Angie Belle's two beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, but they were immediately stretched out. She just continued to pay attention to the surrounding situation, and at the same time divided her attention to Chu Nan. , and then ready to rescue.

Chu Nan's aura suddenly dropped sharply, and the whole person seemed to become extremely weak all of a sudden, and she felt very clearly sitting next to her.

If it were another Martial Artist, Angelique would definitely think that the other party had encountered some major problems, but she didn't have such worries about Chu Nan.

Before this, Chu Nan had done a lot of similar things, and Angelique was used to it. Even more how, Chu Nan also emphasized that she should not shoot at will.

Chu Nan not only has a sudden drop in his breath, but also has an abnormal blush on his face one after another, and even blood oozing from the corners of his mouth. Obviously, his internal condition is definitely not good.

Even though Chu Nan has had many experiences of actively destroying nebulae before, it is the first attempt to destroy all the successfully condensed nebulae in one breath.

The huge impact of the simultaneous destruction of several nebulae caused Chu Nan's body to be severely damaged. Fortunately, he prepared in advance and used the cultivation technique of the flame of life to protect the meridian in his body. "Luxuriously" used Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to directly convert the little space energy contained in the body into life force as a backup, so that he had nothing under the terrifying impact that would kill any other Martial Artist directly. mortal danger and even stay awake.

After the shock caused by the destruction of the nebula in dantian gradually subsided, Chu Nan Inner Breath turned again, but he deliberately adjusted the speed to be slower, and then followed a method he had never used before. The trajectory of Inner Breath flows slowly in the body.

The trajectory of the Inner Breath is actually what he found from the huge bird and beast just now. At that time, he used this method to condense the nebula. Destroyed by him.

The reason for doing this is actually very simple, that is, after he successfully condensed the nebula, he immediately found that the condensed nebula was really bad.

Although with this nebula, he was able to successfully mobilize the too thick and dense space energy in the endless abyss around him for the first time, but this nebula is too efficient in absorbing space energy and in its ability to mobilize space energy. Poor, let him be in unacceptable.

If he uses this nebula as the foundation, even if he can successfully mobilize the space energy, his strength will be greatly reduced.

So he immediately decided to destroy the rebirth, and this time reincarnation was not simply a recast of that nebula, but a complete rebirth.

With the various data collected from that bird and beast, as well as the rich experience of self-destructing nebula and recasting several times before, Chu Nan quickly recast on this basis. A nebula.

If the data he collected from the avian beast represented the beast's own cultivation technique, then he was now equivalent to stealthily learning the cultivation technique to condense the nebula.

But it is obvious that the cultivation technique of alien animals is not suitable for human Martial Artist, even more how this cultivation technique itself is not an excellent cultivation technique.

If the cultivation technique I learned from other ominous beasts and those alien beast cores can only be regarded as an E-rank cultivation technique at most, then the cultivation technique I learned from this bird alien beast is stronger. Children, but it is also limited, at most, it is the D-Rank cultivation technique.

And transplanting from alien beasts to Chu Nan is like changing the operating system of a software, there will definitely be some compatibility problems.

What Chu Nan is doing now is to solve these problems through continuous improvement.

"Hey, I never imagined that one day I would seriously study and improve the cultivation technique of these ominous beasts."

Chu Nan laughed at himself, "Inner Breath circulates at a high speed and will do it soon." Various attempts have been made.

He has mastered a wide variety of Inner Breath cultivation techniques, and he controls his own meridian Inner Breath situation extremely precisely. try.

I just want to transplant a cultivation technique that is suitable for alien beasts to human Martial Artist easier said than done, Chu Nan needs to try and experiment constantly to correct and repeat, almost every small problem is solved. It takes thousands or more of trial attempts.

In addition, after the failure, the fleshy body is damaged and needs to be restored, so it will naturally take longer.

Chu Nan sat motionless under the boulder with a calm expression, while Angelique was also motionless, with a pair of beautiful eyes staring at Chu Nan before blinking for a long time.

And Carola, who was hiding on the mountainside, was also extremely quiet and didn't make any sound.

Time is gradually running out, the nearest star above the head rises and falls from the sky, falls and rises, cycled four times, and experienced four days on the local planet, but it is equivalent to a full close Fifteen Earth days later, Angelique suddenly felt the energy of the space around Chu Nan moved.

If you don't move, you will, and if you move, it will explode like thunder.

The viscous and dense space energy in the surrounding space, which is extremely difficult to mobilize in Angel Belle's induction, is madly rushing towards Chu Nan in this brief moment like crazy.

Between the breaths, Chu Nan's originally weak aura soared all the way. I saw all kinds of strange rays of light flashed all over his body, and soon he "saw" a huge amount of space energy being inhaled by Chu Nan. In his body, it didn't take long for the space energy around him to gradually take shape, and it began to cycle back and forth automatically according to a fixed and weird.

Angie Belle's eyes lit up suddenly, and her face was full of joy.

The appearance of this natural phenomenon around Chu Nan only proves that Chu Nan successfully condensed the nebula again, and it was a nebula condensed in the special space energy environment in the endless abyss!

next moment, Chu Nan opened his eyes, let out a long breath, and didn't see any movement from him after that, his body got up without wind, and quickly rushed into the sky, submerging into the sky.

Angelbely jumped up and looked happily at the direction where Chu Nan disappeared, full of joy.

He still succeeded!

The silhouette around her flickered, but it was Carola who jumped down from the mountainside where she was hiding and landed next to Angelique, looking up at the sky with surprise and doubts on her face.

"He...he didn't fly away, right?"

"Don't worry, no." Angelique said with a smile, shaking her head. "He must have not been flying for a long time, so he was suffocated. Hey, in fact, I can't hold it too much. When he comes back, I must ask him to teach me how to fly. I have been holding it for a long time."

"Then... can he teach me?" Carola asked hesitantly.

"Of course, he didn't talk to you about conditions. Since you have agreed, he will definitely teach you. Don't worry, let's wait for him to come back."

" Oh."

Caroela was obediently nodded, and looked up at the sky with Angelique.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Chu Nan's disappearance in the sky to fly back again with a glittering silhouette.

But after that silhouette, there was a large group of strange giant silhouettes that also broke through the clouds and rushed after him.

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