Chu Nan's eyes were focused on Vianne's Imperial Princess's face, watching her from the beginning of her efforts to meet his own eyes, and finally bowing her head in blush as she couldn't hold back her eyes. Go, but then stubbornly lifts the head again, and continues to look at himself without any evasion.

Her face was still blushing, but she still tried her best to show her love and joy for herself.

Seeing her working so hard, Chu Nan couldn't help but wonder.

This guy...does she really know what she's doing?

In front of so many people, she publicly stated that she had already had a marriage contract with herself. If it was a girl from an ordinary person, no one would care about the follow-up, but she was the Imperial of the Declan Imperial Family. Princess ah! And now this incident has caused such a big problem and attracted so many people's attention. According to the current situation, wouldn't she definitely marry herself in the future?

In the previous contact, Chu Nan could feel that Viannele Imperial Princess has some good feelings for him, but if only these good feelings are enough to make her willing to marry him? This is too much of a joke!

Chu Nan's eyes moved and turned to Prince Lekas, who was beside the Imperial Princess Vianne.

He was basically certain that all this was arranged by Prince Lycas.

Viennale Imperial Princess publicly acknowledged the engagement, apparently in time because something had been negotiated between Prince Laikas and Prince Rockamp, which made Viannelle Imperial Princess Come out top package.

Viennale Imperial Princess was undoubtedly forced out by her father, Prince Rockamp, otherwise, with her character, how could she have done such a daring thing, even more how she also publicly expressed that the two of them People's marriage contract has long been recognized by the Prince of Rockamp.

Chu Nan doesn't know what the purpose of Prince Laikas is, what is he trying to get from himself that is worth so much effort, but Chu Nan knows that no matter what? No matter how this matter is resolved, someone will be very hurt.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan felt a ray of anger in his heart, and his eyes looked sharper towards Prince Lekas.

If there is something in him that he wants to get, can't he just bring it up with himself?

Because of their mutual life and death relationship, is there anything that cannot be negotiated about safety? Do you have to use such a method to force yourself to make a choice and hurt people who don't care?

"Chu Nan, answer my question." Speaker Anduin's voice came over, interrupting Chu Nan's gaze at Prince Laikas and Vianne Imperial Princess, turning his attention re-attracted. "Have you and Vianne Imperial Princess already had an engagement? Answer me yes or no."

Chu Nan gently took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and retracted his looked towards towards Viannell's Imperial Princess's gaze turned and looked towards Speaker Anduin.

“Lord Speaker, before answering this question, can you allow me to ask a question? I think as the defendant in this trial, I must have a chance to defend myself?”


Everyone around was stunned.

What else does this kid want to say?

Isn't it obvious now, as long as you answer yes, you have indeed had a marriage contract with Viannele Imperial Princess, so it's no shit, and you can reap the great benefits that countless people envy. Justify shit!

Speaker Anduin frowned, glanced at Prince Lycus, and snorted Chu Nan gently.

"Now that the evidence is complete, it's a fact that you learned the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela, what else can you justify? Now the most important question is, are you and Vianne Imperiale Imperial? Princess has been engaged before? If so, then you are not breaking the clan by learning the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela, you two are not guilty, if not..."

Speaker Anduin paused, his eyes became gloomy.

"You are very clear about the consequences."

Chu Nan smiled slightly, and looked at the head: "No, I think you and everyone here have made a mistake. You all think I I learned the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela Imperial Princess, and even many imperial princesses have testified about it, but this is your one-sided word, from beginning to end, no one said that they saw Pamela Imperial with their own eyes Princess taught me the Obliteration Core Technique, didn't it?"

Speaker Anduin frowned, coldly snorted and said: "All previous evidences have proved that you have mastered the Obliteration Core Technique, and the facts are obvious in the video data. , you still want to quibble?"

"No, I did not deny this, because in fact, I should have mastered part of the Obliteration Core Technique." Chu Nan said with a smile .

"Then how dare you say that you didn't steal your studies?" Speaker Anduin immediately shouted angrily. "In addition to Pamela, you also have the opportunity to learn from other people, which is a fact that you cannot deny!"

"no no no, you and you all got a very important point wrong. The problem." Chu Nan shook the head, still smiling, and continued: "I did master some Obliteration Core Technique, and the images shown in those images are indeed what I looked like when I used the same cultivation technique. No denying, but... this was not taught to me privately by Pamela Imperial Princess nor was it stolen from any of the Declan Imperial Family younger generation, so you at first accuse me and Pamela Imperial Princess It doesn't exist."

"oh?" Chancellor Anduin couldn't help sneering. "You mean, you didn't steal your studies, but you didn't understand it yourself?"

"You're right, I comprehend it myself." Chu Nan chuckled nodded.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience. Even Prince Lekas couldn't help but cast a surprised look at Chu Nan, and the surrounding Declan Imperial Family couldn't help but talk loudly. stand up.

What is this kid kidding!

Obliteration Core Technique is the most famous and powerful first cultivation technique in the Milky Way that has been inherited by Declan Imperial Family for tens of thousands of years. He actually said that he could comprehend it!

This obviously does not take the Declan Imperial Family's tens of thousands of years of history and countless ancestors into consideration! !

Speaker Anduin stared at Chu Nan for a while, then picked up the "given wood" at hand and slapped it hard.


When the trial hall was quiet again, Speaker Anduin asked Chu Nan again, word by word: "You said just now that you Did I comprehend the Obliteration Core Technique myself?"

"No, I didn't comprehend the Obliteration Core Technique myself, but this cultivation technique that I comprehend by myself is very similar to the Obliteration Core Technique, and it also looks like the Obliteration Core Technique. The Technique is very similar, so it is displayed on the video material as if I stole the Obliteration Core Technique."

"talk nonsense!"

"How is this possible!"

"This kid is crazy!"


The Declan Imperial Family around looked at each other and yelled at Chu Nan.

Obliteration Core Technique is the most proud super cultivation technique of the Declan Imperial Family. This kid actually says what he comprehended a cultivation technique, which is almost exactly the same as the Obliteration Core Technique. Obliteration Core Technique in sight!

Speaker Anduin was also pissed off by Chu Nan, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, looked directly at Chu Nan, and said sternly: "You mean, you comprehended one and Obliteration by yourself. Core Technique not only looks similar, but also uses a cultivation technique?"

"Well...that's not quite accurate, it should be said. In fact, I was at a garden hunting party. After playing with many Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generations, I came into contact with the Obliteration Core Technique they used. After careful analysis, I mastered some features of the Obliteration Core Technique, and then... copied the Obliteration Core Technique. I think, this should not be possible It’s considered stealing, and it’s not like Pamela Imperial Princess taught me privately, right?” Chu Nan asked rhetorically.

Speaker Anduin was furious: "How dare you say that you are only fighting against those Imperial Family younger generation and then stealing...copying the Obliteration Core Technique? Don't you think this is too absurd?"

This time, the Declan Imperial Family who were on the sidelines no longer shouted at Chu Nan, but looked towards Chu Nan one by one, face revealed disdain, and even laughed directly.

In their opinion, this kid is clearly out of his mind.

Obviously after the appearance of Vianne's Imperial Princess, this trial can actually be declared over, but this kid insists on extracurriculars, saying that he can learn Obliteration Core Technique just by playing against the Imperial Family younger generation , is simply wrong.

Don't this kid know that he only needs to say that he and Viannele Imperial Princess have a long-term engagement, and all these things can be solved perfectly?

What's the point of doing this?

Only Prince Lekas's face moved slightly, looking thoughtful at Chu Nan, but he didn't show much.

"No, I don't think it's ridiculous, because it's the truth." Chu Nan's expression remained calm, even with a smile on his face. "Because, I can prove it."

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