Seeing the man getting closer, Chu Nan also gradually increased his vigilance.

Although vigilant, not nervous.

Judging from the person's body shape, movement and breath, his strength is not strong, and he can only be regarded as a little bit of martial skill, which is stronger than the ordinary person. For Chu Nan poses no threat at all.

Chu Nan is only wary of whether there will be any backhands and other ambush, so in fact, only a small part of his attention is on the person, and most of his attention is on observing the surrounding environment.

He still doesn't quite believe that someone will do something to him in this space station where people coming, people going.

When the man walked about ten meters away from Chu Nan, he suddenly moved his palm and made a strange gesture towards Chu Nan.

At first glance, it seemed that the person was just flipping something, but Chu Nan couldn't help but be stunned.

After lingering for a while, Chu Nan slowed down, glanced around, made sure that not many people noticed the situation here, and then walked over to the person pretending to be nothing.

After a while, the two of them were very close, and when they passed by, the man suddenly moved his finger and bounced a very unremarkable granular item towards Chu Nan.

Chu Nan just moved his body as he stepped out, and the granular item stuck to Chu Nan's coat, and then rolled down and was taken into the palm of his hand by Chu Nan.

The two then left separately, no one turned their heads on purpose, it seemed as if the two of them passed by in a normal way, without any attention.

Chu Nan kept his normal pace and left. After a while, he found a more remote corner and opened his palms to reveal the granular item he had just started. He was surprised to find that it was a squeezed item. very small balls of paper.

Cautiously opening the ball of paper, I found a row of small letters written on it that looked like an address.

Chu Nan completely engraved the words on it in his mind, then squeezed his palm, spit out the Inner Breath, and instantly crushed the paper ball into the tiniest pieces, and then opened the personal terminal, Enter the address you just wrote down.

A personal terminal reconnecting to the pan-galactic network soon revealed the location of this address, somewhere in a city in the Dark Forest galaxy at the foot of Chu Nan.

Chu Nan found the map of the planet under his feet on the pan-galactic network, compared the addresses, and quickly determined the specific location of the address.

After pondering for a while, Chu Nan sent messages to Norwell and Henrik respectively, telling them that he had something to delay for a while, and then went to meet them later, and then mixed into the flow of people and entered. A space orbiting station leading to the surface.

Half an hour later, Chu Nan landed outside the largest city northeast of the nearest surface space station.

After looking left and right to reconfirm the direction, Chu Nan walked towards a stealth somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

After spending nearly 20 minutes, he found a neighborhood that looked very rundown and didn't have many silhouettes. After exploring, he came to a dilapidated neighborhood that looked no different from the surrounding area. Outside the house, lift and knock on the door.


After the knock on the door with a certain rhythm, it was quiet for about two seconds, and a A voice that could obviously be suppressed came through the room.

"Who is it?"

"It's me." Chu Nan answered clearly without suppressing his voice.

A moment later, the same dilapidated door was opened, and Prince Montico, who was obviously remodeled, but still showed differences in his gestures, appeared.

Seeing Chu Nan at the door, Prince Montico was stunned and frowned slightly.

"Who are you?"

Chu Nan then remembered that before he came here, in order to conceal his actions, he used the Ziyun Bahuang forging movement method to disguise himself, so he pretended to be He raised his hand and wiped it on his face, eliminating the change in appearance brought about by the movement method of Ziyun Bahuang Forging and restoring the lineup.

"Hey, it's me." Chu Nan said with a smile.

Prince Montico showed a surprised expression, but did not ask any more questions, and let Chu Nan walk in.

The interior is as shabby as it looks outside, with only a few very old-style furniture, the most prominent being a bed in the corner.

And on the bed, a thin silhouette lay motionless, as if passed out.

Chu Nan glanced across the silhouette, felt the abnormal changes in the space energy in the space around the silhouette, and frowned.

"What the hell is going on?"

Prince Montico smiled bitterly: "Don't ask me, I want to ask you what is going on?"

This thin silhouette on the bed is actually Pamela!

Pamela's breath was unstable at this time, and the space energy in the surrounding space was also approaching collapse, which was almost exactly the same as when Chu Nan met her in that within cave.

However, this is what surprised and puzzled Chu Nan the most.

It's only been fifteen Earth days since the last time he helped Pamela perfect her fleshy body. According to Chu Nan's estimate of her physical condition at the time, it was enough for her to support her for half a year. no problem.

As for how to solve it later, at that time, the garden hunting party was over anyway, and Chu Nan could help her slowly.

But now only fifteen Earth days have passed, why can't she hold it any longer?

Chu Nan knew that he couldn't ask Prince Montico, so he didn't talk nonsense and walked over.

After taking a closer look, Chu Nan found that Pamela's current situation was not exactly the same as last time.

The last time I saw Pamela, not only was her breath disordered, but her face was full of pain, but now her breath is unstable and doesn't look very painful.

Although this may also be because her fleshy body has been strengthened by Chu Nan last time, her tolerance for pain has also been strengthened, but at least it seems that her situation is not as dangerous as last time. .

And after Chu Nan carefully sensed the changes in the space energy around her, she discovered another unexpected situation.

Same as last time, the space energy around Pamela seemed to be about to collapse and could not even maintain the basic structure, but in fact there was a clear difference.

The space energy around Pamela's body was completely disordered and chaotic last time. Not only was the structure of the space energy in the surrounding space collapsed, but even the space energy contained in her fleshy body was completely out of control. live.

Although the spatial energy around her now seems to be very chaotic, if you look closely, you will find that there is a faint sequence in it, as if an invisible big hand is deliberately disturbing them, Disorganized but stylish.

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