The energy of the surrounding space changes, and the foreground objects also change rapidly. After a while, the light in front of you reappears, but it is not the kind of light illuminated by the normal stars, but hazy as if shrouded. With a layer of veil, it makes people somewhat see things around them not quite clear.

At the same time, Chu Nan felt a sudden sinking in his body, and he clearly sensed that the gravitational pull was coming from his feet again, and it was much stronger than before, so he knew that he had successfully passed the Transmission Gate, reached the next layer of the endless abyss, which is their goal - Thirty First Layer.

Looking around, I found that other people were also appearing from the Transmission Gate at the moment, and Kasyapa Imperial Princess stumbled after appearing, and it seemed that she had not fully recovered from her previous serious injury.

Because of Hathor's sake, Angelique was the one who treated her, although from the perspective of wound healing, Angelique was more proficient in the cultivation technique of the flame of life, and the effect was more effective than Chu's. Nan is better, but without the life force provided by Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, there is no way to quickly recover from the ups and downs caused by injuries.

Chu Nan glanced at Hathor and saw that he body moved at the moment when Kasyapa Imperial Princess swayed. He seemed to want to go up to help, but he hesitated and didn't really extend the hand. Go, can't help but snicker in my heart.

When this guy met for the first time, he looked rough and had a cheerful personality. No matter how he looked or contacted, he would find him to be an informal person. It has become such an appearance that people have to admire the magic of love.

But when she turned her head and looked around, looking all around like a rare treasure, Chu Nan silently retracted this sentence in her heart.

This guy... It seems that no matter what the situation is, don't make her look different.

"Hey, Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess, can you confirm their location now?" Seeing that the Imperial Princess of Kasyapa was recovering quickly, Chu Nan asked while looking all around.

The environment of Thirty First Layer is similar to the previous layers at first glance. Not only is it not as desolate and harsh as Chu Nan imagined before, although the surface is barren at a glance, you can still see some vegetation and greenery. , in general it seems to be a very suitable planet for life.

Seeing this scene also made Chu Nan feel doubtful.

Although the universe is boundless, the stars in the Milky Way are vast, there are countless types of planets, and there are also many planets suitable for human and other life to survive, but from the First Layer of the Endless Abyss to the Thirty First Layer, each layer is Different planets, but each planet is actually a planet with air and even water, suitable for human habitation, which is a bit unimaginable.

If it weren't for the fact that the personal terminal could not connect to the pan-galactic network after entering the endless abyss, Chu Nan really wanted to see where they were now.

"Don't call me Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess, just call me by my name like Hathor." Imperial Princess Kasyapa shook her head at Chu Nan, bowed her head again, looked towards and was put on the Imperial Family logo by her personal terminal.

After the three of Chu Nan decided to come with her to rescue the Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation who sent a distress signal, the Imperial Princess Kasyapa's tone towards Chu Nan was no longer as hostile as when they first met.

After adjusting her personal terminal, Imperial Princess Kasyapa looked up all around, pointing in a certain direction to the right behind Chu Nan.

"Go over there, it shouldn't be too far."

"Alright, let's go." Chu Nan waved his hand without the slightest hesitation and took the lead, looking towards that direction. out.

entire group immediately followed and quickly left the Transmission Gate.

After walking out of the Transmission Gate, Chu Nan did not forget to look back.

The surrounding environment of this Transmission Gate is very secluded. All around is surrounded by rocks and covered with a layer of vegetation. If you didn't come here deliberately, you wouldn't be able to find the location of this Transmission Gate.

The surrounding environment of the successive Transmission Gates from 24th-layer to 31 layers is similar to this Transmission Gate. If it wasn't for the Imperial Princess of Kasyapa who brought them, they simply couldn't find them. Naturally, it is impossible to break through from the Twenty Fourth Layer to the Thirty First Layer in such a short period of time with no difficulty.

Chu Nan can be sure that if he, Angelique and Carolla are asked to find them by themselves, it is estimated that when the second stage of the Garden Hunting Fair is over, finding the entrance to the third 10th layer will be considered a hit. Good luck, but now I have saved a lot of time because I happened to meet the Imperial Princess of Kasyapa.

entire group had just left the Transmission Gate when they ran into a group of alien beasts.

They also encountered several alien beasts in the process of descending from the 24th-layer to the Thirty First Layer, but in order to save time, they went straight to the past without any entanglement each time. A group of strange beasts blocked the rescue road, and it stretched for a long time, but it was difficult to get around.

Hasol didn't say a word, and charged straight at the group of alien beasts.

This guy is very experienced in dealing with ominous beasts. Although the exotic beasts he encounters are slightly different from ominous beasts, the overall difference is not big, and he is still very familiar with them.

As for Chu Nan and Angel Beili, relying on their own cultivation technique of the flame of life, they are not afraid of being injured at all. quick.

Although Carola is not as experienced as Hathor, nor can she be as carefree as Chu Nan and Angelique, but her cultivation technique is similar to Chu Nan, and she pays attention to efficiency And precise, but not slow.

The four rushed out, and immediately forcibly killed a bloody path in the middle of a large group of alien beasts.

Imperial Princess Kasyapa followed behind the four of them in a daze, and along the way, she didn't even have a chance to intervene.

Seeing the invincibility of the four in front of her, she couldn't help but look weird.

She is of course very aware of Hathor's abilities. The two of them fighting together these days has given her a full understanding of Hathor's formidable strength and his rich skills in dealing with these alien beasts, as well as his ability to fight in the wilderness. She has plenty of experience surviving in the world, so she wasn't surprised by Hathor's performance.

But Chu Nan's performance was beyond her expectations.

She did hear the name of Chu Nan mentioned by many Imperial Family compatriots, and it was not a positive comment, but even if those Imperial Family compatriots said bad things about Chu Nan, it was a good thing for him. There is no doubt about it, so Kasyapa Imperial Princess has long known that Chu Nan's strength is not bad.

However, she didn't expect, Chu Nan's strength is so good!

Just look at this guy rushing in front, almost ahead of Hathor, he seems to be able to kill a strange beast very casually, and his movements are very clean and efficient, and the single In terms of round kill speed, it is actually a little faster than Hathor.

And the two girls he brought by his side also performed well, the girl who looked delicious and pretty was nothing more than that, and the appearance made Kasyapa Imperial Princess only ashamed of being inferior However, the girl showed a fierce style of play that was completely inconsistent with her Goddess-like radiance and beauty. She was even more ferocious than those alien beasts. Don't say that she didn't have any softness when fighting alien beasts. They fought head-to-head, imposing manner more terrifying than a horde of alien beasts.

Kasyapa Imperial Princess couldn't help but glanced at Chu Nan again.

This guy is said to only come from a very remote small country on Orion's spiral arm. His strength is strong enough to be called a personal innate talent, but where did he get such a strong of two female companions?

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