The crowd spread out and made a way out. The man who walked out of it looked between thirty and forty, with thin cheeks, disheveled hair, and unshaven beard. He also wore a suit of clothes like this. A few obvious stains, a sloppy look.

However, his face was full of arrogance, and the eyes of everyone around him were full of disdain, as if everyone in the world was ignored by him.

Only when he walked to the sidelines and looked at Chu Nan, there was a hint of admiration in his eyes.

"Well, yes, after all these years, I've finally met someone who understands, but didn't expect it to be just a hairless brat who's probably less than twenty years old. hmph! It's ridiculous, so big A group of people is not as good as a little child, and his age is like a dog!"

Now this is a dojo, and everyone around will have something to do with martial skill, but his words are not It was to bring everyone in, and suddenly everyone's faces became a little unsightly, and the eyes looking towards him also became extremely unkind.

Chu Nan is funny.

This guy is as eccentric as he was rumored to be.

Although he thought so in his heart, Chu Nan just glanced at him, then ignored him completely, and continued to turn to the young man, beckons with the hand at him.

"Come on, I'll help you correct your mistakes."

Although the boy was still a little confused, he knew that Chu Nan was well-intentioned, so he didn't have any resistance. Took a deep breath, and punched him again.

The person who appeared just now looked at Chu Nan and wanted to say something, but seeing that the young man had already made his move, he could only shut his mouth obediently and watch quietly.


Chu Nan raised his hand again to block the boy’s fist, and at the same time shook his body slightly, which led the boy to lean forward, and then kicked a sideways kick. The foot, the instep kicked the boy's waist and was already closed.

"Have you found it? Although your imposing manner is very good, your fist is too hard. If you use it on your father's body shape, it's just right, but with your current body shape, you still use it like this. When I come out, it will only reveal a too obvious weak spot."

The young man lowered his head and thought for a while, and then he was a little unconvinced: "But I will always grow taller and stronger in the future."

"No, that's not the same." Chu Nan shook his head. "Let's not talk about whether you hope to look like your father in the future..."

Everyone around involuntarily shifted their gazes from the boy to the big man on the long side, and after a careful comparison, Qi Qi shook his head.

Judging from the boy's current physique, it is obvious that he has not inherited his father's physical innate talent, and it is almost impossible to grow into that sturdy appearance in the future.

"Even if you can grow into that in the future, it is a wrong choice for you to practice this way now. The so-called cultivation martial skill does not allow you to cultivate according to the regulations of the martial skill. After all, the martial skill is death. Yes, people are alive, if you practice this magic cultivator now, it will only leave a wrong message in your consciousness, and your body will always be in a wrong environment for the understanding of this martial skill. Even if you grow strong enough in the future, it will be difficult to correct this mistake again. Even more how..."

Chu Nan suddenly body flashed, pressing his palm on the dantian position of the boy's lower abdomen, a hint of Inner Breath reveal.

The boy's body trembled suddenly, his face flashed blue and white, and his face looked ugly.

The big man on the side of the court was suddenly shocked, took a big step, looked towards and rushed into the arena, but was stopped by the man who appeared later.

"Relax and watch, this little fellow is helping your son."

The big man was surprised to find that despite his powerful self-questioning, he was only asked by that person. The arm was easily blocked, and he couldn't make an inch at all. He suddenly realized that his strength was far from the opponent's, and there was no room for resistance, so he could only stare at the field.

The young man in the field changed his face several times, suddenly his body swayed again, and he sat on the ground.

Although he looked embarrassed, his expression was very excited, as if he had suddenly discovered something interesting and new.

"According to the wrong way of cultivation technique will not only affect the use of your external martial skill, but also affect the cultivation technique of your Inner Breath cultivation technique. There is obviously a mistake in cultivation, and I can't see the problem now, but when you get older and the Inner Breath becomes stronger, you will find that this problem is very serious when you break through to Inner Breath Grade in the future. In the future, it is almost impossible to break through Voidbreak Grade."

Hearing Chu Nan's conclusion, the eyes of the people around him looking towards Chu Nan suddenly became extremely strange.

This kid seems to be around 20 years old at most. It is hard to say whether he has broken through to become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist. How dare he judge others for not being able to break through Voidbreak Grade like this?

They didn't know that Chu Nan had a very strange feeling in his heart when he said the last sentence.

What he remembered immediately was that Mu Yutong Venerable and Norman Venerable had made the same judgment about him more than two years ago.

It's just that Chu Nan's martial skill was basically finalized at that time. If it weren't for the fact that he accidentally acquired the enhanced brain ability like lightbrain, it is indeed unlikely that he would actually achieve breakthrough.

But now the teenager is only twelve or three years old, and the martial skill has not yet been finalized, but there is still a chance to correct it.

The teenager was also very surprised by Chu Nan's evaluation of himself. Lifts the head looked at Chu Nan, but did not ask any questions.

After Chu Nan penetrated a trace of Inner Breath into his body just now, it was not to attack him, but to use this trace of Inner Breath as a guide to drive the Inner Breath all over his body to surging, following a trace of Inner Breath in his body. The meridian running route, which he had never thought of before, was running, and after a few cycles, he felt a sense of relief and a sense of comfort throughout his body.

He knew in his heart that the Big Brother in front of him was probably using the opportunity just now to directly instruct his Inner Breath cultivation technique.

Although he has not fully understood all the problems, but with this guidance, as long as he has more insights, he will definitely be able to significantly improve his strength.

Although the contact time is very short, he is now completely convinced by Chu Nan and no longer has any doubts.

"Come on, get up, readjust, and attack me again."

The boy bowed his head and thought for a while, jumped up, and once again gave Chu Nan a look. Punch hits.

Chu Nan responded, pointing out the problems in his moves in short language.

However, unlike many similar situations in which the pointing side just points out the move itself, Chu Nan points out a more fundamental problem, and often points out to the teenager how his move should match him. The body and even the Inner Breath are naturally more detailed and profound in comparison, but they also make the young man have to stop and feel more carefully.

After such a period of communication and guidance, the young man finally exhausted his physical strength, he couldn't even stand, and sat on the ground, only gasping for breath.

Chu Nan laughed, stopped and left the venue.

The big man on the sidelines looked towards Chu Nan at this time, and there was no hostility in his eyes, but instead he was full of gratitude and admiration.

He listened to Chu Nan's advice to the young man just now, but he didn't quite understand it at first, but after thinking carefully about the characteristics of his own cultivation technique, he found more and more that Chu Nan's advice was extremely subtle , not to mention that it has greatly improved the youth's inspiration, even it has brought him a great improvement in perception.

Although Chu Nan looks much younger than him, in terms of cultivation technique understanding, Chu Nan is undoubtedly much taller than him.

Chu Nan nodded with a smile to the big man, and without further expression, turned his head to the man who appeared later.

"You're Nkosidu, right? I'm here to find you this time."

"oh?" An unexpected glance at Chu Nan, then coldly snorted, face revealed disdain. "No wonder you're putting on such a scene on purpose just to draw me out?"

Chu Nan laughed: "Talking to smart people saves time. Yes, that's what I intended. If you don't show up this time, I'll continue to do this, and if you don't believe me, you won't come out."

Enko Siduo snorted heavily: "It seems that you have investigated me very well, then you find What do I have? If you ask me to be your cultivation technique guide, I don't think it is necessary. Although I am confident enough in this area, you are not bad. As for which Young Master to guide me , I'm not interested."

"No, it has nothing to do with this, I'm here this time to invite you to go to the endless abyss with me." Chu Nan replied with a smile.

"Endless abyss?" "So, you're a contestant in the second stage hunting party? What country are you from?"

"It doesn't matter, if you'd like to go with me, we can discuss these questions at Let's talk slowly on the way."

"You like to talk or not. I'm not interested, goodbye." Nkosidu coldly refused and turned around.

"But what if I solve the secret of Rodsco's cultivation technique?" Chu Nan asked Gao Sheng later.

Enko Siduo turned around like a whirlwind, staring at Chu Nan.

"You say it again!"

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