Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

A hint of surprise flashed in Hou Siyi's eyes.

Followed by.

Cheerful emotions welled up in her heart.


Hou Siyi was obviously very happy.

The smile on his face was very bright.

She took the cold medicine handed over by Hou Tingcheng.

Jumping and jumping.

"Thank you. "

"Hello sweet. "

Hou Siyi said in a gentle voice~ to Hou Taicheng.

Hear the words.

Hou Taicheng's face was also very happy.

I was happy to see Hou Siyi.

He'll be happy.

He felt.

I seem to have done something great.

There is a strong sense of accomplishment in my heart.

"That's right. "

"Would you like to try the spicy pot in our school cafeteria?"

"I'll bring it to you tomorrow. "

Hou Beicheng said to Hou Siyi while the iron was hot.

Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

Hou Siyi nodded.

In a sweet voice:

"Okay. "

Hou Taicheng also nodded.

"Then I'll bring it to you tomorrow. "


Hou Siyi seemed to have thought of something.

He blinked curiously.

asked Hou Table:

"Is Qingda cafeteria delicious?"

Hear this.

A hint of embarrassment flashed across Hou Tiancheng's face.



"I'm Yanda. "

Hear the words.

Hou Siyi covered his mouth and smiled a little embarrassed.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

"I'm sorry. "

"I misremember. "

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Hou Tiancheng shook his head.

He introduced her again:

"Yanda's canteen is very good. "

"Super tasty. "

When he said this.

Hou Zhuocheng was in high spirits.

The face is very confident.

"Then we had four floors in the school cafeteria. "

"There are specialties on every floor. "

"If I have the chance, I'll bring you some specialties to try. "

Hou Beicheng finished speaking.

Hou Siyi clapped his hands with a smile and said:

"Okay, okay. "

"Then it's settled. "

"You remember to bring me something to eat. "

Hou Tiancheng nodded.


"Definitely, definitely. "

As the two of them spoke.

The door to the hut was opened.

A very gentle and sweet look.

She is fair-skinned and beautiful, with a pair of slender long legs.

Girl dressed in white carrying a bag.

Walked in from the outside.

The person who came was Yang Ruqing, who was returning home from work.

“hello。 "

"Coming back?"

See Yang Ruqing.

Su Bai greeted him as soon as possible.

"Hmm. "

"It's back. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.



Yang Ruqing and Su Bai sat on the sofa.

She asked Su Bai:

"How's your sister's illness?"

She remembers.

Su Bai went home to visit his sister today.

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai responded:

"My sister is actually fine. "

"But she likes to snacking. "

"But my parents wouldn't buy it for her. "

"Actually, I'm going to go over today. "

"It's not so much to visit her. "

"It's better to say that I used to bring her snacks. "

Hear the words.

Yang Ruqing nodded.

Grasp the key word in Su vernacular - snacks.


"Your sister loves to snack so much. "

"Looks like a snack too, right?"

Su Bai smiled and said:

"Yes. "

"My sister is a foodie. "

And she's the only one who has a penchant for snacks. "

"At the same time, you can't do without it. "

"One day without a snack. "

And she was very uncomfortable. "

Yang Ruqing asked in surprise:

"Then your sister eats snacks every day. "

"Won't you gain weight?"

For girls.

The most concerned thing is actually whether your body is fat or not, thin or not.


Many girls actually want to be slim in their bodies.

Although sometimes the heart is craving to eat some junk food.

Or eat some casual snacks.

But they all had to endure the pain of parting their love.

Because if you go down this mouthful.

The body, the weight.

That minute soared.


Generally, girls are very control over their diet.


After hearing Su Bai say that his sister eats snacks every day.

Yang Ruqing would be so surprised.

That's why I asked.

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai smiled and shook his head.


"I'm actually quite envious of my sister. "

"She has a very low body fat percentage. "

"And, most critically. "

"She doesn't gain weight no matter how she snacks. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.

In line with the saying:

"Listen to you. "

"Then I'm a little envious of your sister. "

Su Bai smiled.


"You can too. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.


Su Bai suddenly thought of something important.

Suddenly got up and said to Yang Ruqing:

"You wait here for me a moment. "

"I'll go get you something. "

Hear the words.

Yang Ruqing bowed slightly.


"Good. "

She stared at Su Bai's back as he left.

There was thought in the eyes.

And Su Bai ran quickly to the second floor to get something.

He was resting on the second floor just now.

So what he bought for Yang Ruqing.

It's all on the second floor.

He quickly went to his room on the second floor.

After taking something.

Soon went downstairs again.

Returned to the couch and sat down.


Yang Ruqing looked at the bag that Su Bai put on the table.

Curiously asked:

"What's in this bag?"

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai didn't explain.

Instead, he said:

"Wait a minute. "

"You'll know right away. "

Yang Ruqing snorted.


Su Bai slowly took out a hand-cranked merry-go-round from the bag and came out.

"Come on. "

"Here's to you. "

At this time.

There is also a cup in the bag.


Su Bai felt.

It's better to give the big killer first.

As for the cups.

More on that later.

Yang Ruqing took the hand-cranked merry-go-round handed by Su Bai.

A look of surprise said:

"How would you buy such a thing?"

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai smiled and said:

My sister said. "

"This kind of stuff is especially for girls. "

"I don't know if you like it or not. "

"Then I'll buy it for you. "

"You turn around and try. "

Yang Ruqing smiled and nodded.

A pair of bright eyes stared at him quietly.

Say in the affirmative:

"Like. "

"I like it very much. "

"This thing looks pretty fun. "

Yang Ruqing said.

While turning the crank with his hand.


The merry-go-round on the toy turned.


Because of this merry-go-round that Su Bai bought.

It was carefully selected by him.


It also glows.

And not only glows.

There was even a song that was put out in the toy.

The merry-go-round goes along with that nice ballad.

Turning unhurriedly.

And on the wooden horse.

There are little star lights dotted with them. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The star lights glow yellow.

Make the colors of the carousel look particularly beautiful.

A familiar ballad sounded.

The merry-go-round turned.

People feel with their eyes closed. []

It's like going back to the good old days.

Yang Ruqing watched the rotation of the merry-go-round seriously.

Carefully experience the joy brought by the merry-go-round.

This moment.

Yang Ruqing's mood is very beautiful.

Su Bai brought her a different kind of happiness.

She really cares.

This kind of gift.

Not every boy can think of it.

Yang Ruqing silently decided in her heart.


Tomorrow she will also bring a gift to Su Bai.

Come and don't be rude.

There is only a coming-and-going.

is the best and most comfortable state to maintain a relationship.


She and Su Bai are dating.

Su Bai surprised her.

Then she also wanted to prepare a gift for Su Bai.

There is a response to everything.

Everything has a repercussion.

This is the most comfortable state of being together between a couple.

Although she and Su Bai are not yet a couple.


This did not prevent Yang Ruqing from responding to Su Bai.

She also wants to prepare a special, special, and unexpected gift for Su Bai.


"This looks good, right?"

looked at Yang Ruqing with an immersive and enjoyable look.

Su Bai asked with a smile.

Hearing Su Bai's words.

A smile bloomed at the corner of Yang Ruqing's mouth and said:

"This gift. "

"I love it. "

"Thank you for the gift you gave me. "

Yang Ruqing played with the hand-cranked merry-go-round in her hand.

I like it so much.

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai smiled.

"It's good to like it. "

Just when Su Bai and Yang Ruqing were talking and laughing.

Hou Taicheng, Hou Siyi, and Zhang Jing walked over.

saw the hand-cranked merry-go-round in Yang Ruqing's hand.

Hou Siyi asked curiously:

"What is this?"

"Looks like a lot of fun, huh?"


Zhang Jing also looked at Yang Ruqing with a curious expression.

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Yang Ruqing looked at Su Bai.

He pointed to the hand-cranked merry-go-round in his hand.


"This was given to me by Su Bai. "

She said it generously.

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Hou Siyi and Zhang Jing were obviously stunned for a moment.


They are girls.

For Su Bai to give Yang Ruqing this gift.

I was amazed.

Both looked at each other with doubt, incomprehension, and curiosity.

looked at Su Bai.

They were curious.

What did Su Bai think?

Give Yang Ruqing such a gift?

This kind of thing.

For them girls.

Ask for flowers

But it's too lethal.

Hou Siyi thinks.

If anyone gives themselves such a hand-cranked merry-go-round.

She will definitely follow the other party with all her heart.

Zhang Jing thought in her heart.

Su Bai is too good to Yang Ruqing, right?

I gave her such a gift!

Su Bai must have put a lot of thought into it, right?

Give such a gift.

It's something that ordinary people can think of, such as giving roses.

It's so much, much better.

Hou Taicheng looked at Su Bai.

Shock was also written on his face.

Let's be honest.

At the moment of seeing the hand-cranked merry-go-round.

He didn't expect it at all.

This will be given to Yang Ruqing by Su Bai.


He never expected it.

Su Bai actually understands girls so well.

Hou Tiancheng observed Hou Siyi's reaction.

She also seemed to be particularly interested in Su Bai's gift to Yang Ruqing.

Do girls like this kind of thing?

Hou Beicheng thought in his heart.


He also decided.

When you look back, you must learn from Su Bai.

Let's see how you can better please girls.

How can we better please Hus.

In the live broadcast room.

The live broadcast camera was given to the hand-cranked merry-go-round in Yang Ruqing's hand.

Netizens saw this thing.

It's all talking.


——[This is the hand-cranked merry-go-round given to Yang Ruqing by Su Bai!?]

- [Looks so much fun!]

——[Su Bai understands girls so well!]

- [This hand-cranked merry-go-round is really very lethal to our girls.] 】

- [I love this thing so much!]

——[This merry-go-round not only satisfies the childlike innocence of our girls, but also satisfies the childhood dreams of our girls. 】

- [It's really good-looking, it's really fun!I'm super fun!]

——[Su Bai is really attentive!]

——[Yuebai Fengqing, I have made a decision on this pair of cp!]

——[Loving you is like a blue sky and white clouds, a clear sky!]

——[Su Bai and Yang Ruqing, I was originally extremely opposed, but at this moment I feel that they are so compatible!]

——[Sister Qing is gentle and considerate, Su Bai is super attentive, which girl can not love this when she sees it?]

601 Cabin.

Originally, Hou Taicheng was going to come and plan to call everyone to dinner.

The meal is ready.

And Hou Siyi and Zhang Jing.

It was because I was attracted by the toy in Yang Ruqing's hand.

Right now.

Hou Siyi gave Yang Ruqing's hand-cranked merry-go-round to Su Bai.

Particularly interested.

I can't put it down.

Hou Beicheng was a little helpless.

Look at Hou Siyi's current appearance.

Don't seem to have the heart to eat at all?

One heart in a toy?

Just when Hou Beicheng was worried.

The toy in Hou Siyi's hand was taken back by Su Bai.

It was handed back to Yang Ruqing's hand.

Normal people say they are curious about your toys though.

But there are measured people.

At most, it's just curious to take a look.

Play a little bit and give it back to the other party.

But Hus remembers well.

But I can't put it down.

After a long time, he refused to return it to Yang Ruqing.

So of course Su Bai couldn't stand it.

Got the toy straight back.

No toys to play after.

Hou Siyi's face was visibly disappointed.

But Su Bai was not used to her.

Because she bought the toy for Yang Ruqing.

What is her strength in losing Guan Subai?

When the scene is a little awkward.

Hou Taicheng said:

"The meal seems to be ready. "

"Why don't we go eat now?"

Hear about eating.

Hou Siyi's attention was immediately diverted.

She was immediately resurrected with full blood.

Straight up spirits.

"Let's go. "

"Eat and eat. "

"It just so happens that I'm hungry. "

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

The crowd burst out laughing.

Zhang Jing, Hou Taicheng, and Hou Siyi.

I went to the dinner table first.

And Su Bai still had something to say to Yang Ruqing.

To be exact.

The cup has not been given to Yang Ruqing yet.

Su Bai plans to give it to her now.

Otherwise, Yang Ruqing wants to drink water after eating.

It doesn't work without a cup.

"This is the cup I bought you again. "

"It's Winnie the Pooh too. "

Su Bai handed a water cup to Yang Ruqing.

"Thank you. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.

I thanked him first.

Only then did he take the cup.

At this time, her expression was a little surprised.

She didn't expect that.

Su Bai not only prepared a gift for her.

The cup that was broken in the morning was also bought for her again.


She was pleasantly surprised to find:

"The one you bought is exactly the same as my previous style. "

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai smiled.


"It seems that our vision is relatively consistent. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.

Look at the crowd who are waving to them.

Said to Su Bai:

"Shall we go to dinner too?"

"Good. "

Su Bai nodded.

and Yang Ruqing sat down at the dinner table to eat.

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