"Second question..."

"Now it's your turn to answer my question." Carola interrupted Chu Nan unceremoniously. "Because you defeated me, I will answer one of your questions first. But if you want to continue my answer to your question, then you must answer one of my questions first."

Chu Nan again speechless.

This guy is really like a robot.

"Okay, you ask." Chu Nan shrugged. "But I won't necessarily answer you."

"Then I won't answer your question either." Carola responded immediately. "It's a fair deal, do you accept it?"

"It's fine if you swap it out, you ask."

"Okay." Carolla nodded. "According to the information I got, Chu Nan, you are from a country called the Earth Commonwealth, and the only contestants in the Earth Commonwealth who continue to participate in the second stage of the Garden Hunt Party are you. The question is, how is his strength?"

"You have inquired quite a bit, why are you asking about Norwell's strength? Is it possible that you want to fight him too?" Chu Nan asked curiously.

"Please answer my question first." Carola said earnestly.

"Well, it's no secret." Chu Nan could only surrender. "Nowell's strength...is weaker than me, because he hasn't successfully condensed the nebula, and he can only be regarded as a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist."

"Okay, I understand." Carolla nodded. "Now I can answer a question for you."

"Okay, let me ask, you just asked me if I was a contestant in the garden hunting party, so depending on your age and appearance, it should be the same as I'm the same contestant. I want to ask, where are you a contestant?"

"I'm from the Chamber of Commerce in Taramag, Sagittarius."

"It actually came from the spiral arm of Sagittarius... Should I be surprised or say it really is?" Chu Nan looked at Carola again in surprise.

This girl looks a little bigger than Angelique at most, never bigger than Chu Nan, Chu Nan thought she should be from Orion or Perseus. A place with very strong inheritance, even a dísciple taught by an expert in Declan Empire, but didn't expect her to come from the least prosperous martial skill among the three spiral arms, by Norantum Chamber of Commerce The main control of the Sagittarius spiral arm.

But after thinking about it, maybe there are such people only on the side of the Sagittarius spiral arm...

"It's time for me to ask you a question." Carol continued. : "I want to ask, are there any young Martial Artists similar to yours in your Earth Federation?"

"Yes." Chu Nan smiled slightly, which happened to be Angel Belle at this time. After getting dressed, he jumped over and grabbed her. "Well, this is my girlfriend Angelique, and her strength is about the same as mine."

Carolla didn't look surprised, just looked at Angelique seriously.

Angie Belle is being watched by her unfathomable mystery.

"Hey, Chu Nan, what does she mean?"

Chu Nan touched his chin, remembering Carola's strange behavior and her strange question just now, pondered then said: "I guess...she might be trying to fight you?"

"Really?" Angelique suddenly looked excited. "Very good! Come on, come on! Hey, what's your name? Let's have a fight. I saw you and Chu Nan had a good fight just now. My hand is itchy!"

"My God..." Chu Nan wailed, holding his forehead in pain.

Does this guy understand what's going on?

Carolla didn't react at all to Angelique's proposal, let alone resisted, she just nodded politely.

"Yes, but I've just played with your boyfriend now, and I'm not in the best condition. Even if I fight with you, it can't reflect my true strength. You fight, so please wait for me to recover before fighting with you."

"Okay, no problem, I'll just wait for you." Angelababy waved her hand carefree and agreed.

Chu Nan has black lines all over his forehead.

"Hey, Angela, our top priority now is to continue to explore in depth. How can we wait here."

"Oh, that's right." An Qi Belle gently clapped her head, reacted, and turned her head to show an apologetic smile to Carolla. "Sorry, we still have something to do. I'm afraid we don't have time to wait for you to recover slowly. Why don't we call when we have a chance to meet you next time? Or leave a contact information and call after the hunting party is over."

"No, I'll follow you guys."


I heard Carolla's answer, not to mention Chu Nan, even Angelina Lido was a little dumbfounded.

In order to be able to fight Angelique, this guy has to follow them all the time?

Although this girl always looks expressionless, she is handsome and beautiful, and she is young and moving.

"This...Miss Carolla, in order to continue to explore the depths of the endless abyss, the two of us will definitely encounter all kinds of troubles, you are behind us, this...isn't right? "Chu Nan is embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Carola asked rhetorically.

"This..." Chu Nan gave a wry smile, thinking to himself, do you want me to tell me that you're following behind like a tag-a-long so that we can't feel at ease?

"Do whatever you want." Angelique didn't care. "But I have to remind you that even if you can fully recover, I may be in poor form due to other battles, and it would be just as unfair for you to play against me at that time."

"Okay. , I see." Carolla seemed to have not heard the meaning of Chu Nan's words at all and Angelbely's almost explicit hint, but nodded stopped talking.

Chu Nan glanced at her and suddenly frowned: "By the way, Miss Carolla, you just said that I have one more question to answer, so I can ask you a question, then I have already answered you just now. Now, Angelique is a young Martial Artist in our Earth Federation who is close to mine, should you answer me a question now?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay, I'll ask." Chu Nan was not polite, and asked directly: "Aren't you a contestant of the garden hunting party like me, why did you come here to meet me and Angelique? Fighting? Isn't it your main purpose to participate in the garden hunting club, but to fight with others?"

Chu Nan thought that faced with this problem, Carola had to cover up what she said. Or simply refuse to answer, but didn't expect her glasses to not blink, very simply nodded.


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