Prince Taglo looked at Chu Nan in surprise.

Myriad forms Tianluo Net is of course not such a simple cultivation technique. Even if Chu Nan escapes temporarily, he can completely change his mind and re-weave a large net to cover Chu Nan again.

But when Chu Nan punched the light net just now, he sensed that the energy fluctuations from Chu Nan's fist were very special, so that he could not maintain the net line at that moment, and was blocked by Chu Nan. Nan forcibly breakdown escape.

Although it was only a moment, it was enough to surprise him.

Since his cultivation technique Great Accomplishment, as long as the S-Rank cultivation technique of myriad forms is used, unless the opponent is far stronger than his opponent can he forcibly break the myriad forms. In addition, most of the other opponents try to dodge as much as possible, but most of them can't escape the pursuit of the myriad forms, and they are waiting to die.

But Chu Nan's strength is undoubtedly far worse than him. Even if he didn't use all his strength, Chu Nan would never be able to break through violently with hard power alone, and in that blow just now, He also didn't sense particularly powerful energy fluctuations from Chu Nan's fist, even unexpectedly weak.

But under such weak energy fluctuations, the myriad forms Tianluo net could not support itself, so that the energy light that condensed and maintained the entire net collapsed naturally, allowing Chu Nan to escape like this .

Such a cracking method, of course, does not rely on force, but more on skill. did this kid break through with his skill?

Myriad forms is a real S-Rank cultivation technique. As a Star Level Martial Artist, he has a deep enough understanding of this cultivation technique. Why is this kid only using it for such a short period of time? Time cracked?

Although Chu Nan in the distance managed to escape the shroud of the myriad forms, the expression on his face did not show much relief. On the contrary, he frowned as deeply as Prince Taglo.

He did break the myriad forms, but the current test is not to let him break the cultivation technique, but to let him master this cultivation technique.

However, in the constant testing just now, he finally figured out one thing through the detailed spatial energy fluctuation data through hundreds of direct contact probes.

This myriad forms looks like a normal cultivation technique that uses the Inner Breath to stimulate space energy to form a special effect, but it's actually not the case at all!

After the myriad forms are generated, the densely packed blue rays of light gathered into the net are not simply formed by the condensation of space energy.

In the hundreds of direct strikes just now, and more importantly, in the several direct explorations with the fleshy body, Chu Nan clearly sensed the violent space energy from the different space from the blue light!

No mistakes.

Chu Nan lightbrain The average brain will never judge these precise data wrong, the blue light looks extremely stable, and even the spatial energy in the surrounding space has no effect at all, but it What it contains, but it is clearly the kind of extremely special violent space energy that only different dimensions have!

This cultivation technique is worthy of being the S-Rank cultivation technique. It can actually control the violent space energy from the other space in the light of one after another blue, and not only hide the myriad forms perfectly The true formidable power of the Tianluo Net is also because the violent space energy is highly compressed, making them even more terrifying once the formidable power erupts.

If it's just the violent energy of another dimension, with Chu Nan's powerful fleshy body that has been recast countless times, it simply won't pose any threat to him.

As for why the blue rays of the myriad forms contain a lot of violent energy in different space, the mystery is also in those blue rays.

In fact, every blue ray of light in the myriad form's celestial net represents that the wall of space has been cut open, which will release the special violent space energy that is only available in different spaces.

With Chu Nan's current ability, he can also break the wall of space and connect different spaces, but he wants to cut the wall of space so precisely and just right like the myriad forms Tian Luo Net, but he doesn't allow him to. The violent space energy in the different space is completely vented, and that is another matter.

And according to common sense, as a normal Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, you should never have the ability to break the walls of space, that is the field only Star Level Martial Artists are qualified to touch .

Prince Tagelo deliberately chose this cultivation technique to test Chu Nan, no doubt to create an almost unsolvable problem for Chu Nan.

Chu Nan frowned in thought.

If you want to cut the wall of space just like this cultivation technique in myriad forms, it is useless to just figure out the blue light, you must figure out the Inner Breath in Prince Taglo Circulation, find out how he operates Inner Breath to control the energy of space.

Otherwise, even if Chu Nan tries to simulate it forcibly, it will only look like a ghost, and it will never be accepted by Prince Taglo.

And want to explore the inner breath flow in Prince Taglo's body when he is running the cultivation technique...

Chu Nan suddenly said to Prince Taglo: "His Royal Highness, this It's a test, right?"

Prince Taglo slightly startled, then nodded: "Of course. What do you want to say?"

"I mean...since it's just Test, you shouldn't use your Star Level Martial Artist strength to fight against me, right?"

"Of course." Prince Tagello laughed. "If I use all my strength, how long do you think I can last in front of me? Since it's just to test your ability, of course, I will only use the strength equivalent to yours. This kind of test is meaningful, isn't it?"

"Then you should always use myriad forms and this cultivation technique, right?" Chu Nan asked again.

Prince Taglo gave Chu Nan a deep look, shook his head, said with a smile: "Boy, you don't need to use these words to irritate me, don't worry, I will give you enough opportunities to You come to experience this cultivation technique. As for whether you can finally learn it through simple hand-to-hand combat, it depends on your ability."

"Okay." Chu Nan nods, and once again poses for confrontation , Shouted softly: "Your Highness, please continue to teach me."

Prince Taglo looked at Chu Nan who was waiting for him, put away the smile on his face, and his expression became serious.

He was surprised by Chu Nan's performance just now. He knew very well that he had to take Chu Nan seriously.

Seeing that Chu Nan didn't take the initiative to attack, he raised his hand, and another big blue net rushed towards Chu Nan.

Chu Nan didn't react immediately, but waited until the big net approached before body moved, punched out, and hit a certain node on the big net.

Prince Taglo gathered his energy and experienced the energy fluctuations in Chu Nan this fist.

Just now, he was shocked by Chu Nan's myriad forms, and he would not feel at ease if he couldn't figure out how Chu Nan did it.

However, the energy fluctuations from Chu Nan's fist at this time are different from before. When Prince Taglo frowned, he found that the node of the myriad forms Tian Luo Net collapsed. Faster and more thorough than before.

Obviously, the effect of Chu Nan this fist is even more amazing than the punch just now!

"This kid is too strong."

Prince Taglo couldn't help sighing in the heart, and was about to control the myriad forms to re-weave the Tianluo net, preventing Chu Nan escaped as easily as just now, but found that after Chu Nan punched the node of the myriad forms Tianluo net, he did not escape through the broken hole, but rushed straight towards him.


Prince Taglo couldn't help being coldly snorted, his mind turned, the huge blue light net that opened instantly shrank, covering Chu Nan from all directions , wrapped him tightly in an instant.

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