Looking at Hou Siyi.

Although Sun Jingjun's face was not shocked.

However, there have been turbulent waves in my heart.

This girl.

It really amazed him.

Especially the infectious smile on her face.

It really made Sun Jingjun feel a little excited.

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Sun Jingjun was about to speak.

But Hou Beicheng took the lead and said:

"Why don't you sit on my side?"

"It's 602 over there. "

"This is 601. "

"We had a cottage. "

"You can sit together. "

Hou Taicheng spoke more directly.

Hear his words.

Hou Siyi's face was thoughtful.

But he was not in a hurry to sit down.

Instead, he glanced at Sun Jingjun.

There was a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

See here.

Sun Jingjun made a gentleman's gesture.


"You can sit on either side. "

"There's nothing special about this. "

"Feel free to do whatever you like. "

Hear the words.

Hou Siyi glanced at Sun Jingjun.


With a bright smile, he said:

"Okay. "

"Then I'll sit here. "


Hou Siyi still chose to sit on Hou Beicheng's side.

Sit down next to each other.

As the other side said.

Two people are in a hut.


It's better to sit together.

And if you sit on Sun Jingjun's side.

It really made Hou Siyi a little embarrassed.

After sitting down.

Hou Siyi was actually a little nervous and embarrassed.

There was a little panic in my heart.

Although there is a faint smile on his face.

However, the face is slightly tilted downward.

Looks a little shy.

It seems that he realizes that his behavior is not right.

After all, so many people watched.

It's also not appropriate to keep your head down.

So Hou Siyi raised his head again.

But look around.

Seems to be looking for something.

Noticed a series of actions by Hou Siyi.

Sun Jingjun was keenly aware of it.

The other party may be a little nervous.

So he kindly said to Hou Siyi:

"Why don't you drink some water first?"

"Drinking water can overcome tension. "

As he spoke.

Sun Jingjun picked up the water cup.

Poured a glass of water for Hou Siyi.

Then hand it to her.

"Thank you. "

Hou Siyi took the water cup handed over by Sun Jingjun.

Picked up the cup and took a sip.

His face looked a lot looser.

"By the way, why don't we get to know each other first?"

Sun Jingjun remembered this, and he didn't even know the names of the other two.

You should ask the names of both parties first.

Hear Sun Jingjun's words.

Hou Siyi took the initiative to speak:

"My name is Hou Siyi. "

"You can call me Xiaohou. "

Hear the words.

Sun Jingjun muttered a sentence in his mouth.

"930 Marquis?"


He looked at Hou Beicheng again.

Although I know that the other party is Yan Da.

However, he does not yet know the name of his opponent.

"My surname is Hou. "

"My name is Hou Taicheng. "

"You can also call me Xiaohou. "

When the word Xiaohou is spoken.

Hou Taicheng's words are particularly heavy.

Special emphasis was placed on it.

"Two little marquis?"

Sun Jingjun looked at the two of them with a puzzled expression.

Hou Siyi looked at him.

Wave your hand again and again.


"No, no, no. "

"Actually, one of us is Sister Hou and the other is Brother Hou. "

"It's good that you tell us apart like that. "

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Hou Beicheng nodded with a smile and said:


"We are Brother Hou and Sister Hou. "

Hear the words.

Sun Jingjun nodded thoughtfully.

Then he spoke:

"By the way, I'll introduce myself as well. "

"My name is Sun Jingjun. "

"You can call me my grandson. "

Hou Siyi smiled and said:

"Little grandson, little grandson. "

"Not to mention, it's a pretty good name. "


Hou Taicheng also nodded.

Means remembered.

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Sun Jingjun smiled.

Didn't speak.

Tactically took a sip of water.


Sun Jingjun opened his mouth to Hou Siyi and asked:

"Are you working?"

Hear Sun Jingjun's words.

Hou Siyi nodded.


"I just graduated from school. "

"But I've been working for half a year. "

Sun Jingjun nodded.

Then he asked:

"And what do you do?"

Hou Siyi smiled and responded:

"I'm doing the internet. "

"Code farmer. "

"It's a job like the one in a factory that makes holes in biscuits. "

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Sun Jingjun nodded.

There was a thoughtful expression on his face.

Seeing Sun Jingjun, he looked interested.

Hou Siyi continued:

"But I'm leaving next Friday. "

"Then I can rest for a while. "

"It's so nice to think about. "

Sun Jingjun nodded.

looked at Hou Siyi intently.

Indicate that you are listening carefully to the other person.


He grasped the key point in Hus's words.


Then use empathy.

Communicating with Hou Siyi:

"We are generally anxious in our age group. "

"Sometimes I leave my job and take a break to adjust my condition. "

"Actually, I think it's pretty good. "

When talking.

Sun Jingjun's body leaned forward.

looked at Hou Siyi seriously.


Hou Siyi's body also leaned forward slightly.

was listening carefully to Sun Jingjun's words.

For now.

The two chatted quite well.

On the side, Hou Beicheng, who has been paying attention to Hou Siyi.

At this point, he looked a little lost.

He seems to be neglected?

He had been listening quietly to the two of them.

But I found that I couldn't plug in the topic.

Especially when Hou Siyi and Sun Jingjun.

I also talked about the resignation next Friday.

Hou Beicheng didn't know in his heart.

The sting sensation of being stabbed by something.

He thought.

This thing.

Hou Siyi only told him one person.


Or did he take it for granted.


The heart is lost to the lost.

At present, Hou Taicheng still has a very good impression of Hou Siyi.


He has been looking for a chance to chat with Hou Siyi.

I want to create an interaction with her.

"Yes, you know. "

"When are we going to have dinner?"

"I haven't eaten in the evening. "

"I'm a little hungry right now. "

Hou Siyi said to Hou Taicheng and Sun Jingjun.

While touching his gurgling belly.

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Hou got up from the table cleanly.

Didn't speak.

I walked directly to the dining table.

He wanted to go and get some food for Hou Siyi.

And aside.

Sun Jingjun saw Hou Taicheng stand up.

It was also focused on him.

He didn't know.

What is Hou Taicheng going to do?

For a while, I was a little bottomless in my heart.

And Hou Siyi saw Hou Taicheng get up.

It was also curious to look at him.

It's about a dozen steps along the table.

Then you can see a corner.

There are some cookies there.

At the same time, there is a world around the corner.

It was a big venue.

Inside it looks like a place for music.

There was a guitar on the floor and a grand piano.

There are also a number of other musical instruments.

Like drum kits and stuff like that.

See here.

Hou Tiancheng looked surprised.

At the same time, there were some doubts in my heart.

"How can there be musical instruments here?"

"Could it be that someone is going to sing in a while?"

While thinking.

Hou Beicheng from the table.

Took some cookies.

Then go back.

Not much.

Hou Beicheng returned to the eyes of the two.

"What did you just go to do?"

I saw Hou Taicheng walking back.

Hou Siyi asked curiously.

At this time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Hou Siyi hadn't seen the biscuits hidden behind Hou Taicheng's hands.

But Sun Jingjun noticed this scene.

However, he didn't speak for Hou Taicheng.

After all, this was what Huss asked him.

It's none of Sun Jingjun's business. []

"Didn't you just say you were hungry?"

"Then I'm going to get you some cookies. "

"Come, taste?"

Hou Beicheng said.

While handing the biscuits in his hand to Hou Siyi.


"So many cookies!"

Hou Siyi looked surprised.

Smile like a flower.

At the same time, he asked with some doubts:

"Why didn't I see you with a cookie in your hand just now?"

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Hou explained:

"That's because I'm hiding behind my hands. "

"Then you're cunning. "

"You deliberately didn't show me, did you?"

Huss raised his head.

Pouted and said to Hou Taicheng.

See here.

Hou Tiancheng smiled and shook his head.

watched the interaction between Hou Beicheng and Hou Siyi.

Sun Jingjun clasped his hands to his chest.

There was a slight look of displeasure on his face.

But (bbae) when Hou Siyi's gaze came.

Sun Jingjun's grim face.

But he smiled again.

"By the way, do you eat cookies?"

"Divide a little bit with you. "

Hou Siyi took a cookie from the box.

was about to hand it to Sun Jingjun.

was preempted by Hou Taicheng.

He also took a biscuit.

handed it to Sun Jingjun one step ahead.

Said with a smile:

"You can give it a try. "

"These cookies are delicious. "

looked at the biscuits handed over by Hou Taicheng.

Sun Jingjun smiled but didn't smile.

Took the biscuit from the other party.

"Thank you. "


Hou Siyi looked expectant.

looked at Sun Jingjun and said:

"Give it a try. "

"What does this cookie taste like?"

Hear the words.

Sun Jing remained silent.

glanced at Hou Beicheng.

A slight smug flashed across his face.

Then I tasted the cookies.

"Not bad. "

"These cookies are quite delicious. "

Sun Jingjun nodded.

"yes, I'll just say it's delicious. "

Hou Siyi's face was full of smiles.

"By the way, do you know about that ABM animal test?"

Sun Jingjun picked up the water cup on the table.

Take a sip.

Suddenly a new topic was raised.

Hou Siyi smiled and nodded.

"Yes. "

Sun Jingjun took the initiative to speak:

"Why don't you guess what animal I am?"

Hear Sun Jingjun's words.

Hou Siyi said without thinking:

"Are you a romantic sika deer?"

Sun Jingjun smiled and shook his head.

"Then you are a frank little leopard?"

Hou Siyi continued to guess.


Sun Jingjun nodded earnestly.


Left hand from the pocket of the clothes.

It's like you're groping for something.

Keep your head down.

He also said:

"First meeting. "

"I'll give you one..."

Just as Sun Jingjun spoke.

Hou Tiancheng noticed his movements.

It looks like he's taking some small object out.

And in combination with his words.

Hou Tiancheng immediately guessed the other party's intentions.

Sun Jingjun is the same as him.

They all want to give gifts to Hou Siyi.


Hou Taicheng didn't want Sun Jingjun to give the gift so smoothly.

Or whatever.

Anyway, Hou Beicheng didn't want Sun Jingjun to give a gift first.

Stealing the limelight from himself.

After all, he wants to give gifts.

Whoever delivers it first.

Who evacuated.

This is exquisite.

After all, he was from Sun Jingjun's pocket.

I have seen what the other party wants to send to Hou Siyi.

What like a baby seal?

And what I want to send is a little monkey.

Both things are pretty much the same.


Hou Beicheng thinks.

He must be one step faster than Sun Jingjun.

Otherwise, he will become a foil later.

A lot of the time.

People will only remember the first person who surprised themselves.

And the one who gives gifts later.

Either it's particularly precious.

Otherwise, it is easy to be forgotten.

It's not memorable at all.

It's like colleges and universities competing against each other.

The No. 1 university in the country.

and the 100th largest university in the country.

One took first place.

One took second place.

But people will only remember the first place.

And the second place will never be remembered.

And now.

Although Hou Tiancheng and Sun Jing are both in the same grade of school.


In the case of the same gift.

Whoever sends it first will send it later.

Actually, it's very important.

I thought about it for a moment.

Hou Tiancheng thought of an idea.

Just as Sun Jingjun slowly took out the gift.

When I was ready to surprise Hou Siyi.

Hou Taicheng suddenly turned his head and said to Hou Siyi:

"Something seems to have dropped. "

Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

Hou Siyi subconsciously lowered his head.

Go and see if anything has fallen to the ground.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Hou Beicheng quickly took his hands out of his pocket.

Also took out a small object.

It was placed next to Hou Siyi's cup.


Sun Jingjun saw this scene.

I was stunned for a moment.

I was trying to do something.

But suddenly Hou Siyi raised his head from under the table.

Looking at Hou Beicheng, he asked suspiciously:

"What fell?"

"Why don't I seem to see it?"

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Hou Taicheng shook his head with a smile and said:

"Maybe I'm wrong. "

"Huh. "

"What is this!?"

Hou Siyi picked up the water glass.

Going to drink saliva.

Suddenly, I saw a cute little monkey next to my cup.

And the little monkey also holds a red peach in his hand.

It looks so cute.

Hou Siyi is particularly fond of peaches.

See peaches.

Immediately, his heart burst into flames.

"What a cute little monkey!"

Hou Siyi picked up the little monkey on the table.

I couldn't help but take a sip.

Then something suddenly came to mind.

Looking at Sun Jingjun and asking:

"Did you just say you were going to give me something?"

"Did you send this?"

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Sun Jingjun's face was a little ugly.

But it was quickly replaced by a smile.

He smiled.

Shaking his head, he said:

"I didn't send it. "

A little doubt flashed across Hou Siyi's face.



Hou Taicheng said:

"This is my gift to you. "

"Didn't you tell me in the morning that you like peaches?"

"Then I bought you a little monkey. "

"Then I specially asked the master to glue this peach. "

Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

Hou Siyi smiled and clapped his hands.

"Is that so?"

"Thank you. "

"I love it. "

Hear the words.

Hou Tiancheng also had a smile on his face.

He likes the feeling of being affirmed.


Hou Siyi noticed the little seal on Sun Jingjun's table.

Asked with a smile:

"Is that a seal?"

"It looks funny. "

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Sun Jingjun picked up the baby seal with both hands.

Asked with a smile:

"Do you like it?"

"Like. "

Hou Siyi nodded.

"Then I'll give it to you. "

"It was a gift for our first meeting. "

Sun Jingjun spoke.

As he spoke.

He handed the little seal to Hou Siyi with both hands.

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