Life Copy Game

Chapter 169


Chapter 169 Entering the factory (please subscribe for collection and ask for monthly pass)

“You have arrived at your destination, this trip totals 35.05 federal dollars , has been deducted from your bound credit card, and the detailed bill has been sent to your account, please pay attention to check.”

“Please take your carry-on item with you when you get off the car, local traffic accident is often issued, please Pay attention to safety.”

“Thank you for taking the fast-moving driverless taxi and look forward to meeting you next time.”

In the gentle voice of the mechanical girl, He Ao pushed Open the door.

Dawn City law, minors cannot apply for credit cards.

So Joey’s taxi company account is bound to the sub-card of his father’s credit card. In theory, after the death of the person, the credit card should be reported for cancellation, but as long as the repayment is made on time and the cancellation is not taken, the bank and the The credit card company doesn’t care either.

He Ao stood by the cold street, the night wind blowing the strands of hair on his forehead.

The gate illuminated by the lights in front is a little lonely, and the security guard in front of the gate is sitting in the security booth and dozing off with his head propped up.

He Ao took out a card from his pocket, put it in his hand, and walked towards the door.


A car door opened, and neatly equipped black clothed persons passed through the congested vehicles and surrounded the yellow taxi.

“Get out! Hurry up!”

A black clothed person walked to the taxi and slammed the door, “The people inside get out, hurry up!”

Under this violent beating, there was a slight ‘click-‘ sound in the carriage, which was the sound of the door lock being unlocked.

The black clothed persons who were all around the taxi quickly backed away. They put their hands in their clothes, gestured with guns, and watched the slowly opening car door vigilantly.

A young man wearing a brand new cap and jacket walked out of the car. He raised his hands in fear and looked at the people around him suspiciously, “Who are you? What are you doing?”

Everyone was stunned.

This boy is not the boy they were looking for.

Garner turned his head in surprise, looked towards the man in the gray suit beside him, “Boss, I don’t know, I clearly watched him get into this taxi.”

“You guys What are you going to do?”

The teenager surrounded by the crowd glanced at the aggressive people around him, “Are you the police? Don’t mess around, arresting people on the street is against the law!”

The man in the gray suit turned around and patted Garner’s shoulders, “Idiot, you’ve been tricked.”

Garner froze in place, the hair on his back stood up , endless fear crawled up his back.

He knew how his boss dealt with erring people.

He stared blankly at the boy in the peaked cap who was surrounded by the center.

When exactly…

Countless images echoed in his mind, until a certain image, his memories stopped.

In that picture, the boy wearing a peaked cap entered a single-aisle alley, that is, in just a dozen seconds, the other party briefly disappeared from his sight. .

The brand new cap is just an ‘anchor point’. The other party bought a cap at a roadside stall, which is actually making a distinction.

Because this cap was bought under Garner’s watch, Garner would naturally associate ‘Joey’ with the cap.

At this time, a person wearing a brand new cap, wearing the same clothes as ‘Joey’ and having a similar body shape walks out of the alley. As long as the time is well controlled, he will be directly recognized as ‘Joey’ .

And the real ‘Joey’ left the other channel long ago when his sight disappeared.

And the premise for all this to happen is that he was discovered by the other party from the very beginning.

Ghana was taken aback.

He did it on purpose!

The other party deliberately walked past the younger brother wearing the same jacket as yesterday, in order to attract his attention, let him dispatch everyone, and even invite the boss to arrest the other party.

lured the tiger away from the mountain! ‘Joey’ has probably arrived at the factory by now!

This whole incident is all under the control of the other party.

He thought he was a fisherman, didn’t expect him to be the fish, and kept going around foolishly following other people’s bait.

Garner turned sharply, he had no time to think, and hurriedly chased after the man in the gray suit who had walked away.

He wants to give himself a chance to admit his mistakes.

And at this moment, the man in the gray suit has walked to his silver-gray sedan.

The driver opened the door and walked out.

“Is the helicopter coming?”

The man in the gray suit took a pair of wireless earphones from his pocket and put one in his ear.

“Coming soon.”

The driver nodded gently.

His tone barely fell, and the sound of a huge propeller turning came from the sky, and the surging air waves blew from top to bottom.

A rope ladder is thrown from the helicopter and descends slowly.

“Did you catch that Jack?”

The man in the gray suit stuck another earphone into his ear.

“I’ve sent someone to arrest him, but I haven’t replied yet.”

The driver gently nods.

“It’s hard work, how is the situation at the factory?”

The man in the gray suit nodded, and the rope ladder of the helicopter had already fallen to his side.

“Everything is good at the factory. We just upgraded the access control system not long ago. Once the kid uses the cracked blank card to swipe the door, the alarm will be triggered immediately. The high-voltage power grid will also trigger monitoring alarms,”

The driver’s tone was calm, “there is no way he could enter the factory without our knowledge.”


The man in the gray suit stretched out his hand and grabbed the rope ladder, “I really hope that kid will give me a surprise.”

He raised his bracelet and played a dynamic music, The whole person swayed gently with the music.

The helicopter began to slowly ascend.

At this time, Garner also staggered over, put his hand on the hood of the silver-gray sedan, moved towards the sky and reached out, “Boss, boss.”

Hanging on the rope ladder The man in the gray suit seemed to hear Garner’s cry, he turned his head to look at Garner, and then took out a small gray pistol from his arms.


The bullet passed Garner’s arm holding the hood in an instant, and bright red blood spattered in an instant.


The people around who stuck their heads out to watch the fun suddenly screamed and retracted their heads into the car.

Ghana clutched his hands in pain and knelt on the ground, blood gushing out from the crevices of his fingers like a gurgling spring.

The little brother next to him rushed up and bandaged his wound.

The driver, who witnessed all this, slowly took out a white handkerchief and cautiously wiped off the blood that had just splashed onto the hood.

Then he walked over to Garner, crouched down, turned over the handkerchief covered in Garner’s blood, wrapped his hand with the clean side, and gently patted Garner’s cheek,

“You can’t touch the places where the boss doesn’t allow you to touch, do you understand?”


Garner endured the pain, gently Nominate.

“en? What did you say?”

The driver frowned, turned his face sideways, “I can’t hear very well.”

Ghana clenched his fist, He slowly loosened it again, with a painful and flattering expression on his face, “I understand, I understand.”

The driver laughed, threw his handkerchief on the ground, and stood up slowly. Get up.

And behind him, the silhouette of the man in the gray suit hanging on the rope ladder disappeared into the night.


He Ao passed the sleepy security guard in the security booth and walked to the gate.

He reached out and pressed the card on the gate to the sensor of the gate.


A light sound came from the gate, the security guard who had been drowsy suddenly woke up, turned his head and looked towards He Ao.

And He Ao was watching the closed automatic gate, and the lights of red.

After a brief pause, the red no-go light turns to a green pass light.

The automatic gate of the gate opens slowly.

The security guard at the security booth yawned and looked away.

He Ao retracted the card and went through the automatic door.

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(end of this chapter)

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