Chu Nan body flashed, swept up to the body of the beast-headed wolf that was falling towards the ground, stretched out his hand into its exploded head, and from a pile of brain fragments Accurately grabbed a deep purple flesh ball shining with brilliant light, which was the core of this strange beast, then waved to Angel Belle and Carolla, and took the lead to fly away into the distance.

Perhaps it was because the three of them killed the leading alien beast, the head wolf, and the other alien beasts had been sluggish for a period of time and could not continue to besiege the three of them as they did just now. Chu Nan and Angel Belli both turned on their lives and rushed forward at the same time, and there was almost no beast that could resist their impact in one round, so the three of them went all the way like a hot knife through butter, and soon turned into three meteors and rushed out heavily surrounded.

It is not very accurate to say that it is very fast. When the three of them just left the Transmission Gate range, they already found that the number of alien beasts surrounding the Transmission Gate is extremely large. more than ten thousand.

Now the three of them are breaking out at full speed. Although the speed is not slow, they have been flying for about ten minutes. The distance in a straight line is at least more than ten kilometers, and the number of alien beasts around them has gradually decreased. .

After flying for another three kilometers, the three of them found a fairly hidden place and fell down.

Looking back and seeing the endless herd of alien beasts in the distance, the three of them were all heartbroken.

"Is there a mistake, why are there so many?" Angelique couldn't help muttering, staring at the group of alien beasts still surrounding the Transmission Gate in the distance. "If the 24th-layer is full of so many alien beasts, then we may be too late to break through to the deeper layers."

Chu Nan glanced over and saw that there were still zeros in the surrounding wilderness. The scattered alien beasts running on the ground and flying in the sky swarmed in the direction of the Transmission Gate, and couldn't help but frowned.

"No, this shouldn't be normal. If I guessed correctly, we should have hit the beast tide that Marfaan uncle mentioned before."

"The beast tide ?" Angel Belle and Carolla still glanced at Chu Nan, and then looked at a large number of alien beasts surging like a tide in the distance, all nodded.

"It turns out that this is the beast tide, I didn't expect it to be so spectacular." An Qibeili nodded with emotion, and then asked Chu Nan: "Then what should we do now? There are too many strange beasts. Although we are not afraid of being killed by them, we will definitely die of exhaustion if we rush forward."

"Of course not so stupid." Chu Nan shook his head, his eyes fell in the opposite direction of the Transmission Gate. the distance. "These alien beasts seem to be gathering towards this Transmission Gate. Maybe they are planning to go to the Twenty Third Layer or a higher place. Then we will go the other way and continue to explore deeper."

"But with so many alien beasts gathered here, the number of alien beasts in other places will definitely be much less. We might as well stay here and find a chance to kill some single or small group of aliens* *Poor?" Angelique suggested.

"Relax, this is the 24th-layer, that's all, I can guarantee that there are only more places below, and the high rank alien beasts are easier to come across, the ones we just killed The wolf is obviously going to be much more powerful than the one we encountered before."

After speaking, Chu Nan signaled the two to hurry up and make time to tease and recover. He also used the cultivation technique to recover from the injury. According to the data obtained in the battle with the alien beast wolf, he further adjusted his cultivation technique.

The three of them adjusted their breaths for a while, Chu Nan suddenly heard Angelina cry out in surprise, astonished opened his eyes, and saw Angelbelie's finger pointing far to the right.

"Look, someone is coming."


Chu Nan was taken aback.

As they go deeper and deeper into the endless abyss, they encounter less and less of the others.

After all, the deeper the place, the more dangerous it is. If it is not an adventurer with sufficient strength, there is simply no chance to go down to such a deep place.

Even for a group of experienced and powerful adventurers from Marfaan, the most in-depth exploration is just to the Twenty Fourth Layer.

“Who ?” Chu Nan followed the direction Angel Beili pointed to, and was stunned again.

With his current strong fleshy body, his eyesight is of course not a problem, but with his lightbrain-like brain, it is even more impossible to misunderstand, so the person who appears in his sight now is undoubtedly the Hathor!

Seeing Hathor's silhouette lurking all the way, sneakily approaching the large group of alien beasts in the distance, Chu Nan couldn't help grinning.

"This guy... just likes doing it alone?"

Chu Nan looked around, picked up a hard rock from the ground, pointed it in the direction of Hathor and lost it past.

Hashor was obviously very vigilant, and the stone was still a distance away, and he was already aware of it.

Feeling the slightly familiar Inner Breath fluctuations contained in the stone, Hathor looked in the direction the stone flew from, and saw Chu Nan leaning out from his hiding place.

Seeing that it was Chu Nan, Hassel paused for a moment, looked left and right, and touched him quietly.

When he came to the place where Chu Nan and the three were hiding, Hathor saw that there were actually two young girls beside Chu Nan, and he was stunned again, but he didn't care too much, but directly Ask Chu Nan: "Why are you here?"

"I should ask you this." Chu Nan pointed to the group of ominous beasts in the distance. "Don't you want to single out that group of ominous beasts alone?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Hathor glared, then added after paused. "I did come for these guys, but not to kill them, but to get something out of it."

"What?" Angelique asked curiously. road.

Hasol glanced at Angelique, hesitated before answering: "It's the kernel of an ominous beast. One of my comrades was attacked by that ominous beast, and now He was poisoned and seriously injured. If he can get the core of that ominous beast, he will be sure to detoxify him. I..."

"Wait!" Chu Nan raised his hand to interrupt him if. "Your companion? Didn't you tell me that you didn't want to team up with people and only planned to explore the endless abyss alone? Where did this companion come from? And how do you know that you can detoxify by getting the core? Are you sure?"

"Why do you have so many questions?" Hathor frowned. "I never said that I only want to explore alone, I just don't want to form a team with you. We are both contestants. Wouldn't it be less efficient to form a team?"

"Then Not necessarily." Chu Nan shook his head and pointed to Carola, who had been silent for a while. "She's also a contestant, and I'm teaming up with her now."

Hasol glanced at Carolla, coldly snorted: "That's your choice, not mine."


"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk about you guy. Tell me, what does the ominous beast you're looking for look like? We just got out of it, maybe we've met."

Hasol looked at the three of them with a slightly surprised look.

"You just broke out from the inside? How did you get out?"

"Don't ask, just get down to business." Chu Nan waved his hand.

"Okay. It looks like a wolf on the outside, but the limbs are very slender, and the claws are still white as a whole. In addition..."

"There is also a piece on the forehead. Diamond-shaped white hairs like birthmarks?" Chu Nan interjected.

Hasol startedled, randomly overjoyed: "Have you seen this guy? Do you know where it is now?"

Chu Nan laughed and took out the one he just dug out from his bag kernel.

"Here's the thing."

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