Life Copy Game

Chapter 212


Chapter 212 Secret passage and knock on the door After turning around and looking around, I gradually became familiar with the feeling of manipulating the body.

How to say, it feels a little stiff, because the internal organs have been completely smashed, and there is a big hole in the chest, which makes He Ao unable to manipulate the grave keeper to make many body movements.

And he could clearly feel that the remaining vitality of the tomb-keeper was rapidly fading away, unable to control it continuously, and the extraordinary power of the tomb-keeper could not be used.

However, He Ao didn’t think about continuing to control him. After getting used to it for a while, He Ao turned his eyes to the monitor next to the metal door that entered the central control room after he was able to control the action proficiently.

The ‘knocking’ outside has stopped, but He Ao is not sure if the big octopus is gone. It is very likely that the door is now full of big octopus tentacles, just waiting for He Ao to open the door and walk right into a trap.

He walked over to the monitor, ready to see if there was anything different from the monitor outside, to see if there were other methods to get out of here.

The way the ruins return to the main world will anchor the explorers and shuttle back directly, no matter where they are, but if they are in some areas that are not suitable for shuttle, the whole person may be in the process of shuttle torn apart in time and space.

And the way to ensure that it won’t be torn is to reach the Safety Sector field before the shuttle.

These Safety Sector domains are scattered throughout the ruins, and in the last three hours, a premonition will arise in the hearts of all explorers. Explorers mark the location of the nearest Safety Sector field and direct them to the Safety Sector field.

In general, the location of this Safety Sector field is no more than three hours away from where the explorer is at the time.

He Ao felt that the inside of the tower didn’t look like an area that could be safely shuttled back to, so he had to prepare early.

The monitor inside the door can indeed show more items than outside the door, and now that He Ao has the highest authority, many things can be opened.

He first turned off the human verification mode, changed it to the authorization verification mode, and then clicked on all the entries to read it.

Most of this is useless information.

Until he clicked on [Access Log].

The access record is the record left by the person who opened the door. Most of these records have become garbled characters. Only a few records still have more detailed information. The last record is He. Ao’s incoming record, marked as [Visitor], does not record the time.

In front of He Ao’s record, the penultimate record is marked [Academician Anke of the Federal Section Academy], and the time is [December 23, 375 16:02 of the Federal Calendar]

The pronunciation of this ‘Anke’ is a bit strange. It is not a common naming method for people in the second district. It should not be a person from the second district, but most of them belong to the first district.

The federation calendar here should be the calendar of the original federation, but because the Time Flow Speed is different, He Ao is not sure whether the Time Flow Speed of the relic and the dungeon world is always proportional, so there is no way to get this The time point is compared with the time point of the replica world.

But this time point is most likely the time point when the ruins are destroyed, because after this time point, no one has opened the door again.

The next record is He Ao’s record.

and so on.

Without opening the record, how did the tomb keeper and the person who took the CPU from the tomb keeper get in?

He Ao was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked towards the spacious Conference Hall.

Unless they didn’t come in through this door.

This makes sense, the outermost door of the tower itself does not have any opening device, and there are fully armed intelligent robots guarding there.

The research institute’s data shows that the level of explorers that can be tolerated by the ruins channel is gradually increasing, which means that the explorers who were more than ten years ago had the power of D-Rank at the time. , even the weakest F-rank, such a battle strength simply cannot break through the outermost gate of the tower, let alone enter the central control room.

This central control room has another secret passage that leads directly to the secret passage outside the tower!

The person who took away the CPU and the tomb keeper both directly entered the tower through that secret passage!

Since ‘Liu Nan’ chose to forcibly break open the gate of the tower, it means that she may not have discovered the secret passage.

That secret passage should have a high degree of secrecy!

He Ao took a deep breath and began to look carefully at the entire central control room.

Then he quickly calmed down, because when he just looked for the central processing unit, he had already searched the entire central control room. Since he didn’t find it at that time, the secret passage must have been hidden very secretly. .

Unless he opens Super Memory to find, but this consumes too much.

Is there any faster way.

Since this secret passage is so secretive, the tomb keeper will definitely mark it in order to go out.

And He Ao didn’t see the obvious mark when he was just looking for it.

This means that the grave keeper may be using a special mark that can only be identified by himself.

What mark only he can see…

He Ao paused, looked towards the crystal ball in his hand.

The corpse.

A corpse that can be controlled can only be seen by those who have the ability to control the corpse.

At that moment, He Ao’s consciousness was immersed in the crystal ball, he fully stimulated the crystal ball, his gray vision expanded rapidly, swept across the giant wolf lying on the ground, swept across the icy cold Seats and cabinets.


He Ao body moved and quickly walked to a corner on the left.

There are several chairs that collapsed randomly on the ground in this corner, at first He Ao did not pay attention to these chairs, because there are chairs that were thrown down randomly in this whole area, and there are many skeletons around, look It looks like people’s struggles before they die.

But now he just thinks the guy who put these chairs is smart.

In his senses, directly above the scattered chairs, behind a wall about three meters above the ground, there was a small animal carcass that seemed to be a Little Squirrel.

This corpse means that there is a space behind the wall, which is the ‘mark’ left by the grave keeper

A man once built a ladder here with a chair and climbed He entered the space behind the wall, but in order to prevent others from discovering this space, he put down the surrounding chairs, pretending to be confused, and then pushed down the ladder after entering that space.

More than a hundred years later, the chaos here has been the same as elsewhere, hiding all traces of him.

He Ao naturally doesn’t need a ladder. He turns on Super Memory and examines every corner carefully.

Then he found a tiny gap on the edge of the entire wall, about two meters high. Extremely slight, if it weren’t for He Ao with Super Memory, it would not have been found at all.

He reached out to the gap, put his hand on the fingerprint, pressed it hard, but there was no response.

He thought for a moment, and ran ‘Qi’ to the palm of his hand.


With a light sound, a monitor pops out of the wall, similar to the one at the front door outside, but with a lot less functionality.

He Ao tried to authenticate the administrator, and the authentication was successful. It seems that this monitor is connected to the same LAN as the monitor at the front door.

But this monitor cannot modify the administrator authentication method. It seems that only the monitor at the front door has this authority.

The door opening of this display is also in human verification mode, and He Ao verified his identity after switching the mode.

As He Ao verified his identity, a circular metal door with a diameter of about 1.23 meters opened in response to the sound of He Ao’s identity, revealing a long and narrow passage. An ascending staircase to somewhere.

There is no light in the entire passage, it is abnormally deep and dark.

At the entrance of the passage, the corpse of a Little Squirrel with entangled wounds is leaning there.

He Ao felt that this squirrel was familiar, he thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized that this was the Little Squirrel that was entangled by Fruit Tree when he first hunted giant lizard.

This squirrel was placed here as a marker by the grave keeper, which means that the grave keeper once passed by the place where He Ao hunted the giant lizard, and most likely saw the barbecue left by He Ao Perhaps he also used some controlled puppets to see the He Ao silhouette from a distance.

So when He Ao lied to him and told him to guess why he was here, he would be thinking so quickly.

Because he may be in the same section of the road as He Ao, it seems that He Ao’s initial goal is also a tower.

But He Ao isn’t sure if everyone can see the tower from 800 kilometers away.

After all, the diameter of this planet is only 1,000 kilometers. If you draw a circle with a radius of 800 kilometers, the surface area of the circle is almost 2 million square kilometers, which is almost 2/3/2022 of the ruins. , If everyone can see the tower from such a distance, then the Institute Impossible has not left any records.

This is actually a point where He Ao suspected ‘Liu Nan’ at the beginning, because He Ao said that he could see the tower, and ‘Liu Nan’ had no doubts at all.

Perhaps for her, seeing the tower is a matter of course.

And if only special people like He Ao can see the tower from that far away, others, like the grave keeper, can’t see it.

It is even possible that the tomb keeper can’t find the tower itself, but there may be a section of the road. For some reason, he followed the traces left by He Ao. Bo, so he found the tower.

However, He Ao thought about it, and the only reason He Ao could think of was that he was being followed by the tomb-keeper, probably because before entering the ruins, the speaker and the tomb-keeper had a dispute, and He Ao just happened to be watching. In the past, he was angry with He Ao, and after discovering the trace of He Ao in the ruins, he followed quietly.

After all, he is holding a C-Rank extraordinary item. If He Ao is really a normal D-Rank, it is easy to kill He Ao and turn He Ao into a puppet.

In the main world, he needs to be bound by the rules, which is different in the ruins.

If so,

He Ao looked towards the gravekeeper who had been turned into a puppet.

That’s not because the tomb keeper found the tower with good luck, and met He Ao with bad luck, but because he met He Ao, he found the tower, and then was killed by He Ao. I bumped into it in the tower and finally gave He Ao a spree.

Cause and effect are linked.

He Ao jumped and jumped into the passage. The gravekeeper puppet followed and closed the metal door.

The monitor protruding from the wall slowly retracted, and the entire central control room returned to silence.

After a while, a light sound came from the darkness, from behind the metal door with the disc that He Ao had not opened.

There seems to be something, knocking softly behind the door.

dong dong dong ——

The crisp sound echoed in the silent and dark central control room.

The relic is over, and a new dungeon will be opened tomorrow after closing.

Big chapter for subscription, collection, monthly pass, recommendation

(end of this chapter)

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