"My family?" Rosa was stunned for a moment, then laughed. "Ha, what a big breath! Do you know who I am? Do you know what my family is? How dare you be so boasted shamelessly?"

"Rosa Gumball, your Gumball The Bol family is just a very common Declan Empire noble family in the Dark Forest galaxy. So far, there have only been two Star Level Martial Artists in the family history, and the most powerful expert in the family is only one. fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. Such an unremarkable family, why am I incapable of making you and your family pay enough?"

Watching Chu Nan's icy face spit out such emotionlessness The words, Rosa was stunned.

He didn't expect that Chu Nan actually knew the details of himself.

But he immediately became angry.

"unremarkable? How dare you say that our Gumball family is unremarkable? Who do you think you are! You are just a little fart from a far-flung border country, don't think you can enter the garden to hunt Once you know the second stage, you can become rampant! In the empire, guys like you are everywhere! Why are you so rampant?"

"What do you think?" Chu Nan asked with a sneer.

Rosa's expression was suffocated again.

Of course he knew what Chu Nan did.

Chu Nan relies on his youth.

He already has such a strong strength at such an age, which is enough to prove how good his innate talent is.

According to his innate talent, as long as there are no major accidents in the future, he has a very high possibility of breaking through to become the most powerful Star Level Martial Artist.

And once he becomes a Star Level Martial Artist, the current Gumball family is simply unable to withstand a single blow in front of him, it can be said that there is no power to resist.

In fact, if it weren't for the support of the two princes behind this time, Rosa would have been terrified by Chu Nan last time, and simply lost the courage to continue to trouble Chu Nan.

The family behind him may have some power on this planet, but it is absolutely impossible to use the family force to find trouble for Chu Nan because of a little skirmish between him and Chu Nan.

On the contrary, when a family like them faces a real young talented Martial Artist like Chu Nan, they mostly focus on recruiting, so how can they easily offend.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, just give me the real address. I don't want to continue wasting time with you, and if something happens to Henrik and Norwell, I'm sure you won't either. Hope to see this result." Seeing Rosa's silence, Chu Nan urged impatiently.


Rosa just opened her mouth, but was interrupted by a voice next to her.

"Oh dear Mr. Chu Nan, we also do not wish to see the result of the accidental death of your two companions, but whether they will die or not is now in your hands. If If you don't work hard enough, then they may really not be able to wait for you."

Prince Nokanti squeezed into the picture from the side and looked at Chu Nan with a smile.

"But if you work hard enough and behave well enough, you'll be able to meet them while they're still alive. Whether they survive or not will depend on your performance. Like this."

Chu Nan frowned at this guy who suddenly appeared, and told him directly that this guy should be the real master of the whole thing, and Rosa was just a puppet at most.

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple, let's play a game, and it's a very common game."

Nookan Prince Ti still had a big smile on his face and looked extremely cordial.

"You will be greeted by different opponents next, and each time you defeat your opponent, you gain the power to go further to your comrade. The faster you defeat your opponent, the further you advance.

" Hurry up. And when you successfully pass through this pass after pass, you will eventually come to us. Then, you only need to defeat us again and save your two companions from our hands, then There is a chance to save their lives. How about it? Isn't it easy to understand?"

Speaking of this, the smile on Prince Nokanti's face changed slightly, and there was a hint of gloom in the smile on the corner of his mouth. .

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you. Your two companions have been seriously injured and lost too much blood in the conflict with us just now. Judging from their current situation, one of them Maybe not for half an hour, and the other will never last. So if you can save them in half an hour, then there is hope that they will both survive. If half an hour passes, Then you can only save the next one. But if it takes more than an hour..."

Prince Nokanti spread his hands with a look of regret.

"That's a pity, all you can see are the corpses of these two companions."

Chu Nan squinted at Prince Nokanti, the corners of his eyes Out of the corner of his eye, he put Henrik and Norwell, who were lying behind Prince Nokanti on the virtual screen, and found that they were indeed worse than before, which was enough to prove that this guy was afraid. correct.

"There is a problem." Chu Nan said.

"What's the problem?"

"How do I know how many levels you've set for me? If I beat one level after another, you keep telling me I haven't There is the next level, what's the point of setting these levels?"

"Oh, this is a good question, but don't worry, I really just want to play a game with you, but I didn't plan to set up a game that you will never be able to pass, that would be too boring. Don't worry, I only set five passes now, as long as you pass these five passes, you can come to me. Of course, if you Even these five gates cannot be passed, it is not only your two companions who can only wait for death slowly, but even you..." Out a strong killing intent.

"It will also die!"

Chu Nan looked at Prince Nokanti blankly, completely ignoring his threats.

"Then don't talk nonsense, where is the first test?"

Prince Nokanti smiled again and raised his hands to pat.

"Come on, let's deliver the first delicious food to this brave passerby."

His tone barely fell, Chu Nan felt something different , looked up and looked forward to the right, and saw three Inner Breath rays of different colors shining from the distance in the sky.

"Are these three guys the so-called first test?"

Prince Nodded with a smile: "Yes, they are me..."

Before he finished speaking, he found that the picture opposite the virtual screen flickered violently, and then he heard several muffled sounds, and several lights of different colors flickered back and forth in the picture on the virtual screen.

This process will end in less than ten seconds.

The picture on the virtual screen stabilized again, revealing Chu Nan's still expressionless face.

"Okay, tell me where to take the second test."

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