The two fought fiercely for a while, and the middle-aged man suddenly jumped back, leaving the battle circle.

Seeing his movements, Chu Nan stopped and looked at him with a smile.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath, and it took a while to calm his churning breath.

The fight just now can't actually be considered a real fight, it can only be regarded as Chu Nan demonstrating his moves to him, but this made him feel even more pressure.

Chu Nan's every move and every move can be said to be a real star-killing fist, but his every move and every move is better than the middle-aged man imagined. , and even the next time he uses the same style, the formidable power will always be improved, and the boxing will be more refined.

Although I really don't want to admit it, the middle-aged man knows very well that Chu Nan can actually be said to have mastered the Star Destruction Fist based on his performance just now, even better than him. outstanding.

This fact hit him hard.

He has cultivated this technique for more than 30 years, but now Chu Nan has only played against him for a while, and he is able to master the essentials of this technique, even Exceeding his level in an extreme time, how can he dare to believe it?

Could it be that this kid's innate talent is really so terrifying? How could terrifying be able to easily surpass the level of his years of ascetic practice?

But this is the truth.

Whether he doesn't want to admit it or not, the fight just now has clearly demonstrated this fact.

middle-aged man stared at Chu Nan, but he couldn't say what he should have said.

If you let him admit that he lost like this, Chu Nan really mastered the Star Destruction Fist just through the fight between the two sides. He was convinced by Chu Nan, how could he be willing?

"Hey, have you been injured before?" Chu Nan suddenly smiled and said to him.

middle-aged man startled, and then lightly snorted: "Nonsense, I have practiced martial arts for many years, except for those who only hide at home and play with some slapsticks and legs, who can be without any injuries?"


"No, I'm not talking about those little injuries, but here." Chu Nan shook his head, stretched out a finger of his right hand, and pointed it somewhere under his left rib. "You must have suffered a serious injury here, which caused the meridian here to be damaged and has not fully recovered. Am I right?"

middle-aged man is startled again, and then the complexion slightly changed: "How did you know that?"

"It's very simple, you know it through the fight just now." Chu Nan shrugged. "In the fight just now, I observed that the fusion of your boxing and spatial energy is not... not perfect, but your boxing itself and the manipulation of spatial energy are not a big problem, it is just a problem of combining each other, so I It is presumed that you should have improperly formulated the Inner Breath. But you just said that you have cultivated this martial art for more than 30 years, so I don't believe you will not realize this problem. But if you realize This problem, this problem still exists, then there is only one explanation, not that you don't want to solve it, but that there is no way to solve it."

Chu Nan raised his finger again and pointed to the place under the left rib.

"According to the analysis of the situation when we fought just now, this situation is most obvious when you use the seventeen-style boxing, and the seventeen-style boxing mainly relies on the strength of the left half of the body. When the Inner Breath mainly circulates in this area, I finally determined the key point here, so you should have a problem here. And the problem is mainly in the Inner Breath. , your Inner Breath coordination always seems to be a beat slower, so I think you have a problem with the meridian."

After saying this, Chu Nan put down his hand and looked at the middle-aged man's left Below the ribs, his eyes seemed to penetrate his body.

"Am I right?"

middle-aged man looked at Chu Nan blankly, not knowing what expression to face for a while.

He did get injured, and it was a very serious injury that nearly killed him on the spot, just below the left rib cage Chu Nan just indicated.

Although he was rescued later, due to the lack of timely treatment, even after he recovered, he could no longer be the same as before he was not injured. The most affected part was not the body, but the operation of the Inner Breath.

Every time he uses a punch, the Inner Breath runs here, and he always feels a little lag, which makes him eat for a while when using some of the moves, and the formidable power of the punch is affected.

But this influence is actually very small. Apart from him, even the Imperial Family senior who taught him this martial art was completely unaware, and he didn't take it too seriously, because it affected him. The impact of using this boxing method is not so deadly, and he can still exert the powerful formidable power of this boxing method.

However, didn't expect, now Chu Nan actually broke through this problem!

"No wonder, any cultivation technique is closely related to Martial Artist's fleshy body. If there is a problem with your fleshy body, of course the cultivation technique will be affected. Maybe that's why you can't use the Star Destruction Fist to the extreme. The reason, if you solve this problem, maybe you will have a breakthrough again." Chu Nan continued to say with a smile.

Now he looks like a kind senior taught by Dun Dun, the middle-aged man after listening to frowned, coldly snorted and said: "It's easy to say, there's no such thing as a solution. "

He was telling the truth.

After finding out about his fleshy body problem, he went to the best hospital in the empire for treatment, and wanted to fully recover the fleshy body problem.

However, although the imperial medical skills are extremely developed, it is difficult to obtain accurate exploration data on the relationship between Martial Artist meridian and Inner Breath. At most, it can only help him restore his body.

But no matter how he was repaired, he could completely return to his previous body shape, and naturally, it was impossible to completely return to Inner Breath's smooth operation.

After a long time, he also gave up this idea. Anyway, this influence is extremely small in his opinion and can be ignored at all.

But now that he met Chu Nan, he was slammed by Chu Nan, and even pointed out that this hidden injury was the key to preventing him from bringing it up a level in this boxing technique.

“Who said it’s not easy to solve?” Chu Nan laughed and walked over to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man took a cautious step back, but when he saw the expression on Chu Nan's face, he stopped and let Chu Nan approach.

"If you're willing to believe me, I can try to help you repair your injury and solve your fleshy body problems. By the way, I'll tell you some mistakes in this boxing technique to help you. What do you think about the improved boxing skills?"

Looking at the tiny face on Chu Nan's face, the middle-aged man instinctively wanted to refuse, but this injury has been entrenched in his heart for more than ten years. A thorn in his heart, now that he heard that it might be solved, it was hard for him not to be distracted.

After hesitating for a moment, he squinted at Chu Nan.

"How to solve it?"

"It's very simple, just follow my instructions in a while."

Chu Nan raised his right hand with a smile, indicating To paste the indicated injury under the middle-aged man's left rib.

middle-aged man took another step back conditioned reflexively, looked at Chu Nan again, his eyes fell on the calm smile on his face, thought about it, clenched the teeth, and took another step forward, Whispered: "Boy, don't try to do any tricks, if you dare to harm me, you know the consequences."

"Relax, I still want you to be convinced, how can it be bad for you?"

Chu Nan smiled slightly, suddenly stretched out his hand like a lightning bolt, pressed under the middle-aged man's left rib cage, the inner breath of the palm broke out, and the white radiance mixed with the thick green breath instantly penetrated, but it was the flame of life The cultivation technique and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique are activated at the same time.

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