This palm is shot, the palm shadow is flying, and there is no trace, but it is the cloudless palm that Chu Nan learned from Xue Zhengming.

It's just that Chu Nan's strength is far better than before, this palm strike is not only the chaos and uncertainty of the palm shadow seen on the surface, but also drives the energy installation of the whole body to fluctuate and chaotic, countless different ways. The energy fluctuations of vibration frequency and intensity are interspersed and mixed. Although it seems that the imposing manner is far less than the punch of Prince Nokanti, there are hidden undercurrents, which are only more complicated and difficult to deal with.

Prince Nokanti sensed the spatial energy change in space and sprayed coldly snorted from his nostrils.

Although Chu Nan's real strength is far beyond his expectations, he believes that his strength has reached fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade Peak, and the distance to breakthrough to become a Star Level Martial Artist is only one step away. How can anyone be afraid of any Martial Artist under the Star Level Martial Artist.

Seeing Chu Nan's palm driving the space energy surging towards him, his whole body glows with golden light, and his backhand is a punch.

Thousands of palm shadows suddenly turned into one, Chu Nan's palm seemed to protrude directly from the void, and he caught Prince Nokanti's fist precisely and accurately, and once again formidable his fist. Power becomes invisible as much as possible.

At the same time, a powerful wave of energy accompanied the Inner Breath to attack Prince Nokanti, but in an instant, several of his meridians were severely damaged.

Prince Nokanti spurted a mouthful of blood, exploded an Inner Breath, and struggled to break free from Chu Nan's palm, but before he could counterattack, Chu Nan slapped it again .

The situation in the field reversed instantly.

In order to protect Henrik, Chu Nan could only stand in place and allow Prince Nokanti to attack recklessly, but now he has figured out all the battle modes of Prince Nokanti through previous fights , after getting a clear grasp of the changes in his cultivation technique, he immediately turned passive into active, and in turn suppressed Prince Nocanti.

And unlike the previous Chu Nan who was able to defuse Prince Nokanti’s offensive every time, now once Chu Nan starts to fight back, he will suppress Prince Nokanti in all directions, making him almost impossible to find. any possibility of counterattack.

The most important enhancements to the fleshy body and Inner Breath brought by Tianyuan's Tyrant Body Divine Art are useless in front of Chu Nan. But it always makes Prince Nokanti suffer a little loss and a little injury.

Although the loss is not much and the injury is not serious each time, the accumulation of such a little bit has made the state of Prince Nokanti more and more affected.

Fighting for a while, Chu Nan slapped the right arm again, and felt the chaotic aura pouring into the body along the arm, and began to wreak havoc in all around meridian, Prince Nokanti couldn't help it. Spitting out a mouthful of blood, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and shouted angrily: "Boy, you're enough!"

Accompanying this roar, the golden light that was several times stronger than before suddenly burst out from Prince Nokanti burst out from his body, and for a moment it was like a small sun suddenly ignited in the abandoned manor. The extremely brilliant golden light completely lit up the entire abandoned manor and the surrounding wilderness, illuminating it like daytime - just everywhere golden.

Prince Nokanti in the rays of light suddenly swelled up rapidly, but in the blink of an eye, it was more than three times bigger.

Before he was about 1.8 meters tall, but now, he has suddenly become a monster with a height of more than 6 meters and an extremely strong body!

Although he had seen a similar situation on Prince Savonis before, Chu Nan couldn't help being stunned when he saw it now.

When Prince Savonis used this Tyrant Body Divine Art to transform, his body shape had already become very exaggerated, but now this Prince Nokanti has transformed into an even more exaggerated body shape.

The current Prince of Nocanti is clearly a monster that only appears in certain movies!

Not only his body shape has changed, but his appearance has also undergone great changes. Even his naked body is covered with thick hair. No matter how you look at it, he has completely lost his human form.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Nan didn't know how to face him for a while.

What the hell is this Tyrant Body Divine Art, is it actually a cultivation technique that turns people into monsters?

Chu Nan has heard that some special drugs have appeared in some biotechnology research, which can make people multiply crazy in a short period of time, and transform into a monster in a very short time, but Now this effect appears in a cultivation technique or S-Rank cultivation technique, which is really unexpected to Chu Nan.

What surprised him even more was that although Prince Nokanti looked no different from monster now, he still maintained his sobriety as a human being.

Seeing Chu Nan standing in front of him in a daze, Prince Nokanti (monster version) roared, stomped on the ground, and stepped on the ground with countless bottomless cracks, as if a Local small earthquakes are normal.

"Damn it! You made me look like this! Anyway, you must die today!"

Prince Nocanti (monster version) Raising his right arm and clenching his right fist, he formed a huge fist that was bigger than Chu Nan's entire body and punched Chu Nan.

Such a huge body does not affect his flexibility at all, nor does it affect his speed, it can even be said that it makes him a lot faster, this fist volleyed down, directly Tearing Space, no giving at all Chu Nan bombarded Chu Nan without any time to react.

There is no need to investigate seriously at all, Chu Nan has already affirmed that although the use of space energy in this fist is obviously not as good as any of the previous punches from Prince Nokanti, but the formidable power is required. Much more terrifying.

The reason is very simple, with the support of such a huge body, only the strength support provided by the fleshy body in this fist is almost enough to make the formidable power of this fist and the ordinary beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist mention on equal terms.

With the Inner Breath and space energy, the formidable power of this fist is naturally only more terrifying.

Chu Nan didn't even have time to hesitate, so he could only raise his palm to cover his head with his backhand, the Inner Breath exploded frantically, forcibly taking this fist.

This time Chu Nan can no longer dissolve all the power in this fist of Prince Nokanti as easily as he did just now. The huge fist fell, instantly blasting Chu Nan down and landing on the ground.


As if it was attacked by the most terrifying bomb, the ground of the abandoned manor was directly blasted into a big hole, and everything within a radius of tens of meters was destroyed by this The fist is directly smashed into powder, and there is no completeness at all.

The arena was silent for a while, and Prince Nokanti's huge face, which had already changed safely, showed an expression of obvious doubt, and slowly raised his fist.

Under his fist, in the deep hole where the ground was blasted open, Chu Nan raised his right arm, his palm facing the sky, and his left hand was holding Henrik, who was caught by him at an unknown time. The milky white radiance shines, and the facial expressions look calm and composed.

The fist let go, Chu Nan's eyes collided with that of Prince Nocanti.

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, you've gotten bigger, but you haven't gotten much stronger."


Nokanti The prince let out a violent roar like an ominous beast again, raised his foot and stepped on Chu Nan like Mount Tai pressed the top.

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