601 Forest Lodge.

Su Bai and twin sisters continued to chat.

He talked about the first time he saw the sisters.


"You know what?"

"You two just came in. "

"I thought I was hallucinating. "

"I didn't expect a pair of twins to come in. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Li Yujiao and Li Yumei couldn't help but cover their mouths and smile:

"Hahaha. "

"By the way, is there anyone else here besides you and us?"

Li Yumei asked Su Bai.

"Nope. "

Su Bai shook his head.

This point in time.

Except for the three of them.

The rest of the guests haven't come back from work yet.

Only Su Bai came back the earliest.

So this hut.

Except for him.

For now.

There was no one else.

"Oooh. "

Li Yumei nodded.

"By the way, you students?"

Su Bai suddenly asked.

He felt.

These twin sisters look quite innocent.

It's like a college student who hasn't graduated.

It is said in the eyes of college students.

Flashing clear and stupid.

He felt, in the body of the twin sisters.

It seems to be reflected a little vividly?

Until this moment.

They don't realize they're in the wrong house.

And they're too easy to trust people, right?

What did Su Bai say.

And they believe whatsoever.

It feels a little too simple.

It's like a college student who has not been deeply involved in the world.

That's why Su Bai asked.

"Yes. "

"We are students. "

The twin sisters nodded at the same time.

Li Yujiao took the initiative to introduce:

"I'm from Beike. "

After speaking.

Li Yumei also spoke:

"I'm big. "

Hear the words of the two.

Su Bai pretended to be surprised and opened his mouth wide and said;

"So powerful?"

Li Yujiao and Li Yumei heard this.

They all covered their mouths and smiled a little shyly.


"Actually, it's nothing. "

"By the way, are you also a student?"

Li Yujiao asked.

Su Bai nodded.

"Yes. "

"But I've graduated. "

"Just graduated. "

"So it's actually a student. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

The two nodded thoughtfully.

Then he asked:

"And what school are you?"

Hear the words.

Su Bai didn't say the answer directly.

Instead, he imitated the way the two of them spoke.

"Guess. "

Li Yujiao thought for a moment.


"Did you go to college in the imperial capital?"

Su Bai shook his head.

"The university I studied abroad. "


Li Yujiao thought for a while.

Shaking his head, he said:

"It's a bit hard to guess abroad. "

"Can you give me a range?"

Su Bai thought for a moment.


"Guess higher. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Li Yujiao is still thinking.

Li Yumei blurted out:

"Then I guess it's MIT?"

"This is the number one university in the world. "


Between words.

Li Yumei was still paying attention to Su Bai's reaction.

She wondered.

Su Bai heard himself say that he was from MIT.

What will be the reaction.

Hear Li Yumei's words.

Su Bai shook his head with a smile and said:

"Somewhat close. "

"Guess again. "

Hear the words.

Li Yumei was stunned for a moment.

Somewhat close?


This... He... Is he so highly educated?

Li Yumei was shocked.

Li Yujiao was also a little confused.


"You said something close. "

"Then you can't be Harvard, right?"

"Harvard seems to be in second place?"

Su Bai nodded affirmatively.


"Yes. "

"I'm from Harvard. "

"You're right. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Li Yumei and Li Yujiao's breathing became short.

With some disbelief on his face, he said:

"You... You're from Harvard?"



"Are you so awesome?"

"This is the second largest university in the world. "

The faces of the two were full of incredulity.

In the minds of Li Yujiao and Li Yumei.

Xueba filter from Su Bai.

Suddenly, it was deeply imprinted in their minds.

Harvard University.

This is a world-renowned university.

A school that ordinary people can't get into in their lifetime.


Su Bai turned out to be so good.

I was able to get into Harvard.

That's amazing, isn't it?

The two looked shocked.


Li Yumei seemed to remember something.

"Questioned" Su Bai and said:

"You're from Harvard. "

"Then you just said that we are so good. "

"Acting so surprised. "

"What are your intentions?"

Hear Li Yumei's words.

Su Bai smiled.


He deliberately lengthened the tone.

The twin sisters looked forward to listening to Su Bai's explanation.

But there was no follow-up.

Didn't continue to talk about this issue.

Su Bai diverted the topic.

Asked the two:

"That's right. "

"Tell me all about it. "

"What kind of animals are you?"

Hear the words.

The twin sisters looked at each other.

In unison, he said:

"No, I can't. "

"I can't say it directly this time. "

"You'll have to guess first. "

"Otherwise, it's not fun. "

Hear the words of the two.

Su Bai smiled.

Nodding his head:

"Okay. "

"Then I'll guess. "

I thought about it for a moment.

Su Bai opened his mouth and asked:

"And are your animals aggressive?"

Hear the words.

Li Yujiao said in surprise:

"You'll ask. "

Li Yumei also said:

"You guess. "

Hear the words of the two.

Su Bai pointed to Li Yujiao, who was wearing long sleeves.


"You were surprised just now. "

"Your animal should be a bit aggressive. "

"So you're a sika deer. "

"Isn't that right?"

Li Yujiao nodded in surprise.


"I'm a sika deer!"

"You're amazing!"

"Guess me as soon as you guess!"

Su Bai smiled.

There was no answer.

Instead, he looked at Li Yumei, who was wearing short sleeves.


"She's a sika deer. "

"Then you should be a little antelope. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Li Yujiao and Li Yumei.



"You guessed it right!"

"You guessed both of us. "

"That's amazing!"

Su Bai smiled, "Meaningless." "

"How did you do that?"

"How did you guess so accurately?"

Li Yujiao asked subconsciously.

Su Bai smiled.

Spit out a few words:

"Well. "

"It's intuition. "

Li Yujiao was stunned for a moment.



Su Bai nodded.


"My gut tells me. "

"You're a sika deer. "

"She's a little antelope. "

Li Yujiao nodded thoughtfully.

Something suddenly came to mind.

Then he asked:

"Then you just guessed which of us is the sister. "

"Who is the sister. "

"Actually, it's also based on intuition. "


Su Bai smiled.

Nodding his head:

"Yes. "


Li Yumei watched her sister Li Yujiao and Su Bai chatting so happily.

But he couldn't interject.

So after Su Bai finished speaking.

She found a moment.

Seeing the stitches and saying:

"That's right. "

"Let me share with you a story about our sisters. "

Hear Li Yumei's words.

Su Bai's face was obviously interested. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Curiously asked:

"What's the story?"

Li Yumei said without thinking:

"You know what?"

"When we learned about the animals on both sides. "[]

"Do you know how we react to each other?"

Su Bai shook his head.


"What's the reaction?"

Li Yujiao answered:

"We both hate each other. "

"One of us is a sika deer. "

"One is a small antelope. "

"But the animal I hate the most is the little antelope. "

"And my sister's most hated animal is the sika deer. "

"When we found out that we both tested out to be animals that we both hated each other. "

"We were all shocked. "

Heard Li Yujiao's words.

Su Bai glanced at the two of them in surprise.

"It's kind of interesting. "

"Then you also dislike each other now?"

Su Bai asked.

"Yes. "

"And now, too. "

The sisters looked at each other and smiled.

Li Yumei added.

"But we're all used to each other now. "

"It's all a habit. "

Su Bai smiled.


"Then you're kind of interesting. "

"Worthy of twins. "

"Sure enough, it smells like each other haha. "

Hear this.

The two laughed too.

"That's right. "

"And what kind of animal are you?"

Li Yumei took the initiative to ask.

"My animals are a bit hard to guess. "

Su Bai thought for a moment.


"Are you a fox?"

Li Yumei's brain hole opened.

Su Bai glanced at her with a smile.


"Do you think I look like a fox?"

Li Yujiao shook her head for her sister.


"Not really. "

"Then you should be Kun?"

"There is a fish in the North Underworld, and its name is Kun?"

Su Bai shook his head again.

"Are you a koala, then?"

Li Yumei asked.

Su Bai still shook his head.


"Not really. "

"And what are you?"

Twin sisters racking their brains.

I really can't guess.


Su Bai revealed the secret answer:

"I'm a crane. "

"Crane of Escape. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Li Yumei and Li Yujiao muttered in their mouths.

"The Crane of Freedom?"

He glanced at Su Bai again.


"Xianyun Crane. "

"It does look like your character. "

Follow the words of the two.

Su Bai smiled and said:

"Yes, I like to be an idle crane. "

"Uninhibited, free. "

"That's how nice. "

Just when Su Bai was chatting with the twin sisters.

The door to the 601 Forest Cabin was opened again.

A white boy walked in.

It's Hou Taicheng who is back.

“hello。 "

Hou Taicheng came to the living room.

first said hello to Su Bai.

Later, I saw twin sisters.

He couldn't help but take a step back.

Asked incredulously:

"Am I dazzled?"

"Am I right?"

"These two look exactly the same?"

"It's like carved out of a mold!"

Hou Tiancheng's reaction was the same as Su Bai's.

Hear the words.

The twin sisters looked at Hou Taicheng.

Take the initiative to speak.

In unison, he said:

"Yes. "

"That's right. "

“.. As you can see. "

"We are twins. "

"It's like a fake. "

Hear the words of the two.

Hou Taicheng rubbed his eyes.

I took another deep breath.

This calmed me down.

Speaking to the two, he said:

"Hello. "

"My name is Hou Taicheng. "

"Who are you?"

Hou Tiancheng was a little curious.

Why is there a new guest in Huts 601?

It stands to reason.

Cabin 601 is already full.

There shouldn't be any new guests.


Hou Taicheng thought of another possibility.

That is.

Is there a possibility?

This twin sister is from the 602 hut next door?


They had just arrived at the hut.

Why is it here?

Aren't they supposed to stay in 602?

Why did you run to 601?


Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

Li Yujiao opened her mouth and said:

"Oh, I'm sorry. "

"I forgot to introduce myself. "

"My name is Li Yujiao. "

"The nickname is tweeting. "

After she finished speaking.

Li Yumei followed closely and said:

"My name is Li Yumei. "

"The nickname is Mo Mo. "

Hear the words of the two.

Hou Tiancheng nodded.

Repeating their names.

"Li Yujiao, Li Yumei. "

Then he asked:

"By the way, why are you here?"

Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

Li Yujiao and Li Yumei were stunned for a moment.

Asked with some confusion:


"What's wrong with that?"

Hear the words.

Hou Taicheng smiled.

Waved his hand again and again:

"Nothing is a problem. "

"I just think it's a little weird. "

Hear this.

The twin sisters were even more confused.


Sister Li Yujiao thought of something.

asked Hou Table:

"Did we go to the wrong house?"

"Isn't this Morandi?"

Hou Tiancheng shook his head.


"This is a natural forest. "

"It's not Morandi. "

Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

Li Yujiao and Li Yumei.

Only then did I learn that I had been deceived just now.

Su Bai was lying to them.

It's not Morandi here at all.


"Isn't this Morandi?"

"Oh my God. "

"We've been sitting here for so long. "

"It's a shame. "

Their faces turned red.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience saw this scene.

It's all laughing.

- [I'm laughing to death!]

- [Did they just react!]

- [This response is so slow!]

- [They're so funny haha!]

In a forest hut.

After realizing that you went to the wrong house.

The two sisters suddenly felt so ashamed.

I can't wait to find a hole in the ground right away.

So he didn't bother talking to Su Bai anymore.

The two hurriedly got up and left the couch.

Then pick up the suitcase.

Walked out of the hut.


Because the two of them were in a hurry.

Their bags were left on the couch.

Didn't have time to take it.

Su Bai looked at the back of Sister Hua leaving in a hurry.

I looked at the two handbags that had fallen from the couch.

I pondered in my heart:

"I'll send it to someone later. "

He also did good deeds.

After the two left.

Hou Tiancheng walked to the sofa and sat down.

Curiously asked Su Bai:

"Don't they know they're in the wrong house?"

"You didn't even react now!?"

Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

Su Bai smiled and shook his head.

"I don't know. "

Hou Taicheng also found the bag on the sofa.

Glancing at the two handbags.

Asked Su Bai:

"By the way, these two handbags?"

"They fell, right?"

Su Bai nodded.

"Yes. "

He added:

"I'll send it to them later. "

Hou Tiancheng also nodded.

"Okay. "

"Then I'll go cook first. "

"In the evening, I'll make a Zigong dish for everyone. "

Su Bai replied with a smile;

"Yes. "

"Then try your hand at night. "

"You're busy with yours first. "

"I'm going to deliver them bags first. "

Hou Tiancheng agreed.

Then head to the kitchen.

And Su Bai also went out.

Go straight to the 602 hut.

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