A half hour later, Chu Nan appeared somewhere to the northwest of the city center.

"It's really here?" Chu Nan looked up at the huge building in front of him in confusion, and the corners of his mouth twitched. "Did I guess wrong?"

The huge building in front of him turned out to be a luxury hotel!

Looking at the couples of gorgeously dressed men and women entering and exiting the door, Chu Nan couldn't help but patted his forehead hard.

It's a pity that he was still convinced that Yang Qianrui knew her character just now, and she did have time, so she shouldn't deliberately try to meet her in private, but now, the address she gave corresponds to A hotel!

Even if Chu Nan has never experienced anything in the world, now that he sees this situation, how can he think of another place to go?

Standing outside the door with a wry smile, Chu Nan shook the head and stepped into the hotel.

He has decided that when he sees Yang Qianrui in a while, he must make it clear to her that she must not let her have such thoughts in the future.

Chu Nan doesn't dislike Yang Qianrui, on the contrary, he appreciates and likes this young, beautiful, enthusiastic and generous girl, but this does not mean that he wants to have an intimate relationship with Yang Qianrui, because this girl It will make him feel embarrassed to see Yang Qianrui in the future, and it will make him feel sorry for Angela.

In any case, he had already decided to become a lover with Angelique last time, so how could he do such a thing?

Just as he walked to the door of the hotel, Chu Nan was stopped.

"Hello sir, do you have an appointment?"

Chu Nan stopped in surprise and glanced up to confirm that he was not mistaken, this is indeed just a hotel That's it.

"Does this place still need a reservation?" Chu Nan couldn't help asking.

"Yes, sir. If you want to stay at the Walson Hotel, you must first become a member of this hotel, and the other is to make an appointment ten days in advance. Judging from your appearance, you should not be a member of this hotel, then If you don't have an appointment, I'm sorry that I can't let you in."

Although the waiter at the door was very polite and his actions were considered polite, his tone was obviously refusing to go beyond The indifference of a thousand li, Chu Nan couldn't help but be angry.

It's just a hotel with so many messy rules.

But he also knew that it was pointless to get angry at a waiter, so he could only frown and continue to ask: "What if I was invited?"

"If Your friend has already checked in at this hotel, please provide his name and registration number, and we can contact you."

Chu Nan reported Yang Qianrui's name with restraint.

However, contrary to his expectations, the waiter called him the head after inquiring.

"I'm sorry, sir, there is currently no guest named Yang Xirui staying in the hotel, may I ask if you have made a mistake?"

"No way?" Chu Nan didn't believe that Yang Qianrui would play by herself when she was bored. "Check it again."

"I'm sorry, sir, our system won't make such mistakes, please..."

Before the waiter finished speaking, the side Suddenly there was a sneer full of contempt.

"Ha, I don't know where the poor fellow came from, but he's delusional to sneak into the Walson Hotel. It's ridiculous!"

Chu Nan turned his head with a frown. Looking around, I saw a pair of young men and women standing next to each other, looking towards this side, their faces full of sarcasm and ridicule.

The words just now came from the mouth of the young man.

"Oh, dear Rosa, don't you know? Recently, a lot of out-of-town guys have come to the Dark Forest galaxy. Look at this kid in such poor clothes, maybe he's from some remote place. A liar from a backward place." The young woman also exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Oh, my God, this is so disgusting that a liar dares to appear so swaggeringly at the gate of the Walson Hotel." The young man immediately cooperated tacitly. "Hey, where's the security here? Throw this guy out at me right now and let him defile this beautiful land! We don't want to be in the same place with such a disgusting crook!"

Chu Nan was originally a little dissatisfied with the sudden frigid irony and scorching satire of these two guys, but when he heard this, he laughed instead of anger.

These two guys sing together, their faces are full of superiority from nowhere, and in Chu Nan's eyes, they are full of hilarity.

He is not the little guy who was nothing a few years ago. Now he is very powerful, and he has seen a lot of real great characters. characters in the eyes.

So he hooked the head, chuckled, disinclined to pay attention to these two guys, turned his head and asked the waiter to check if there was any news about Yang Qianrui.

However, the waiter still gave a negative answer, Chu Nan could only reluctantly admit that something must have gone wrong.

Just as he was about to open his personal terminal and send a message to Yang Qianrui to ask what was going on, the young man and woman who mocked him just now came over.

"Hey boy, didn't you hear us?" The young man pointed a finger at Chu Nan. "Hurry up and get away from me, don't get in the way here, do you hear?"

Chu Nan glanced at him.

With just one glance, the young man suddenly felt a powerful force rushing towards him, and his whole body seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer, and flew out directly, instantly fiercely It was installed on a column behind the hotel gate.

The strength was so great that his body even hit a hole directly on the column.

Although the pit was shallow, it made him spurt a mouthful of blood and fall.

But contrary to Chu Nan's expectations, he could barely stand up straight and did not lie down directly. It can be seen that he should still have some martial skills, but not what Chu Nan imagined. Young Master, a wealthy and useless rich family.

The sudden change made the young woman stunned, and then she let out a startling scream, rushed to support the young man, and then pointed at Chu Nan and shouted: "You How dare you hit someone! You definitely don't want to die! Security! Security! Come and catch this damn guy!"

As soon as the young woman's voice echoed, Chu Nan had already sensed a surge Powerful spatial energy fluctuations came from inside the hotel, and then several silhouettes sprang out of the hotel, whiz whiz whiz fell apart, surrounding Chu Nan in the middle.

The leader was tall and sturdy, and his stern gaze fell on Chu Nan. Just being coldly snorted, it naturally caused energy fluctuations in the whole body. It was obviously the Voidbreak that Chu Nan just sensed. Grade's expert.

"Boy, you are so bold!"

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