Chu Nan coldly explained to Pamela, the Inner Breath was activated, but it was deliberately adjusted to a state of extremely low frequency vibration, which instantly attracted a part of the space energy to condense, and then His deliberate adjustment was also reduced to a very low frequency vibration state, which greatly reduced the activity, which was exactly what the Obliteration Core Technique looked like when it was launched.

Then he guided this thread of Inner Breath and began to drive the attracted space energy to condense according to a special structure, from a thread to a thread to a thread, gradually forming a mass and becoming active Nothing, a "black" special energy group with no characteristics.

The energy group is gradually perfected and formed, and finally Inner Breath and space energy are seamlessly converted in the energy group. The energy group "looks" hazy and chaotic, like a nebula.

Yes, this is a nebula built by Chu Nan after accurate calculation based on the characteristics of the Obliteration Core Technique he knows.

Before this group of nebulae, he just kept simulating the structure in his brain. This was the first time the real structure was successful, but it was still in Pamela's dantian.

Of course, the nebula that he has condensed now can't be considered a real formation.

But his original purpose was not this. After the Nebula structure stabilized, he manipulated the Inner Breath again, causing the Nebula to collapse a little bit. Finally, the Inner Breath was drawn out, and the space that was just congealed. The energy returns to the invisible again.

After everything was stabilized, Chu Nan mobilized the Inner Breath again to re-condense the space energy, which was actually once again condensing the space energy through a certain structural pattern to form a nebula again.

Then he let the Nebula collapse again...

After repeating this for five times, Chu Nan finally let the Nebula collapse, and then took back the Inner Breath, took away his palm, He looked at Pamela blankly.

"This is the last time I can help you. If you can understand what you should do, you can try to condense the nebula. If you can't, then there is nothing I can do."

Speaking of this, Chu Nan's eyes fell on Pamela's face, who was listening intently, seeing that her face was still a little pale and her little face was still thin, but her heart softened, she sighed softly, and continued: "Anyway. , I don't recommend you to take risks until you are absolutely sure. I don't know what you want to do, what you want to achieve, but you have to know that if you lose your life, no matter what you want to do It doesn't make sense."

After dropping this sentence, Chu Nan turned his head to signal to Prince Montico nodded, and then strode out of the room.

As soon as he walked out the door, the footsteps of Prince Montico sounded behind him.

"Hey Chu Nan, don't get mad. I assure you, Pamela has no ill intentions at all, umm... I should say she simply doesn't know it's going to make you angry. She's usually very rare She is in contact with outsiders, so she doesn't know anything about this. She just..."

"Okay, Your Royal Highness." Chu Nan interrupted him. "I don't mean to blame her, but there's nothing I can do about her situation. If she doesn't take care of herself, even Divine Immortal can't help it. And even if she knows how to take care of herself, don't take her own life if she doesn't care. Just kidding, then I can say that I have a chance to help her. Of course, the premise is that I have to thoroughly understand how her cultivation technique is going on."

"This..." Prince Montico hesitated. For a moment, bitterly laughed.

Of course he knew, it was an impossible thing.

If Pamela really leaked her cultivation technique to Chu Nan, it would be a big taboo for the Imperial Family. At that time, she will not only be punished heavily, but also with Chu Nan. also suffer.

Seeing Prince Montico's face, Chu Nan shook the head and said nothing more, waved his hand at Prince Montico, stepped down a little, rose into the sky, and disappeared in the distant sky in a short while. middle.

Prince Montico frowned and looked at the direction in which Chu Nan disappeared, thinking.


Half an hour later, Chu Nan came to a city closest to the surface space station.

"Hey, Chu Nan, you're finally here." Henrik looked towards Chu Nan from a distance and raised his hand. "I thought that after you were taken away by the two noble Imperial Princesses, you would be reluctant to come back and continue to participate in the hunting party."

"Don't talk nonsense." Norwell on the side taught him a serious face. Henrik said. "Chu Nan is our Earth Federation's most promising contestant for the S-Rank martial skill award. If he doesn't come, it will be a major loss for our Federation."

"Hey, don't be so serious, I Just kidding." Henrik patted Norwell's shoulder with a laugh. "But if you think about it carefully, if Chu Nan is spotted by an Imperial Princess, and then he becomes the Prince Consort of the Declan Empire Imperial Family, S-Rank martial skill would not be a problem for him at all, and at that time He is also not a member of our Earth Federation, right? Tell me honestly, Chu Nan, have you ever had this thought in the past few days? You must have, right?"

Chu Nan rolled the eyes, decided to ignore Henrik's question whether it was a joke or a serious question, and asked Norwell directly: "How is your Dark Forest galaxy reconnaissance in the past few days? Is there anything in this galaxy that needs special attention? Is there any place?"

"I haven't found anything special to pay attention to." Norwell called the head. "Although the geographical factors are a little special, it is still a very normal galaxy in general, but there are more people, and there are more powerful Martial Artists. The atmosphere of martial arts is very strong, so you can see it everywhere. Martial Artist is fighting."

As soon as he finished speaking, Norwell raised his eyebrows and pointed behind Chu Nan.

"Look, there's it there."

Chu Nan turned to look over, and saw two voices shining with different colors in the air shuttle at high speed, colliding fiercely from time to time together, making a loud noise.

Judging from the situation where the two played against each other, the strength of the two is probably between Second Rank and third rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

"To be honest, it's the first time I've seen a place with so many Martial Artists when I've grown up. Chu Nan, let me tell you, even if you just grab a drink at any bar, sit in The person next to you may be a Voidbreak Grade expert. Norwell and I have been here for less than ten days, and we have already fought more than a dozen fights for various reasons, which is more than the one I fought in Earth Federation for a year. There are more racks."

Henric pointed at the two Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists in the sky in the distance with an exaggerated tone, as if to sigh, and more like to show off.

“Of course, we have never lost a fight. Although there are many Martial Artists here, there are only a few true experts, and they are not as stressful as the previous 1st Stage hunting events. "

"It's you who are fighting, not me." Norwell refuted Henrik's words coldly. "Besides, I don't think there is anything to brag about fighting some rookies here. The overwhelming majority of the enemies we have to fight in the second stage are all powerhouses above Heavenly Reign Grade, but it's not that these rookies can mention on equal terms."

"Hey, Norwell, how many times have I said it, don't always keep a straight face, be so serious, anyway, how much our strength is impossible to improve in a short period of time, so the second stage Instead of groaning and frowning all day long, let's enjoy the rare leisure time now."

Nowell shook the head helplessly.

He was brought up in the atmosphere of the Federal Army since he was a child, and of course he couldn't stand Henrik's sloppy style.

But now Henrik is his comrade, and can be regarded as one of his rare comrades in arms. Of course, he can't really accuse him of anything.

"Henrik, I won't comment on your other words, but you said that you can improve your strength in a short period of time, which I don't really agree with." Chu Nan suddenly smiled.

Nowell and Henrik were both stunned.

"What do you mean?"

Chu Nan gave the two a dangerous smile like the weird Uncle who was seducing the little girl with a lollipop.

"I might have the opportunity to give you a big boost in a short period of time, have to take some risks. How about it? Would you like it?"

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