Romandy Imperial Princess flipped her hand, grabbed Chu Nan's palm with her backhand, and stretched out the index finger of her other hand to make a quick gesture on Chu Nan's palm.

"Are you crazy? She's a Star Level Martial Artist! It's good that we can escape now, but you still want to kill her?"

Compared to Romandy Chu Nan was much calmer at the fierce reaction of the Imperial Princess. After he figured out the meaning of the Imperial Princess, he laughed, and then grabbed the Imperial Princess's hand and gestured.

"Didn't you find out? If we don't have a way to kill her, we still can't escape."

Romandy Imperial Princess froze for a moment.

Why can't you escape?

Now that Marr Venerable can't find them, they just need to hide.

Mar Venerable impossible to stay here forever, if she wants to continue chasing and killing the four of them, she must continue to explore the depths of the different space, and when she is gone, of course the four of them have Plenty of opportunities to escape in other directions.

However, Romandy Imperial Princess did not ask this sentence, because she quickly understood a very crucial question.


Whether it is a positive space universe or a different space universe, in this vast universe, of course, any star has a corresponding position, but these positions are determined by coordinates. Human-defined coordinates.

If you don't have coordinates, then even if you are given the most complete complete star map of the Milky Way, it will be difficult for you to find the exact bearing and direction.

And once you lose your direction in the starry sky, then the biggest possibility is to be lost in the vast and boundless starry sky forever.

This point can be solved outside the endless abyss. After all, the three major spiral arms of the Milky Way and a large part of the galactic center have now been explored by humans. Even if you get lost for a while, as long as you continue to sail, you can always find it. The traces of human beings, and then determine the coordinates based on this, and return to the world of human civilization.

But now they are in the area of the endless abyss, from the first floor to the fourth 10th layer of the endless abyss, there is a Transmission Gate all the way to guide, but now they have escaped into the endless abyss in order to escape the pursuit of Marr Venerable. In the different space universe corresponding to the abyss.

In this area, they don't have any star map as a guide, let alone the next coordinate to indicate their direction.

If they rashly advance in this alien space, they will most likely be lost in the vast space. in an area they know well.

And Mar Venerable obviously has such concerns, so after coming to the vicinity, he stayed still, and did not continue to investigate the depths of the different space.

Due to the destruction of the Transmission Gate, all the space channels connecting the 39th-layer to the fourth 10th layer disappeared. Now, both for the four of them and for Marr Venerable, only Chu was left. The Transmission Gate where Nan is temporarily activated and takes effect.

This is almost their only coordinate. If they lose this coordinate, they will basically be lost in the starry sky.

In this situation, Marr Venerable can make two choices, one is to continue to hunt them down in the alien space, and the other is to return to the positive space universe, at the coordinates where the Transmission Gate is located. Position squatting - she doesn't even need to squat, she just needs to arrange equipment or similar things to monitor, she can wait for the rabbits at any time, and wait until they return before hunting.

And in this situation, the choice she will make is almost only the latter.

Correspondingly, for the four of them, the choice is actually pretty good.

Or they have been hiding in the other space, waiting for the Transmission Gate to open again, and the space channel connecting the 39th-layer and the fourth 10th layer is regenerated in the other space, when the time Comes can use this space channel as a guide to go directly back to the 39th-layer through the different space.

But the waiting time is very long, not to mention the danger in the different space is never known, even if their fleshy body has been strengthened after several tempering, they dare not say that they will be able to stay here forever. safe and sound.

Or, they try to explore the depths of the different space, hoping to find a way back.

This method is not without purpose. After all, the scope of the endless abyss is also limited. As long as you travel a long enough distance in the different space, you should be able to leave the endless abyss when you return to the positive space universe. Go to the human civilization world, there is hope to return to normal.

But this also has a very serious problem.

In case they go in the wrong direction, or if they encounter an accident on the way, they will not know where they will go back in the end.

On the safe side, Romandi's Imperial Princess prefers the first option.

But she didn't expect, and now Chu Nan has given a third option - kill Marr Venerable!

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Romandi Imperial Princess's mind, she frowned her slightly heroic eyebrows, pulled Chu Nan's hand again and gestured.

"But we can't kill her, she's a Star Level Martial Artist."

Chu Nan laughed at her again, and in turn began to gesture.

"It shouldn't be possible outside, but here, it's possible."

Romandy Imperial Princess couldn't help but glanced at Chu Nan in surprise.

Why does he have such confidence?

Even if this Marr Venerable can indeed be regarded as the worst Star Level Martial Artist the Imperial Princess has ever seen, the Star Level Martial Artist is the Star Level Martial Artist, and there is no doubt that her strength can be easily Crushing these Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists, why does Chu Nan say that it is possible to kill her here?

"No, I don't agree to take this risk." Imperial Princess Romandi gestured in Chu Nan's palm, and she shook the head at him with a determined expression. "We can now wait here until the next Transmission Gate opens, and Marr Venerable won't find us. And the rescue shouldn't be too long, so we don't need to take the risk at all."

Chu Nan rushed again. Romante Imperial Princess laughed, but instead of continuing to pull her hand and gesture, she turned her head and gestured with Carola for a while.

After a while, he turned his head and continued to take the Romandi Imperial Princess's hand.

"Carola said she had no reason to take the risk, so I agree with you. In that case, you and Carola are hiding here, Mal Venerable won't know that you now have the The ability to survive in another dimension, yours must be safe. Angelbely and I will try it out. If we can kill Marr Venerable, then we are all safe. If not, don't show any breath. , be careful of yourself."

After the last gesture, Chu Nan let go of Romandi Imperial Princess's hand, turned to Angelique nodded, the two exchanged a look, and they both breathed towards Marr Venerable The direction it came from flew past.

As soon as Chu Nan left, the Imperial Princess Romandi extended the hand like lightning and grabbed Chu Nan's arm.

Chu Nan astonished looked back at her.

Romandy Imperial Princess opened Chu Nan's palm and drew strokes in his palm.

"I won't allow myself to watch my friends die. Tell me about your plan, and if there's any hope of success, I can reconsider. But if it doesn't, I'll do my best to stop you."


Chu Nan put his head away and looked down at the Romandi Imperial Princess fingers in the palm of his hand, lifts the head stared at the Romandi Imperial Princess, his eyes full of gratified smiles.

"Don't worry, I don't have to die. This is the plan..."

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