Grulick still sneered, but the complexion slightly changed involuntarily around those around him.

Royes is not alone in this concern.

No matter how nice the Declan Empire Imperial Family said, no one would believe that they would really sit back and watch their children be easily hunted down by these foreign martial artists.

If the current situation continues, with the Imperial Family younger generation gradually seeing more casualties, no one can predict how the Declan Empire Imperial Family will react.

If it really angers the Declan Empire Imperial Family, even if they don't kill so many people together, it's simply something with no difficulty to do something against them.

"Is this what Prince Montico said?" Glulick asked rhetorically.

"No, Prince Montico didn't say anything, this is just my speculation as it should be by rights." Chu Nan shook his head. "I just think... you'd better negotiate with him, otherwise trouble will really arise, and I don't think you can afford it."

Glulick let out a sneer full of disdain.

"Don't think of me as a shameless coward like you! You ran as their lackey because you were afraid of the Declan Empire Imperial Family, do you still want to run and convince us to be the same as you?"

Chu Nan sighed, thinking that this guy is so arrogant that he doesn't seem to be going to follow self-sufficient advice.

Then no matter what purpose he has, or what he thinks, in order to complete the transaction with Prince Montico, Chu Nan must make him promise to meet Prince Montico, Facilitate negotiations between the two parties.

As for whether the two can successfully negotiate, and what the outcome is, it is not Chu Nan's business.

Now it seems that words alone cannot convince Glulick, Chu Nan decided to resort to the most direct and effective means, which is violence.

Just as Chu Nan put away the smile on his face and planned to do it directly, Glulick suddenly spoke again.

"But..." Glulick lengthened his voice deliberately, his eyes swept across the faces of those still surrounding Chu Nan. "If Prince Montico can really represent all the remaining Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation, or can represent part of the Declan Empire Imperial Family, I am not unable to talk to him. In the end, we are also It's not simply wanting to kill people, but just wanting to get a fair treatment, right?"

In the end, this question was not directed at Chu Nan, but at the people surrounding Chu Nan.

A group of people was stunned by Grulick's question, and after a while, someone loudly agreed, and then everyone agreed.

They have long been under enormous pressure because of this incident, and now they can finally see that things have turned around. Of course, no one would be stupid enough to keep doing this all the time.

As Chu Nan said, this is not good for anyone.

Chu Nan glanced at the group of people around him, and then glanced at Glulick unexpectedly, thinking that this guy is not really an idiot, and the previous reaction was probably just to put on a gesture That's it.

"So, are you willing to go with me to see Prince Montico and negotiate with him?"

"If Prince Montico can represent all the Imperial Family children, If there is enough sincerity to negotiate with me, then I do have some interest. But can you guarantee that he has enough sincerity?" Glulick asked rhetorically.

"I'm just a messenger, don't ask me about these things." Chu Nan shook his head.

"hmph, these guys from the Declan Empire Imperial Family don't have any credibility or honor in my eyes. Although they found you to spread the word, I don't believe they really have enough sincerity." Before Chu Nan could respond, Glulick suddenly raised his voice and changed his tone. "However! I am willing to accept this invitation. In order to finally secure a suitable and fair environment for everyone, what is it that I take some risks myself!"

Chu Nan couldn't help but be stunned.

If before, he just thought this Glulick was just an arrogant idiot, then now, he can be sure that this guy is not only not an idiot, but is terrifying!

He deliberately stirred up the confrontational consciousness of the group of people around him and gathered them together, which was completely intentional!

What this guy does is like a young talented Martial Artist with excellent innate talent, and he looks like a politician at all!

Who is it that would teach such a guy?

Hearing the group of people around him cheered loudly because of Grulik's statement, and some even directly praised Grulik's great dedication, Chu Nan's mouth twitched, wanting to laugh but laughing again not come out.

The group of guys around are the real idiots...

Looking at Grulick who looked generous and righteous diagonally above him, Chu Nan shrugged helplessly.

"So after talking for a long time, you still agreed to meet and negotiate with Prince Montico?"

"I can agree to this request, but there is one condition." Rulick nodded and said.

"Oh? What conditions?"

Grulick pointed a finger at Chu Nan.

"Even if I can finally negotiate with Prince Montico, I can't stand you, the lackey of the Declan Empire Imperial Family who betrayed us. Since you are Prince Montico's faction You come to inform me to negotiate with him, then I will make a condition to you now. I will hit you ten punches, if you can go next, I promise to negotiate. If you can't, you can only watch Montico Can the prince send another of his lackeys?"

As soon as they heard Grulick's condition, the surrounding group instantly boiled over.

No matter what kind of thoughts everyone holds in their hearts, they are essentially young talented Martial Artists. In the eyes of everyone, nothing is as important as the strength of the martial skill.

Compared with verbal confrontation, of course, everyone trusts and respects fist confrontation more.

The opportunity to negotiate with the Declan Empire Imperial Family is of course not to be missed, but it is also necessary to teach Chu Nan, the lackey of the Declan Empire Imperial Family, a lesson.

Now that Glulick has put forward this condition, it has perfectly fulfilled the wishes of everyone.

Even if the people farther away were not originally from Grulik's group, now there is a chance to see Grulik and Chu Nan, two guys whose strengths can be regarded as Peak among the contestants. Of course very happy.

The surrounding atmosphere became extremely lively for a while, everyone's eyes were focused on Chu Nan, and many people shouted at Chu Nan, constantly stimulating Chu Nan through words , forcing him to accept the conditions proposed by Glulick.

Chu Nan raised his face slightly to look at Glulik, but there was no unexpected expression on his face, but a relaxed smile.

If you look closely, you can see the sarcasm that is not well hidden in his smile.

This guy really wants to take advantage of the current situation to the end.

"Okay, I accept this condition." Chu Nan said with a smile. "But Glulick, have you ever thought about a question?"

"What's the problem?"

"If I beat you back in these ten punches or even kill you What's wrong? How does this count?"

Grulick's face was slightly heavy, and he snorted heavily: "Trifling a lackey, I don't know where the confidence comes from! Want to beat me? Take me ten first. Let's talk about fisting, look at fisting!"

After saying that, Grulik body moved, already rushed in front of Chu Nan, and punched him.

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