As soon as the man fell, Rosa, who had just been killed in front of Angel Belle, immediately recovered her spirits, jumped up from the ground, and became alive.

"Hey, you two guys, I warned you just now! Now my helper has arrived, you wait to die!"

He trotted all the way. When he came to the person who fell from the sky, he bowed slightly and smiled in a pleasing manner.

"Vian Uncle, it's the hands that those two guys touched me just now, please help me clean them up and let me out."

By him A middle-aged man called Wei Ang Uncle with slightly gray temples, a square face, rough facial features, but a pair of small and fine eyes, from which a dangerous light shone.

Hearing Rosa's words, he was coldly snorted, glanced at Rosa, and scolded, "I knew I was causing trouble outside!"

After saying this, he turned his head and looked towards him again. Chu Nan and An Qibeili, who came out of the hotel, looked around and finally landed on Chu Nan.

"Is it your hand to Rosa? I'll give you a chance to chop off your hands and kneel down to apologize, otherwise, you'll die."

When the manager heard this, he was startled, and he hurriedly moved to Vion's side and whispered a few words to him.

After listening to this, Wei Ang raised his eyebrows, his expression a little surprised, but he still said coldly: "Oh? It has something to do with the Camille Prophet newspaper, well, see in For the sake of the Camille Prophet newspaper, just chop off the right hand. Hurry up, don't force the old man to do it himself, or you may not have a chance to live."

Listen to him So domineering, Chu Nan burst into laughter, shook his head, ignored him, but turned to Angelique and asked, "How? , now I'm not sure at all." Angelina said she was not sure, but her hands were gearing up, as if she was eager to have a try. "But I haven't had a good fight with anyone for a long time. This time I finally met a suitable opponent. You let me come, just to try my true strength after breaking through."

"Well , well, you can go, I'll help you out, and I'll tell you in case it doesn't work." Chu Nan chuckled nodded, but took a step back and let Angelbe out.

The conversation between the two did not deliberately lower their voices, but fell into Vion's ears, causing him to complexion sank immediately.

"hmph! I don't know where the two hairless brats came from, but they are so rampant! Well, since you are not willing to admit your mistakes, let me teach you a good lesson and teach you how to be human. It makes sense!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a deep purple light suddenly appeared on his body, with a strong breath, and two powerful pore space energy fluctuations rushed towards Chu Nan and Angel Beili respectively.

Angebeli tipped her toes a little, but avoided the impact of the space energy fluctuations that rushed towards her, and flew up directly into the air.

"Hey, uncle, don't hit below, it's not good to break other people's things. Come on, let's go up."

After dropping this sentence, An Chipley flew higher, then stopped and looked down, as if waiting for Vion.

Vian snorted heavily, but first glanced at Chu Nan with a slightly surprised look.

Just now he attacked Chu Nan and Angel Beili respectively. Angel Beili avoided the past and couldn't find out for the time being, but the wave of space energy that rushed in front of Chu Nan was not. It was just before Chu Nan was used that he was turned invisible by a strange force, and Chu Nan could not be seen reluctantly.

From this point of view alone, although Chu Nan looks very young, he may not be much weaker than him.

If the chick above is similar in strength to this kid, then if the two of them practice their skills, he may still feel a little tricky.

But now these two guys are so arrogant, they want that chick to come and fight them, that's their courting death.

These thoughts flashed in my mind instantly, Wei Ang body moved, and flew into the air in an instant.

Angie Belle saw him fly up, and immediately turned around and flew out to a higher place. After a while, she and Wei Ang flew into the vast sky one after the other. becomes two small black dots.

Rosa stared blankly at the two who had disappeared, but for a while he couldn't react.

What is Vion Uncle doing?

Why didn't he just slap these two guys to death, why did he make it so troublesome?

While he was thinking about it, a silhouette flashed by his side, and Chu Nan suddenly came to him.

"Hey, do you want to go up and see how the two of them fought?"

Rosa startled, it was only at this time that he reacted. At this time, Weiang uncle was not there, but he didn't People can keep him, if Chu Nan is against him, he really has no power to resist.

"I don't..."

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Chu Nan slapped him on the shoulder. His body involuntarily rose into the air, whistling in one ear and out the other, and the scene under his feet shrank rapidly and became smaller in a moment, and Chu Nan had already taken him into the air in the blink of an eye.

He looked down and saw that the hotel building below was only vaguely visible, and the arc-shaped curve could already be seen in the distance. He was at least several thousand meters above the ground, and Rosa was so frightened. soul flew away and scattered.

"Hey! mustn't let go..."

Rosa shouted baring fangs and brandishing claws and wanted to turn around and hug Chu Nan, but Chu Nan's palm was pinched on his shoulder, making him unable to exert any strength at all, and he could only continue to maintain an awkward and dangerous posture and continue to be caught in the air by Chu Nan.

"Don't move! If you move again, I'll let go and throw you!"

Chu Nan gave a low voice, scaring Rosa to the point where he didn't dare to move and shout, then his eyes Fall to the sky ahead.

Angie Belle and Vion have officially started fighting.

Judging from Wei Ang's previous attack and his reaction to him, Chu Nan judged that Wei Ang's strength is probably close to that of Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, which is logically better than that of An Qi. Beili, the beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist who has just condensed the nebula, is much stronger.

But it can be seen in the actual battle that Angel Belle is not at all disadvantaged when facing Vion, whether it is the external martial skill, or the positive competition of Inner Breath and space energy. Master, Angelique does not seem to have any weakness at all.

This did not surprise Chu Nan.

Before Angelina hadn't officially condensed the nebula and broke through to become a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, with the special effect of Life Burst, she actually already had a head-to-head competition with Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. ability.

Now that she has successfully condensed Nebula and has officially become a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, then of course her strength will increase greatly. Even if she does not use Life Burst, she definitely has the ability to skip grades to challenge.

Although this guy named Weiang is close to the Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade, he is only slightly stronger than the average Beginner Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

Angie Belle is a student of Venerable, who has a special inheritance and is an extraordinary natural talent. Of course, it is not unusual for her to be strong enough to compete with Venerable.

After watching for a while, Chu Nan felt relieved, no longer worried about Angel's safety, and began to carefully observe the changes after Angel's breakthrough became Heavenly Reign Grade.

This careful observation, he soon discovered something different.

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