"Is there a Transmission Gate there?"

Chu Nan and Angelique frowned at the same time, looking a little puzzled.

If there really is a Transmission Gate in front of them, it stands to reason that they should be able to perceive it in advance by virtue of the special and strong spatial energy fluctuations in the transmission, but now in their induction, there is not much in the front. In a special place, the existence of the Transmission Gate cannot be sensed at all.

But if there is a Transmission Gate, it would be a good thing, because when attacking the Transmission Gate, the group of strange birds will obviously reveal a weak spot, and a sneak attack at this time can save a lot of effort.

"Let's go and have a look."

Chu Nan waved and flew over with Angelique.

In a few breaths, the two had already swept across the sky, and when they came to the sky where the group of strange birds flew down just now, they looked down and were stunned.

There was a huge hole in the ground below. The light inside the hole was dark and bottomless. It looked like a huge mouth had opened up in the earth.

"Do you want to go down?" Angelique asked Chu Nan.

Chu Nan frowned and let go of the sensor, only to find that his sensor would be hindered when he probed into a place that was not deep inside the cave, and he couldn't penetrate it at all.

"It's very strange..." Chu Nan thought for a while and said to Angelique: "Wait outside for a while, I'll go in and check, you are always ready to answer me."

This time Angelbely did not agree to him decisively, but grabbed Chu Nan who was about to leave.

"I'm going down too."

Seeing Angelique's firm expression, Chu Nan was startled.

"Why? There might be some danger down here, it's the best choice for you to stay outside to meet me."

"No, since the last time you fell into After the Stargate, I have decided that no matter what the situation is in the future, I will not let you go on the adventure alone. Even if you die, then we have to die together."

Angebely His tone was not too deliberately accentuated, and his expression was only slightly firm, not impassioned, as if he was talking about a very simple thing. However, the more this happened, the more Chu Nan felt the warmth in his heart. warm.

He laughed and took Angelique's hand.

"Okay, let's go together."

The two body moved and plunged straight into the hole.

When they first entered the cave, they didn't feel any difference, but after going deeper for a while, the two immediately found that the environment inside the cave was obviously different from the outside world. Not only was the space energy environment different. No matter how thick and viscous the outside world is, even the gravity environment inside is very obviously relieved a lot.

Feeling the body light, Chu Nan's mind flowed through the data, and quickly judged that the gravity inside is basically close to Earth's gravity environment, which is an environment that is very suitable for human survival.

After going deeper for a certain distance, I had probably dived to a depth of nearly 100 meters underground, and the wide passage suddenly appeared in a huge arc, extending from downward to parallel to the ground.

After turning the corner, a ray of light began to appear ahead.

In the darkness, Chu Nan and Angelique looked at each other and extended the hand to squeeze each other a few times.

With the tacit understanding that the two have experienced the test of life and death countless times together, they already understood each other's meaning without saying much. Chu Nan body moved, accelerated and rushed forward, Angel Belli was a little behind, and Pay more attention to what's going on elsewhere in the channel.

The light in front is getting more and more obvious and brighter, and soon I can see the situation in the channel clearly with naked eyes.

The two glanced at each other, their hearts suddenly filled with surprise.

Although when they came down from the hole above, they had already realized that this passage was definitely not like a naturally formed passage, but rather like it was created artificially.

But this is the fourth 10th layer of the Endless Abyss after all. They are not familiar with this place, so they dare not jump to conclusions.

But now seeing the situation in the channel, they immediately made a judgment.

This place is 100% man-made!

The overall channel is long and narrow, showing a semi-cylindrical shape. At first glance, it can be found that the size of the entire channel is exactly the same, and there is almost no change.

This alone is enough to prove that this channel is absolutely impossible to form naturally.

And more importantly, the walls on both sides of the passage are not naturally formed rocks or mud, but are clearly made of a special alloy!

Through the light, it can be clearly seen that the special luster belonging to metal is also reflected on the wall.

How can such a special alloy be generated naturally, of course, it is even more impossible that it is made of alien beasts.

Chu Nan and An Qibeili couldn't help but look at each other, and at the same time they could see the deep doubt in each other's eyes.

They went all the way from the First Layer of the Endless Abyss to the fourth 10th Layer. Before that, although they occasionally saw buildings that were obviously made by humans, they even saw them in the Thirteenth Layer, which has the best environment. I arrived at a small town where humans gather, but I have never found a building like this one that looks like an underground base.

And there is just a passage here, which looks full of technology, and the advanced level is far from the mention on equal terms of the simple buildings seen before.

"Could it be the secret base that the Declan Empire has set up here?" Angel Belle's sound transmission was transmitted to Chu Nan's ears through space energy microwave vibrations.

Chu Nan's heart moved, and there was a little more joy in his eyes looking towards Angel Beili.

Angie Belle is able to re-master the technique of sound transmission through space energy microwave vibration here, which proves that she has mastered the space energy in this environment and has reached a very high level, which means that she has The strength that can be exerted now may not be as strong as that outside the endless abyss, but it will not be too different.

At a time when she may encounter unknown dangers at any time, it is of course good news that Angelique can regain her strength.

Then he hooked the head again, and also used the space energy microwave vibration to transmit sound.

"It shouldn't be. If it was Declan Empire, it wouldn't be so sneaky. And those strange birds just flew in here, if they are related to Declan Empire, why should they do it? It's pointless to destroy the Transmission Gate, isn't it?"

Angelbely thought for a while, and nodded agreed.

The two continued to touch forward.

As the light gets brighter, the scene in the passage becomes clearer.

After walking in this way for a while, a new passageway extending in the other direction suddenly appeared on the wall on the left side of the passageway, but at a glance, I found that it was blocked by a door. .

"Did those strange birds escape from here?"

Angie Belle said to Chu Nan sound transmission, walked into the new channel, and followed the The door fumbled, trying to find a switch or something.

She just touched the middle of the door when Chu Nan suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart.

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