Henrik on the virtual screen was face covered in blood, his breath was disordered, and even his chest had a very obvious depression, apparently in a state of serious injury.

However, this was not what surprised Chu Nan the most. What really caught his attention and even changed his face was that he could see from the picture on the virtual screen, not far behind Henrik. There was a silhouette lying motionless on the ground in a pool of blood.

Judging from the person's physical characteristics and clothes, it is clearly Norwell!

"Henryk, how is this..."

Chu Nan was halfway through asking, but stopped abruptly.

A guy with a smug smile squeezed forcibly into the virtual screen from Henrik's side, saw Chu Nan, and raised his hand to greet him.

"Yo, boy, we meet again."

Seeing this person, Chu Nan understood the whole story in an instant without any explanation.


This kid who suddenly appeared is actually Rosa who was taught a lesson by Chu Nan at the door of the Walson Hotel yesterday!

"Ha, not bad, thank you for remembering me." Rosa laughed even more proudly when she saw Chu Nan's quickly gloomy expression. "Boy, I told you yesterday that if you dare to provoke me, you must pay the price! Now your two companions have been arrested by me. If you are not obedient, then they will have nothing to eat. Oh."

Chu Nan's eyes froze, coldly snorted.

"If you want to get revenge on me, then come to me, why are you targeting both of them? They didn't provoke you."

"Who made them two? Is that your accomplice?" Rosa spread her hands, looking helpless. "Besides, who made your two accomplices so weak? Instead of trying so hard to trouble you, it would be more convenient to arrest them both and threaten you first?"

"Shit!" Chu Nan couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

This guy admits shameless!

But he can't do anything about this shameless guy. Now that Henrik and Norwell are in his hands, Chu Nan can't do as one pleases considering their safety.

“Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?” Chu Nan solemnly asked.

"Nonsense, of course I want you to learn a lesson!" Rosa raised a finger and pointed at Chu Nan. "Boy, roll over to me obediently now, don't make any messy thoughts, and don't delay me, otherwise you two companions can't blame me for the lack of spare parts. Do you understand what I mean?"

"The time, the place." Chu Nan looked at him coldly and made the simplest response.

Rosa was stunned, didn't expect Chu Nan to respond so simply, which was somewhat unexpected.

After he paused for a while, he responded, "I'll send you the location later, the time is..."

Rosa looked up at the sky, and suddenly laughed.

"It's in half an hour. I'll remind you again, if you don't arrive in time, your two companions will suffer."

" Come here."

Chu Nan directly closed Rosa after responding.

Yang Qianrui and the others on the side had already discovered Henrik's tragic situation when Chu Nan received the communication, but because Chu Nan had been talking to Rosa and did not intervene, now Chu Nan is closed At the personal terminal, everyone immediately gathered around.

"What's the matter? How did Henrik and the others get arrested? Who is the other party?" Yang Qianrui's face was full of concern and worry.

Henric and Norwell are the only two young Martial Artists other than Chu Nan who are eligible to continue to participate in the second stage of the Garden Hunting Party. If something happens to the two of them now, it will affect They participated in the next hunting party, which was not only a loss for both of them, but also a major loss for the Earth Federation.

And even putting these aside, they are now in this galaxy tens of thousands of light-years away from the Earth Federation. They are fellow Earth Federation compatriots, and naturally they are much more concerned about each other.

Chu Nan shook the head, did not answer Yang Qianrui's questions, but glanced at her and the three assistants, thought for a moment, and said to Yang Qianrui, "sorry, Sister Yang, I'm afraid today's program recording This is the end. Next, I'm going to save Henrik and Norwell, and I'm not going to take you with me."

Yang Qianrui and the three assistants looked at each other, helplessly together Qi nodded.

Although they are very clear that this is a more interesting big news, but they are also very clear that they and the others martial skill are weak, and if they follow Chu Nan's side, it will only become a burden to him.

"Okay, no problem." Yang Qianrui readily agreed, but then she asked, "What about Angel Beili? Do you want to inform her?"

Chu Nan thought about it for a moment, and hooked the head.

"Not for now. Let her communicate more with Romandy Imperial Princess. And she knows how to contact me. If she wants to find me, she can always find me."

"No, I don't agree with your idea." To Chu Nan's surprise, Yang Qianrui shook her head in denial when she heard Chu Nan's arrangement. "I know you don't want Angelique to worry, but I'm a girl like her, and I know a girl's mind very well. If you don't inform her now, she won't be happy if you don't let her know when it's time. even more how I think Angel Belle is strong enough, if she knows about this, she will definitely be your good helper, instead of just dragging you down like us, so I think it's better for you to inform her immediately. "


Chu Nan glanced at Yang Qianrui suspiciously, thought about it for a moment, and felt that what Yang Qianrui said was quite reasonable.

And he has never been in love, so he really doesn't know much about the girl's mind. Now that Yang Qianrui said so, he still decides to believe it.

"Well... that's fine. Sister Yang, because I want to keep in touch with the other party, I'm afraid I can't explain it to Angelina in detail, so please tell her about it."

"Okay, wrap it on me. But you must keep your personal terminal open at all times, so that we can contact you at any time, especially so that Angelique can find you at any time."



As soon as Chu Nan agreed, a new message prompt suddenly sounded on the personal terminal.

When I opened the new message, I found that it was a location message sent by Henrik, with a text message attached to it.

"Get to this location within ten minutes, or you will understand the consequences."

Obviously, this should be a message sent by Rosa using Henrik's personal terminal.

Chu Nan glanced at the location information and compared the map on his personal terminal, and found that it turned out to be a place more than 300 kilometers away from the Northwest of the city. completely unmarked locations.

"Did they kidnap the two of them to another place?"

Chu Nan raised his personal terminal and asked Yang Qianrui to write down the address, and then rushed over. Yang Qianrui nodded, the two exchanged glances, and then rose into the sky.

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