Chu Nan is startled again.

"What do you mean?"

"You think that if you pass the test, the Elder Council will acquit you? This method masters part of the Obliteration Core Technique, rather than stealing it from Pamela,'s only possible."

"That is, even if I pass the test, the Elder Council will still Do you think I might have learned the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela Imperial Princess and still be convicted?" Chu Nan asked.

"That's right." Prince Lekas looked serious. "I warn you, give up your unrealistic fantasies. The Obliteration Core Technique is extremely important to our Declan Imperial Family, and the Elder Council will do everything possible to completely kill any chance of it leaking out. You There is no way to convince the Elder Council that you are completely innocent, so don't be naive to think they will pardon you lightly. The only way to survive is to admit your engagement to Vianne, and only if you become our Declan Imperial Family My own person, the crime of stealing the Obliteration Core Technique is not convicted, do you understand?"

Chu Nan frowned: "Do you want to say that whatever I do is meaningless?"

"It's not meaningless." Prince Lekas shook his head. "If you can pass the test and let the Elder Council allay your suspicions, at least the Elder Council won't be on the lookout for you in the future. More importantly, this test has gained the attention of the entire Imperial Family, if you can be in the If you perform well on the test, then the clansman will be more likely to accept your marriage with Vivian Nell, and accepting you to join our entire Great Clans will be of great help for you to integrate into the family in the future. Remember, our Declan Imperial Family has successful family rules. There are hundreds of them, but only one is really useful, and that is the supremacy of strength. You are strong enough to be respected by everyone, do you understand what I mean?"

Chu Nan looked at Lekas silently. After a while, the prince suddenly asked: "His Royal Highness, you seem to be certain that I will marry the Imperial Princess Vianne?"

"What? Are you still not giving up?" Prince Laikas' face sank again . "I've already said that if you don't want to marry Vianne, waiting for you is to be executed directly. Do you think you have the ability to escape under such strict supervision? Don't be delusional, I know your ability, but I think Let me tell you, there are three Star Level Martial Artists guarding you at all times right now, and even if you escape, you will face the endless pursuit of the Elder Council in the future. Although the galaxy is huge, there is absolutely no place for you.”

Chu Nan let out a wry smile.

Of course he knew that what Prince Lekas said was the truth.

Although through these days of cultivation, he has a deeper understanding of creating a Transmission Gate through his own internal space energy, and he has a certain degree of confidence to open the Transmission Gate out of thin air and enter a different space to escape, but then he will Of course, they will face intense pursuit, not to mention the return to normal life before, there will not be even a little bit of stability.

Such a result, of course, was not what he wanted.

"Chu Nan, you disappoint me." Looking at Chu Nan who smiled wryly, Prince Laikas suddenly lightly sighed and shook his head.

“en?” Chu Nan was stunned.

Disappointing Prince Lycas? What is he disappointed about?

"I thought you were a responsible, responsible, and excellent man, but your performance now disappoints me. When you were thinking about what to do, didn't you realize that, Have you forgotten to consider a person from beginning to end?"

Chu Nan frowned, "who?" Shouting: "Release the signal shield temporarily, I want to show this kid something."

After a while, a voice sounded.

"His Royal Highness, the signal shielding has been released, you can use it as you like."

Prince Lekas nodded, then opened the personal terminal on his wrist and called up the virtual screen, Open the interface that Speaker Anduin saw earlier.

"Let's take a look."

Chu Nan looked towards the virtual screen adjusted by Prince Lycas, and soon found out that this is the largest video site on the pan-galactic network. Seeing that what happened in the trial hall at that time was fully displayed in this video, I couldn't help but turn around and looked towards Prince Lekas in great surprise.

What happened in the trial hall is obviously only the trial within the Declan Imperial Family. It stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible to leak it out, but now it is posted on this biggest website, isn't it all who? can be seen?

Judging from the number of viewers marked on the back of this video, the number of people who have watched this video has exceeded 10 billion!


"Continue watching." Prince Lekas interrupted Chu Nan's words and made a slight adjustment to show all the comments related to the video.

This video explodes like this fire, and the number of comments is naturally even more astonishing. Of course, it is impossible to watch it all. Prince Lycas just selected the comments with the most likes and replies.

Chu Nan took a general scan and found that these comments were mainly concentrated on a few points.

First: Did Chu Nan steal the Obliteration Core Technique?

Second: Is Chu Nan's engagement with Vianne's Imperial Princess real?

Third: Does Chu Nan really have the ability to learn each other's cultivation techniques by playing against each other?

The discussions on these three issues vary, among which there are countless replies full of conspiracy theories, showing that people pay great attention to these issues.

Chu Nan didn't care what those comments were talking about, just frowned slightly at one of the comments that had the same number of replies.

The subject of this comment was "Will Chu Nan really marry Vianne Imperial Princess?"

In this long comment, the commenter eloquently listed a bunch of his favorites. Knowing the personal information about Chu Nan and Viannele Imperial Princess, and then come to the conclusion that the marriage contract between these two people is difficult to determine whether it is true or not, but it is certain that the two of them will marry.

The reason is very simple, for Chu Nan, if he does not marry Vianne Imperial Princess, the result will be death, and for Vianne Imperial Princess, since she has publicly admitted that she and Vianne Imperial Chu Nan has had a marriage contract, and if she can't get married, her face as the noble Imperial Princess of the Declan Empire will be gone, it will affect the face of the family behind her, and even the entire Declan Imperial Family will lose face for this.

So no matter what you look at it from, Chu Nan and Vianne Imperial Princess are bound to get married.

There are various replies to the comments after that, some support it, some disagree, but in general, most of them agree with the whole comment.

Chu Nan's eyes stayed on the entire comment, he read every reply earnestly, and then looked up towards Prince Lycas.

"Is this what you meant for me to see?"

"No, I just wanted you to see that the whole galaxy now knows that Vianne Neil candidly and you There has been a marriage contract, if you refuse, then Viannenell will inevitably become the laughing stock of the whole galaxy. Do you think this is really good for Viannenell? Don't forget, she gave a lot of courage and courage to save you. Sacrifice."

Facing Prince Laikas' serious gaze, Chu Nan could only be silent.

Prince Lekas stood up and patted Chu Nan's shoulder.

"There's still one more day to think about it."

After saying that, Prince Lekas looked towards the door and walked out.

Chu Nan looked up as Prince Lekas walked to the door and suddenly spoke.

"His Royal Highness, did you arrange all of this?"

Prince Laikas was paused, turned to look at Chu Nan, and suddenly there was a trace on his face. Smile.

"It doesn't matter whether I arranged it or not, what matters is how you should choose."

Abandoning these words, Prince Laikas went straight away.

The rest of Chu Nan sat on the bed, frowning deeply, staring at the wall that had been closed and turned into a whole wall again.

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