince Tagello said, this is just a test, not a life and death battle, and he still has plenty of time to calculate and think.

Of course, if it's a life and death battle, Chu Nan can withdraw temporarily and come back after he has completely cracked this cultivation technique.

In comparison, now because of the time limit of the test, it will be more urgent for him.

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