Wang Kaizhi silently washed the tomatoes.

After washing, cut it open again.

Only then did he put the tomatoes on a plate and handed them to Su Bai.

"Okay, I'll take care of the rest. "

Su Bai took the plate.

A few more eggs were beaten.

After that, pour the tomatoes and eggs into the pan together.


Fragrant scrambled eggs with tomatoes freshly baked.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are full of aroma, color and aroma.

When people look at it, they can't help but move their chopsticks, and they are greedy.


See the aroma of scrambled eggs with tomatoes fill the entire screen.

The live broadcast room was boiling.

- [Wow!It smells so good!].

- [Scrambled eggs with tomatoes made by Su Bai, to be honest, I'm hungry!].

- [I'm hungry, who can bring me a scrambled egg with the same tomatoes from Su Bai!].

——[Su Bai's cooking skills are good!].

——[The scrambled eggs with tomatoes he made are full of color and flavor. It looks so delicious!].

- [I want to eat it! Such a delicious thing is too mouth-watering!].

- [This time, I'm envious of it!].


"It smells so good!".

Look at the fragrant plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes on the table.

Wang Kaizhi, Zeng Chaohao, and Fan Yilan praised at the same time.

Wang Kaizhi commented, "Su Bai, your cooking skills are very good." "

"I can cook too, but when I see the food you cook, I know that you are the best at it. "

Zeng Chaohao also agreed: "Su Bai, you often cook, this cooking technique is very old-fashioned at first glance." "

Fan Elan didn't speak, her taste buds were immersed in the sea of food at the moment, smelling the fragrant smell and couldn't extricate herself.

Su Baile smiled.

Modestly said:

"I cook a lot. "

"But my craft is okay. "

"Compared with Brother Wang, we should be regarded as half a catty and eight taels, on par. "

"One day, the king will always show us a hand and let us taste the food you cooked?"

Su Bai brought the topic back to Wang Kaizhi.

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Wang Kaizhi nodded and said, "There will be a chance." "


A creak sounded outside the house.

The door to the hut was opened.

Immediately after, a knock on the door followed.

A shadow poked into the room.

Seems to be looking for something.

The people in the kitchen hadn't noticed the scene outside the cottage.

And the audience who was watching the live broadcast was already laughing like crazy.

- [It's funny, hahaha!].

- [How can anyone open the door first and then knock on the door!].

- [It's so cute, hahaha!].

- [The way the second female guest appeared was so funny, haha!].

- [You see, she is wearing a bright yellow dress, and her eyes are also very bright!].

- [And you see, that figure is like a mermaid!].

- [This figure is too good!].

- [The second female guest is in love!].


"Huh, is someone coming?"

Su Bai is cooking.

The sharp-eyed Zeng Chaohao reacted first.

"Someone's coming?".

Heard Zeng Chaohao's words.

Su Bai put down the work in his hand.

Look up at the gate.

I saw a female guest who was probing her brain to observe something.

"Let's go, there's a new partner, let's go out and greet you. "

Su Bai proposed.

"Good. "

The crowd agreed.

Follow behind Su Bai.

They came to the gate together.

A female guest wearing a long yellow dress, curvy and with a red bracelet appeared in front of everyone.

"Hello. "

“hello。 "

"Hi. "

Su Bai and the four of them greeted the new female guests.

The female guests also happily responded to everyone's greetings.

"Hello. "

When beckoning, the red hand rope on his hand swayed.

In front of everyone, the female guests seemed quite calm and unhurried.

Compared with Wang Kaizhi, who was a little restrained just now.

The female guests looked more relaxed.

And her bright eyes are particularly eye-catching.

Needless to say, Su Bai is three big men.

Rao is a woman from Fan Yilan.

Some were attracted by the bright eyes of the female guests.

"Come in, don't be outside. "

This time, Su Bai was a gentleman.

Help the female guest come in with a suitcase.

Because after all, the other party's suitcase is right in front of the door.

It's just a step away from the house.

In addition, the female guest's box was right in front of Su Bai's eyes.

So, he chose to help others.

"Oh good, thank you. "

The female guest walked in.

I saw Su Bai helping him carry the suitcase again, and thanked him by the way.

"No thanks. "

Su Bai nodded.

"Oh, that, the meal is ready. "

"I'm going to bring the food. "

"Let's have a meal to fill our stomachs. "

Come to the show for half a day.

Su Bai hadn't eaten yet.

I'm also a little hungry at the moment.

Plus the meal is already ready.

So I decided to eat something to fill my stomach first.

"Don't you have to wait for all the other guests to come before we eat?"

The new female guest asked.

"It's okay, let's eat first. "

"When the others come, let's make another hearty meal. "

Su Bai explained.


The female guest nodded.

"Brother Su Bai, you worked hard to cook just now. "

"Let's take this break first. "

"I'll just go and bring the finished dishes. "

Wang Kaizhi spoke.

Zeng Chaohao followed closely behind, and also said loudly: "I'm going to help too." "

"Good. Su Bai nodded.

Take advantage of the time when the two of them went to get food.

There was nothing to say at the scene for a while.

Su Bai opened the conversation box and chatted with the female guest.

"Shall we introduce ourselves to each other?"

"Ladies first, you come first. "

"Good!" the female guest nodded.

He smiled and said, "My name is Zhang Jing." "

"You can call me good luck. "


PS: Do you want to add that commentary and observation mission?

I didn't think it was necessary, and then I didn't write it.

Here's what readers think.

Then in the new book period, please let the readers vote for the evaluation and flowers, thank you!

In addition, let's get a more rule, which can be regarded as stimulating the author's code word motivation.

No matter how much the amount is, even if it's a dollar, as long as there is a tip, add more.

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