Chu Nan shook his arms and fell down. He glanced at the group of little monsters on the ground and found that they could only lie on the ground shiver coldly at this time, and they were completely gone. The spiritual vitality and fierceness of her, she couldn't help but curiously asked Angelique: "Hey, what kind of cultivation technique are you doing? Why do you feel like you've drained them all at once?"

"Oh, This is one of the high-level applications of the Flame of Life cultivation technique. In fact, it directly destroys the vitality of the cells of living beings through the vibration of Inner Breath, making them lose their mobility. Your mastery of the cultivation technique of the Flame of Life is not yet at this level, etc. You're here, I'll ask the master, I should be able to teach you."

"We'll talk about that later."

Chu Nan shrugged, squatted down, and activated the Inner Breath protection, Cautiously picked up a little monster from the ground.

Perhaps influenced by Angelina's cultivation technique, this little bat-like monster has indeed completely lost the ability to move. Even if Chu Nan is lifted by his tail, there is no response, but The slight tremor of its body showed that it was still alive.

"What are you doing?" Angelique also squatted down curiously.

"Don't you realize that this monster is very different from the monsters we've met before?" Chu Nan asked rhetorically.

Angie Belli rolled her eyes and immediately understood.

"You mean they can mobilize space energy at will, right?"

"Smart." Chu Nan gestured with a thumbs-up to Angelique, and then The little monster was placed in the palm of his hand, and the Inner Breath in the palm of his hand revealed, slowly going deep into the body of the little monster.

Using Inner Breath to probe into his human body's breath and the operation of space energy, Chu Nan has done this many times, but it is the first time to probe into a monster's body like this.

Then...he took a peek.

After the Inner Breath turned around in the little monster's body, Chu Nan felt nothing.

Chu Nan was stunned by such a strange situation.

It stands to reason that the battle strength that these little monsters just burst out is really not weak, and they can even mobilize the space energy at will to exert an attack power that is completely beyond their level. No matter what, there should be some corresponding organizations in the body. The reaction is just right, how can it be just like ordinary animals can't detect it at all?

"Perhaps it's better to connect them?" Angie Belle suggested. "When we played against us just now, the aura was weak when they were separated, but they became stronger when they joined together. There must be a special reason."

"It makes sense."

"It makes sense."


Chu Nan thought for a while, then picked up the other little monsters that were still shiver coldly on the ground and put them together.

Sure enough, he didn't need to do anything, these little monsters just got close to each other, and they automatically grew a few very special tissues from their bodies, and then with these additionally generated tissues were closely linked with one another, and soon It is completely connected together, and it looks like a big monster who has grown into this shape.

Although they were still unable to move because they were damaged by Angel Beili's cultivation technique, they could clearly feel that a channel for the transmission of energy fluctuations was suddenly formed in their bodies. Space energy also began to be naturally affected and flowed along with it.

"Have you found it yet?" Chu Nan reminded Angelique. "The energy channel constructed by these guys actually has the same effect as Nebula."

Angie Belli spread her hands up and felt for a moment, gently.

"It's kind of like that. You mean these monsters can also condense nebulae in their bodies? Is that possible?"

"Of course it is possible, don't forget those S-Ranks Even some particularly powerful A-Rank ominous beasts have the ability to fly into space with a fleshy body. Although many ominous beasts rely on their own fleshy body innate talent, there are actually many ominous beasts that rely on their bodies like Martial Artist The same Inner Breath system, it's not surprising to build a nebula or something."

"But it's just these little ones?" Angelababy reached out and fiddled with a little monster, perhaps sensing Angelababy Rei's power, the little monster that was put on the edge after the fit curled up, and at the same time led the surrounding little monsters to curl up together, it looked like the big monster after the fit had shrunk a corner.

"One of them may not work, but so many will do."

Chu Nan unceremoniously continued to penetrate the Inner Breath into the body of the merged monster, feeling it. The energy fluctuation cycle that is not strong, and the space energy fluctuation caused by it is also counted.

After doing this for a while, Chu Nan was even more sure that his calculations were correct.

Each of these little monsters is just a scattered individual. It is not surprising, nor is it powerful, but when they are combined, the energy in the body will be connected to the wave and cycle into pieces, forming a complete The nebula-like energy exchange cycle of , can mobilize the space energy in the surrounding space through the energy fluctuation cycle that is not responsible, and can even condense it into its own attack method.

After figuring this out, Chu Nan couldn't help clicking one's tongue in wonder.

These little monsters are too small, no matter how powerful they are, it is difficult for them to complete such a cycle of energy fluctuations by themselves, but they can come up with such a way to become strong together, which is really amazing. People have to marvel at the biological evolution of nature.


Chu Nan suddenly frowned.

The energy fluctuation cycle after these little monsters merge is no problem, and it is amazing to be able to affect the space energy in the surrounding space, but... no matter how you look at it, such an energy fluctuation cycle is not suitable for them. That's right.

When Chu Nan Inner Breath circulated for a few weeks, he had a clear idea of what was going on inside each little monster, and he could easily calculate this result after a simple calculation in his brain.

Although such a combination of energy fluctuations in the body can make these little monsters much stronger, it is a powerful burden for their too weak bodies. If you always use the combination to fight the enemy, every time With one use, their bodies are damaged by overloading once.

If the intensity continues to be maintained, it will inevitably greatly affect their lifespan, which should not be long.

This way is really contrary to the goal of evolution - to live.

And if you savor the cycle of energy fluctuations in their bodies, you'll find that they're filled with a condensed nebula similar to that of a human Martial Artist.

This is not a pattern that a group of monsters would adopt, but rather a pattern that was artificially imposed on them.

The more Chu Nan thought about it, the more strange it became. He circulated the Inner Breath for a few more weeks. After investigating the situation in the little monster's body, he immediately thought to move. A complete cycle of energy fluctuations in the body of the monsters is simulated in the dantian and the whole-body meridian.

The energy of the surrounding space immediately moves with the wind like leaves, and flows with the inner breath of the energy fluctuation cycle in Chu Nan's body. There is no need for Chu Nan to control it. A powerful wave of space energy.

Sensing the changes inside and outside the body, Chu Nan instantly determined that the energy fluctuations and cycles in these little monsters were by no means self-evolving, but artificially forcibly added to them!

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