No matter from the appearance or the unique energy fluctuations emanating from the inside, the sphere dug out from the body of the wolf is clearly its core.

But Chu Nan remembers very clearly that this wolf is not very strong. According to the situation of the fight between them, it can only be regarded as a C-Rank ominous beast at most.

According to the introduction to the classification of ominous beasts in the "Pan-Galaxy Ominous Beast Guide", the strength of C-Rank ominous beasts is insufficient. Except for a few types of ominous beasts, it is difficult to condense the core in the body. .

But now this wolf has not only condensed its inner core, but also the size of the inner core is almost comparable to a child's fist, which can be said to be quite large, which is completely contrary to common sense.

What is even more strange is that the energy fluctuations emitted from this core are somewhat different from those that Chu Nan had contacted before, not so intense, but the fluctuation frequency is extremely high, and there are some Disorganized, it's hard to believe that this is a wave of energy emanating from an ominous beast core.

"Show me." Chu Nan gestured to Dorek.

"Here." Dorek threw it to Chu Nan without hesitation.

Chu Nan started again as soon as he received it.

The weight of this core is much heavier than it looks. Such a fist-sized core for a child actually weighs more than three pounds.

This is not what surprised Chu Nan the most. What really surprised him was that as soon as he got the core, he could clearly and directly sense the strong energy fluctuations from the core, as well as the core. It is as if the creature is breathing, as if it is still alive.

Chu Nan's heart moved, the Inner Breath was activated, penetrated into the core, and instantly stimulated the energy fluctuations of the core to become extremely violent, driving the surrounding stagnant and sticky space energy to fluctuate violently in an instant. .

A powerful purple light burst out, but after two breaths, it quickly disappeared.

As the light faded, the violently fluctuating space energy around it subsided immediately, but the core of Chu Nan's palm was completely shriveled, losing its previous luster, and now it looks like a lump Rotten meat.

Seeing the rapid changes in the cellular organization on the surface of the inner core, Chu Nan turned his head and threw the inner core to Angelique Beside.

"Let's study it."


Angelberry happily took over the kernel, the cultivation technique started, and the white radiance would The core was wrapped in it, but it didn't stimulate the core as intensely as Chu Nan just now, but infiltrated it little by little and analyzed it carefully.

This is an alternative application of the inflammation of life cultivation technique, which can infer various information in the target cell tissue, even the deepest genetic information, by means of the reaction.

According to the explanation given by Angel Beili, Venerable originally developed the cultivation technique of the flame of life, originally to assist her in her research on biological genes, but later, as her research deepened, this The cultivation technique is also showing stronger qualities, which is a pleasant surprise.

For those special ominous beasts that the two of them met before, Angelababy found out that their genetic information was a little weird by relying on this special cultivation technique.

Now I have encountered even more strange beasts, and of course I have to analyze them.

Seeing Angelina concentrate on her research, Chu Nan turned her head and asked Dorek again, "Does this special core mean that this wolf is an alien beast?"


"Smart." Dorek gave Chu Nan a thumbs up. "Yes, the most striking thing about alien beasts is their cores. Since you know the cores, you must have hunted the ominous beasts outside before, right? You should be able to see that the cores of these alien beasts are the same as the ominous beasts outside. The kernel of beast is not the same."

"Well, the kernel of these guys is more... turbid and unstable, and the quality of the kernel of the ordinary ominous beast outside is a lot worse." Chu Nan nodded and said .

"That's right." Dorek nodded agreed. "So although these guys have cores, they are not attractive to us, and they can't sell for money."

Chu Nan glanced at the many ominous beasts still left in the mountain within the valley Corpse, I thought that these cores can't be said to be completely meaningless.

At the moment when the core of this wolf burst out, Chu Nan clearly felt the special energy structure in it. If he can find more and let him feel for a while, maybe there is hope that the analysis will be successful. , this will allow him to have a deeper understanding of the ominous beast in the endless abyss and how the alien beasts use the space energy in this space, and hopefully he will also successfully mobilize the space energy in this special space.

But there is no need to say these words, Chu Nan kicked the wolf on the ground that had long been divided by Dorek, and asked, "A strange beast like it. Are there more?"

"It depends where you are." Dorek shrugged. "Mina just said that under normal circumstances, there shouldn't be so many strange beasts in the 19th-layer, even more how is the period of stability. But now... it's obviously not a normal situation."

Having said that, Dorek turned his head to Mafaan and asked, "Hey, boss, what are we going to do next? Are we going to continue?"

Mafaan frowned and pondered for a while, then waved his hand .

"No, the situation in the endless abyss is a little unusual now. Judging from the fact that we encountered so many strange beasts just now, maybe... there will be a wave of beasts..."


"Beast Tide!" Not only Dorek, but the rest of the team also creded out in surprise, only Old Gnar remained affectionate and calm, remaining unmoved.

"Boss, you're not joking!" Dorek asked loudly with a surprised face: "It's a peaceful period, so there will be a beast tide?"

"It's not surprising." Mafaan shook his head with a serious expression. "There has never been any regularity in the appearance of the beast tide in the endless abyss. It was not that it did not appear in the stable period before, or it was very rare. The last time it happened should be more than 30 years ago. It is normal for you not to know."

"Thirty-six years." Old Gnar suddenly added in a muffled voice.

"Yes, thirty-six years ago. Old Gnar lost one of his arms in that beast swarm."

Everyone's eyes fell on Old Gnar, Chu Only then did Nan notice that this old Gnar's right arm looked thinner than his left arm, and the exposed right palm also had a faint metallic luster. It should have been an additional mechanical arm.

"Although it's a pity, but since there is a possibility of a beast tide, we must retreat. If we stay here, maybe we will all die." Marfaan said solemnly .

"But we managed to get down to the 19th-layer..." Dorek couldn't help muttering.

"Remember, save your life so you can continue to explore the endless abyss!"

Mafaan reprimanded Dorek with a stern face, and then asked Chu Nan: " I suggest that you should evacuate immediately, otherwise if you run into a beast tide, no matter how strong you are, you will not escape death."

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