Hasol startled: "What do you mean?"

Chu Nan slapped his forehead hard, and quickly walked over and pulled Carola away.

"Hey, Carolla, can't you separate the occasions? Now is not a good time for him to duel with you, right? Even if he is in good health, I can guarantee his His mental state is definitely bad. You duel with him at this time, even if you win, it won't be fun."

"Mental state?" Carola tilted her head and continued to look at Hathor. Is puzzled. "Does this also affect his strength?"

"Of course!" Chu Nan deliberately increased his tone. "When you're in a bad mood, your state is very affected, and you definitely won't be able to play your best strength, so you can challenge him at another time."

"Okay." Carola didn't insist, but It was very obedient to agree.

"I said why didn't you think to ask first when you attacked me?" Chu Nan muttered, turned to the confused Hathor and waved his hand, embarrassedly said with a smile: "She's a martial arts idiot, she likes to fight with people everywhere, you don't care about her."

Hasol sighed and said to Carolla nodded: "In normal circumstances, I'm very Would love to have a good fight with you, but not right now."

"en." Carolla complied and didn't say much.

At this time, Angelina has finally completed the complete examination of the girl's body. After a moment of indulgence, she reached out to Chu Nan.

"Hasol's judgment is right. If you want to remove the poison from her body, it is most appropriate to use the wolf's core as a guide. Come, give me that core."

Chu Nan handed over the core, and after Angeli took it, she did not put the core into the girl's mouth as Chu Nan thought, but just pressed it on the girl's wound, randomly holding life in her palm. The flames started, and white radiance emerged, covering the wound and the inner core together.

Under the illumination of the milk white radiance, there was a trace of purple liquid that looked extremely viscous in the inner core, and then penetrated into the girl's body along the wound.

Girl's complexion soon improved, and she could clearly see a trace of deep purple breath oozing out from her wound, condensing into a liquid state, and when it was about to drip, it was caught by An Qi. Beili suddenly reached out to catch it.

The deep purple liquid fell drop by drop, gradually condensing into a pool in Angelbelie's palm, the girl's physical condition also improved significantly, and the terrifying wound on the waist also healed quickly under the action of the flame of life .

Seeing this magical scene, Hathor suddenly turned to Chu Nan and said, "I believe she is your girlfriend."

Chu Nan rolled his eyes at him .

Waiting patiently for a while, the wound on the girl's waist completely healed, and her face returned to normal. Her eyes slowly opened, she saw Angel Beili first, showing a surprised look, but not panic, and then deflected. His head, when he saw Hathor, clearly showed an expression of reassurance and joy.

"Gosh, Hathor, you're back alive. I thought you were going to be eaten by those terrifying rare beasts."

Hasol opened his mouth to reveal a With a simple and honest smile, she shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I happened to meet a few friends who saved you."

The girl then turned her head and looked towards Chu Nan and Carolla.

When she saw Carola, she didn't react, but when she saw Chu Nan, she suddenly showed a surprised expression, jumped up and immediately faced Chu Nan. The appearance of sub-alert.

"You are Chu Nan?"

"Yes, I am Chu Nan, you are..." Chu Nan looked at her in confusion, thinking that he was not at all. When I saw this girl for the first time, why was she so hostile and wary of herself?

Hasol next to him also looked puzzled.

"Kasyapa, what's wrong with you? Chu Nan...has he offended you?" leaf.

"No, he didn't offend me, but..." Having said this, the girl named Kassapa hesitated for a while. "Many of my clansman told me that he is not a good person, be careful when you see must."

"Clansman?" Chu Nan immediately understood, and laughed: "This... is called Jia. Ye, right? Can you tell me, among the people who said these words to you, is there a person named Savonis?"

Kasyapa's expression started, and he looked towards Chu Nan in amazement: "You... ...you know?"

"Of course I do." Chu Nan shrugged. "In addition to Prince Savonis, there are also many Imperial Princesses in your Declan Empire Imperial Family who do not like me. If you listen to them, of course you will think that I am not a good person. But have you listened to them? What about the Imperial Princess Romandi, Prince Montico and other Imperial Princesses?"

This Imperial Princess Kasyapa actually showed vigilance and hostility to Chu Nan, then Chu Nan doesn't mind revealing her identity.

Hashor looked towards Kassapa in amazement when he heard Chu Nan revealing Kassapa's identity.

In fact, in these days of intimate contact, he guessed from some of Kasyapa's usual details that her identity should be unusual, her background is completely different from his own, but didn't expect Kasyapa to turn out to be It's the Imperial Princess of Declan Empire!

The expression on Kassapa's face changed slightly, and then he became more puzzled.

"Do you still know Romanti and Montico?"

"Of course, I was chatting and laughing with them not long ago." Chu Nan said with a smile .

Kassapa wrinkled his two willow-like eyebrows and stared at Chu Nan for a while, his expression suspicious.

"Ai, I originally said that I met Hathor by chance, and I just asked him to explore the depths together, but since you don't trust me, forget it."

Chu Nan shook the head, winked at Angelique and Carolla, and took the lead to leave.


Unexpectedly, it was not Hathor that Chu Nan expected, but the Imperial Princess Kasyapa.

"Is there anything else for Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess to say?" Chu Nan looked back at her with a smile.

Kasyapa Imperial Princess hesitated for a while, then glanced at Hathor, then opened the mouth and said: "There has obviously been a beast tide in the endless abyss, I think... Let's explore and compare together. Safe."

Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards Hathor, but Hathor was expressionless and made no expression.

"This guy, I can't tell that he is a strict wife..."

Chu Nan muttered in his heart, then turned back and asked Angelique and Carolla : "What about your opinion?"

"I will listen to you."

"I am willing to listen to your opinion."

The two of them without the slightest hesitation expressed his following attitude towards Chu Nan.

"In this case..." Chu Nan glanced at Hathor and Kasyapa Imperial Princess, hesitating in his heart.

Before he didn't mean to play some kind of aggressive tactics. In fact, if it was just Hathor, of course he was willing to absorb Hathor into the team and let everyone explore together, but now appears a Kassapa Imperial Princess, and Kasyapa Imperial Princess is also hostile to Chu Nan, Chu Nan can no longer think about it.

In his opinion, the strength in a square is second, and the most important thing is that everyone trusts each other.

The Imperial Princess of Kasyapa does not trust Chu Nan, and in case of any emergency in the future, it may cause serious consequences.

So even if he loses Hathor, a good companion, Chu Nan is not very willing to take risks.

Just as Chu Nan thought about it for a while and was about to say no, the small unremarkable Imperial Family logo on Kasyapa's Imperial Princess chest suddenly lit up with a faint red light.

Kasyapa Imperial Princess looked down and suddenly the complexion greatly changed.

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