Romandy Imperial Princess gave Chu Nan a puzzled look, but did as she was told.

"Okay, now you two use the cultivation technique at the same time. Angelique, you used the flesh of the Third Layer you taught me last night, the cultivation technique you need to use when you are reborn. , Romandi, you use the Obliteration Core Technique... uh... I don't know how heavy it is, anyway, it's the same Obliteration Core Technique that you used when you first played against me."

" Good." Angelbely complied simply, and then the Inner Breath was launched, and a faint white radiance immediately emanated from the palm of her hand.

Romandy Imperial Princess looked towards Chu Nan in amazement: "What do you want to do?"

"Discuss the cultivation technique, if it is successful, it should be good for us all." See Romandi Imperial Princess was still a little hesitant, Chu Nan said with a slight smile: "Don't worry, it's just a test, are you still afraid?"

Romandy Imperial Princess coldly snorted, and immediately launched Inner Breath, the energy of the space around the palm is stimulated by the cultivation technique, and begins to emit a trace of black air.

The milk white radiance and the black air touched each other in an instant, and Angelique and Romandy Imperial Princess suddenly trembled slightly.

Seeing their appearance, Chu Nan's heart was instantly settled.

It seems that the previous speculation is not wrong, and there is a reaction!

"Come on, Angelique, strengthen your Inner Breath a little bit, and Romandy, too."

Angelberry didn't do the same this time, but instead looked towards Romandi Imperial Princess.

Romandy Imperial Princess glanced at Chu Nan, thought about it, and rushed to Angelique nodded.

The two cautiously increased the intensity of the Inner Breath at the same time, driving the energy response of the whole body to become more intense.

If the first touch between the two just made them feel a little strange, then now the two are psychologically prepared, and as the Inner Breath gradually increases, they suddenly feel more strange .

In the induction of the two, after the collision of the space energy affected by the two completely different cultivation techniques, it is not as equal to the battle as imagined. The positive regret of it was completely unexpected, but an extremely subtle reaction was produced. Instead, the two spatial energies merged with each other.

I only see milk white radiance and black air intertwined, you have me, I have you, don't say conflict, it's just like glue.

Even if the two of them have no intention of fighting, they can control the fluctuation of space energy and minimize the possibility of conflict when manipulating space energy, but this phenomenon is still surprising.

even more how apart from this, under the influence of the other party's space energy, both of them actually found that their control of the space energy became more stable, as if they were influenced by the other party. beneficial change.

Such a situation can be called miraculous.

Angie Belle and Romandy Imperial Princess raised their heads at the same time, their eyes met, and they instantly understood each other's thoughts from each other's eyes.

There is no need to open their mouths to talk nonsense. The two of them strengthen the Inner Breath again at the same time, and at the same time strengthen the control of the space energy around them.

In an instant, the milk white radiance flourished, and at the same time, the black air became more diffuse, and the white light and the black air were further intertwined and tumbled.

Seeing this scene, Chu Nan couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

These two guys are extremely talented, and as expected, they are both courageous enough to dare to make such a bold attempt in such a preliminary experiment, they are really fearless.

Chu Nan is instantly upbeat and ready for the unexpected.

Angie Belle and Romandi Imperial Princess continue to improve Inner Breath, milk white radiance and black gas are constantly changing, proving that the two are trying to use different means for cultivation technique contact.

At first, the two were restrained and cautious, but as time passed, the two had more and more contact with each other's cultivation technique, and their understanding of each other became deeper and deeper, and they became more and more courageous. Inner Breath Strengthening has reached an extremely powerful point, almost no different from a formal battle.

At this time, the large amount of space energy controlled by the two people reacted, but it was not only limited to the white radiance and black energy around the palms of the two people, but also began to diffuse out, sending the two people and The space around the two of them shrouded in.

Chu Nan brows frowned, also raising the spirit, the Inner Breath is activated, to control the space energy in the surrounding space as much as possible, make it as stable as possible, and at the same time a faint golden light shroud fell Come down and completely cover their three people.

This is the Energy Shield he placed according to the Arhat Tyrant Body cultivation technique with a slight change. The protection of the whole body is greatly enhanced, which is enough to withstand the full strength of the beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. attack .

Yang Qianrui and the three assistants who were far away originally just kept a distance to film the conversation between the three. Now, under the command of Yang Qianrui, she took the three assistants to step back a little bit, but they didn't. The evacuation was too far, but the expression on his face implied fear, and more of it was staring at the three of them excitedly.

Especially Yang Qianrui, with bright radiance shooting out of her eyes now, her expression was so excited that she was almost excited.


To be able to follow up on Chu Nan today is fantastic!

I thought it would be shocking enough for Chu Nan to meet the Imperial Princess, who is also very famous in Declan Empire, but didn't expect the three of them to do this in public now Intense action!

Although Yang Qianrui couldn't figure out what Chu Nan and the three of them were doing, just by looking at them, she would find that Angelique was obviously in a direct confrontation with Romandi Imperial Princess.

Earth Commonwealth's most high-profile female talent, Martial Artist Angel Belle, and the Declan Empire Imperial Family's equally most-talked-about genius Romandi Imperial Princess, what a blast!

Not to mention that this scene was completely filmed by them now!

If it weren't for the fear that if an accident happened, several of her own people might be affected, Yang Qianrui would have ordered her assistants to get closer, trying to make their confrontation more clear and intuitive.

But even so, she is now quite satisfied.

It's just this news, it's already a big profit today!

Angie Belle and Romandy Imperial Princess over there naturally didn't have time to pay attention to what Yang Qianrui and the others were thinking and doing. The two of them just tried at first, but now they have gradually become involved with the deepening of contact. more energy and more seriousness.

As the two of them kept trying, they were surprised to find that their previous feeling was not an illusion, but that there was something strange between their two different cultivation techniques. Contact, in many cases, can even produce complementary and promoting effects.

This is a very strange phenomenon and feeling. The two never thought that two completely different cultivation techniques would have such a reaction to each other.

The curiosity in their hearts is getting heavier and heavier, and their attempts will naturally become more and more varied and bold...


Changes are sudden.

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