The beam of light smashed into the valley, bursting out a group of extremely bright bright radiance. Terrifying spatial energy fluctuations.

Not to mention the area where the valley is located, even a large space near the valley was almost shattered, and countless Black Space cracks appeared, cutting the entire valley almost completely.

The four of them stared blankly as the light group exploded and then dissipated. When the light faded, the frontal ring-shaped mountain range was completely razed to the ground, showing the formidable contained in the light beam just now. Power can be terrifying.

"No way..."

Romandy Imperial Princess suddenly creded out in surprise and rushed towards the mountain valley.

The other three quickly followed, and when the four of them came to the original location of the valley, they looked down and found a big pit below, but there was nothing in the pit.

The special space energy fluctuations brought by the Transmission Gate that they sensed could no longer be sensed, and the Transmission was completely missing.

The four looked at each other in blank dismay and were speechless for a while.

Could it be that the Transmission Gate was directly destroyed by the blow just now?

"Hey, boy Chu Nan, isn't it interesting to see hope and then despair?"

A voice suddenly came from above the four of them.

Hearing this voice, Chu Nan and Angelique both complexion greatly changed at the same time, suddenly looked up to the sky, and saw a thin silhouette slowly falling from the top of the atmosphere.

Although this silhouette is thin, as she slowly descends, the aura on her body increases rapidly.

Obviously at the beginning, she hid in the atmosphere and deliberately suppressed her breath. Now that she is no longer suppressed, it has been released, and she immediately looks extremely powerful and even terrifying.

Romandy Imperial Princess and Carolla's faces quickly sank.

This guy's aura has been rising all the way, and he has already overwhelmed a few of them, but he still hasn't stopped, and he continues to soar. After a while, he has clearly surpassed the category of Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

This guy is, without a doubt, a Star Level Martial Artist!

However, no matter how ugly the faces of Imperial Princess and Carolla were, they were far less ugly than those of Chu Nan and Angelique.

Because when they heard this voice, the two of them had already recognized her identity, and when she appeared, the two of them glanced over and instantly confirmed her identity.

Marr Venerable.

It turned out that this one caused great trouble for the two in the Perseus spiral arm, and almost killed the two of them. Later, the two talents were supported by Overi Venerable and Quediro Venerable. Star Level Martial Artist of escape alive!

Why is she here?

Chu Nan flashed through his mind the logo that belonged to the Tagg Life Sciences Trading Company that he had seen on the door of that passage before he stumbled upon Quel'Thalas Academician.

Reminiscing about the conversation between Quel'Thalas Academician and Director Romon overheard, Chu Nan probably understood.

It seems that the logo of Targer Life Science Trading Company appeared here is not accidental, but simply accepted the order of the Elle Warner Military Treaty Alliance to come here to establish a base, and Mar Venerable and Targer Life science trading companies are closely related, and it seems logical to be invited here to sit in the office.

Of course, Chu Nan has no way of knowing the details, and he doesn't have time to pay attention to so many now. In comparison, there are more important things in front of him.

Since Marr Venerable appeared here, and apparently deliberately chose this time to appear, he was undoubtedly deliberately targeting them.

Romandy Imperial Princess and Carolla are fine, but Chu Nan can be sure that this guy let himself and Angelique escape from her last time, and this time he will never let go of this great blessing Chance.

Sure enough, Marle Venerable slowly fell, floating not far in front of the four of them, ignoring Imperial Princess and Carolla, and her eyes fell directly on Chu Nan and Angelique. .

Or to be more precise, she was simply staring at Chu Nan.

"Boy, do you know how happy I was when I found out from those people that you actually came here? I almost rushed immediately when I got the news. Come here, I'm afraid you will run away if you don't pay attention. Fortunately, I came fast enough, and you are too stupid. If you have been hiding in a mouse hole that you don't know where you are, I'm afraid it is not convenient for me to stay here for too long. Time."

"But... who made you stupid? I left such a Transmission Gate on purpose, just to lure you out of the mouse hole you were hiding in, thinking you wouldn't get there. Obviously, but didn't expect you to actually come. Ha, now you finally beat the guy who guarded the Transmission Gate, but you can only watch the Transmission Gate destroyed by my hands, you must be in the mood Very bad. Am I right?"

Romandy Imperial Princess gave Chu Nan a surprised look.

"When did you have a feud with a Star Level Martial Artist in Perseus' spiral arm? She looks like she has a lot of hatred for you."

Chu Nan smiled wryly A voice: "It's nothing, I just beat her son badly. Really didn't expect, dignified a Star Level Martial Artist, to be so narrow-minded. Mal Venerable, if your heart can be half as broad as your husband's Broad, I think you will be more respected like a Star Level Martial Artist."

"Dare to mention my husband!" The rat-like smile full of joking, after hearing Chu Nan's words, his face immediately became distorted and his face was full of rage. "If it wasn't for you two goddamn bastards, why would Ottofo still be in bed now? If it wasn't for you, how could I be forced to run to this hell? Well, after all, God Taran You didn't abandon me, you actually let me meet you here, this time, don't expect me to have any mercy, I'll tear you to pieces!"

As soon as the voice fell, Marr Venerable The breath on the body skyrocketed, and the surrounding space was rapidly affected. The entire space seemed to become a vortex in an instant, and all the space energy began to rotate around the Marr Venerable high-speed rotation.

Countless space energies condensed together and gathered into the sky, causing a huge sandstorm to instantly rise in a large space, but the terrifying lethality contained in it was countless times stronger than the sandstorm.

Obviously, in order not to repeat the mistake last time, Marr Venerable ran the quicksand cultivation technique with all his strength as soon as he got up, and obviously did not intend to give the four Chu Nan any chance to resist.

However, after feeling the terrifying changes in the surrounding space, Chu Nan not only did not panic, but was stunned for a while, and a little surprise came into his heart.

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