When Chu Nan and Angelique flew back together, they found that Prince Montico and the others had gathered together with dozens of other adventurers. Prince Montico was talking to a middle-aged uncle opposite who seemed to be the leader.

Seeing Chu Nan coming back, Prince Montico waved to him.

"Chu Nan, we are discussing the next move, you come and talk, what do you think."

Chu Nan flew over, originally standing in Monty The Imperial Princess and the others, who were not far from Prince Ke's side, suddenly changed their expressions slightly, and they took two steps back in unison.

Seeing their reaction, Chu Nan got angry from the bottom of his heart, and his anger turned to courage. He pretended to answer to Prince Montico's nodded. He rose like an explosion, his figure flashed instantly, and in the blink of an eye, he had come to the Imperial Princess of Romandy, laughed at her.

"What are you doing, you..."

Romandy Imperial Princess only had time to scream before Chu Nan stretched out her arms and hugged her tightly, even twisting her intentionally. After moving a few times, he rubbed against her twice.

Before Romandy Imperial Princess could react, Chu Nan threw herself down in front of Carola, hugged her fiercely, and rubbed her hard twice, followed by Hathor , Prince Kandel, then turned and flew back to Prince Montico.

"Stop!" Prince Montico raised his hand to stop Chu Nan and smiled bitterly. "Okay, I know what to do."

Not waiting for Chu Nan to approach, he opened his arms helplessly and took the initiative to meet him.

"You're smart." Chu Nan grinned and hugged Prince Montico unceremoniously.

He was more restrained when he was hugging Imperial Princess and Carolla, but he was honest and rude when he was hugging Prince Montico.

From the side, the actions of the two are actually a bit ambiguous...

When Chu Nan took the initiative to let go of himself, Prince Montico slowly put down his hand and smiled wryly. Look at Chu Nan.

"Are you satisfied now?"

"Not satisfied." Chu Nan simply shook his head. "I've already washed my body, you can't understand the feeling I just felt. If you encounter a strange beast like just now next time, I will put you guys into its chrysanthemums and let you taste that taste. No!"

Even with Prince Montico's usual indifference, the emotion on his face couldn't help changing slightly after hearing this, and he laughed dryly.

"This...there are many alien beasts like that just now, it shouldn't be, and...to be honest, since you've discovered its weakness just now, there's no need to make yourself into it. It looks like that, we can discuss it and think of other ways to solve it, right?"

"That's right." Imperial Princess Romandi echoed Prince Montico rarely. "There are ways to attack its weaknesses, why do you have to use such... such a disgusting method?"

While berating Chu Nan, the Imperial Princess raised her arms and sniffed a few times. , showing a look of disgust.

"Damn Chu Nan! It's all your fault, I will never be able to wear this suit again!" It's just that he is not familiar with Chu Nan, and he was shocked by Chu Nan's strength before, but now he dare not complain.

Hasol's face was calm, and he even sniffed his body carefully, and then asked in surprise, "Chu Nan, what method did you use? Can't you smell the giant beast over there?"

"Look, Hathor is still a smart guy, I just washed it clean, it doesn't smell at all, you still think it stinks Is it a psychological reason at all?" Chu Nan immediately said proudly.

“hmph! Do you have the ability to hug Kasyapa?” Romandi Imperial Princess coldly snorted. "Do you have any opinion on Hathor?"

Kashyapa Imperial Princess, who had been hiding behind Hathor's face, immediately changed and took a few steps back.

Chu Nan glanced at her and Hathor and shook his head.

"I don't want Hathor to come and fight with me. Okay, stop talking nonsense, the giant beast was finally beaten away, so let's discuss the fourth 10th layer quickly. We know that we don’t have a few days left, so we have to hurry up.”

Chu Nan came to Prince Montico again, his eyes fell on the middle-aged uncle opposite, and he found that not only It was him, and the dozens of other people behind him looked at him with bewildered expressions, then smiled and raised their hands to greet everyone.

"Hey, hello, are you also planning to go to the fourth 10th layer?"

"Ahem, let me introduce you." Prince Montico interjected. "This is Mr. Devirak. He is the leader of the Mercenary Group of Freedom and Flowers. The people behind him are members of the Mercenary Group."

"Mercenary group?" Chu Nan astonished looked again That uncle once again.

He is not particularly tall, but his physique is extremely strong, and the exposed skin reveals a tough metal-like luster, showing that he must be cultivated. A special cultivation technique, specially designed for fleshy body with special reinforcement.

His face is square and looks very rough on the surface, but his temperament is clearly shrewd and wise, showing that he is by no means rough as he looks.

Seeing Chu Nan's eyes turn around, the head of Devilac showed a hearty smile and said: "Actually, it is a company, but it uses the name of a mercenary group. You know, there are many customers. Even if we like this kind of title, we can consider it to our liking."

Chu Nan couldn't help but smile.

The Dwyrac commander speaks bluntly.

But what he said is really good. Driven by the Declan Empire, the atmosphere of martial arts in the entire galaxy is very good, especially in the countries on the Orion's spiral arm, where personal martial power is used as a very important criteria.

In this atmosphere, the "mercenary group", which is very antique and uses more personal martial power, also became popular.

Even in the Earth Federation, there are many companies under the banner of this kind, but the scale is not large.

"This is the Chu Nan I mentioned just now." Prince Montico continued to point to Chu Nan and introduced him to the head of the De Verac. "He is a young Martial Artist who came from the Earth Federation to participate in the hunting party. His own strength is extremely good. Even I am ashamed of being inferior. Commander Dwilak, don't underestimate him because he is from the small country of the Earth Federation. He."

Captain De Verak immediately waved his hand and said with a smile: "Of course it's impossible. How dare I underestimate his strength? The giant beast and our group were helpless just now, Chu Nan a If I dare to look down on him like this, I would be too stupid."

"It's not my fault alone." Chu Nan shook the head. "The most important thing to say is that Hathor reminded me and asked me to find its weaknesses, otherwise I would not be able to use it."

"Being able to find weaknesses and attack effectively, this It's already amazing." Captain Deverak said with a smile. "And to be honest, if you don't have enough strength, you know that the giant beast just now can't help it, doesn't it?" Passing across the faces of Chu Nan and Prince Montico, after a brief pause, he asked, "I'm curious, why does the cultivation technique you used in your last blow to the giant beast look the same as the Obliteration Core? Technique is similar?"

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