Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai's heart swelled with warmth.

I was moved.

There is warmth, too.

Yang Ruqing's personality is really good.

Himself broke her cup.

I didn't even blame myself for a word~.

This is going to be a normal girl.

Someone smashed a beloved item-.

That's going to be absolutely furious.

But Yang Ruqing said to Su Bai.

Let her clean up, right?

Su Bai added three points to Yang Ruqing in his heart.

He decided.

When I get back in the evening.

He wants to buy a new cup to compensate others.

Although Yang Ruqing didn't say anything.


Broke someone's cup.

Su Bai always felt unhappy in his heart.

After all, yesterday night was because of myself.

Yang Ruqing was almost hit by a club.

Although it is said that there is no danger.

But Su Bai still remembers it vividly.

Plus today.

I broke someone's cup again.

Su Bai felt.

He had to do something to make it up.

In addition to buying a cup for Yang Ruqing in the evening.

Su Bai also wanted to buy her a gift.

As for what gifts to buy.

He hadn't figured it out yet.

Wait a little bit and get home.

He consulted with his sister to take a look.

Yesterday night.

His sister sent him a message saying.

She was sick.

asked Su Bai to see her.

So he's going home today.

Just when Su Bai's thoughts were flying.

Yang Ruqing had already broken the cup slag on the ground.

Clean it up.

"I packed it up. "

"Su Bai, can you also sit down and eat together?"

"No more. "

"That's all there is to it. "

Yang Ruqing said to Su Bai.

Hear the words.

Su Bai smiled and nodded.


"Good. "

Su Bai also took the dishes and chopsticks.

I brought myself a bowl of white porridge.

Sit down and eat face-to-face with Yang Ruqing.

"Not to mention, today's breakfast is quite hearty. "

"There is vegetables and meat. "

"And it tastes good. "

Yang Ruqing commented while eating.


"I'm okay at cooking, right?"

Su Bai replied with a smile.

"It's really good. "

"Chef Su's cooking skills today. "

"I've seen it. "


"I'm very satisfied!"

Yang Ruqing gave Su Bai an affirmative look.

He nodded again.

A smile on his face.

"By the way, this cup..."

"I look pretty new. "

"I guess you just bought it recently, right?"

Su Bai asked tentatively.

Although Yang Ruqing didn't take the initiative to lift the cup.


Su Bai still has to ask.

At the very least, you have to apologize to others first, right?

"Yes. "

"I bought it yesterday. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.


"I'm sorry. "

Su Bai's face was full of apologies.

"It's fine. "

"It's just a cup. "

"It's not a big problem. "

Yang Ruqing's face was full of indifference.

Obviously for the cup thing.

And didn't take it to heart.

Su Bai continued to ask:

"You're a cartoon, aren't you?"

"I look at the image on the cup, it looks like Winnie the Pooh. "

"Do you like cartoon cups?"

When talking.

Su Bai looked at Yang Ruqing.

His eyes were full of sincerity.

"Yes. "

"I prefer Winnie the Pooh. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.

"Good. "

"I see. "

Su Bai also nodded.

"What do you understand?"

Yang Ruqing asked with a smile.

"Nothing... It's nothing. "


Su Bai didn't plan to reveal it directly.

I want to buy a new cup for Yang Ruqing.

Because he is afraid that the other party will not give him a chance to compensate.


What's more.

Su Bai also planned to buy a special gift for Yang Ruqing.

Count as a surprise for her.


Now he doesn't want to reveal it directly with Yang Ruqing.


The sense of surprise is gone.

A lot of the time.

Girls don't really want gifts.

It's a surprise.

A mind.

Gifts don't need to be very expensive.

But the mind has to be in place.

That's all that matters.


Yang Ruqing glanced at Su Bai thoughtfully.

But he didn't say anything.

Instead, he chatted with Su Bai about other topics.

"If I remember correctly. "

"You're a recent graduate, aren't you?"

Yang Ruqing asked Su Bai.

"That's right. "

Su Bai nodded.

Yang Ruqing asked again:

"So have you got a job now?"

Hear the words.

Su Bai thought for a moment.


"I have received offers from several large domestic manufacturers. "

"But I haven't thought about whether to work in a big factory yet. "

"My idea is more about entrepreneurship. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing was a little surprised.


"How are you going to start a business?"

Su Bai shook his head.


"I haven't figured this out yet. "

"But I already have a preliminary plan in mind. "

While Su Bai was talking.

Yang Ruqing's eyes kept looking at Su Bai.

She listened intently.

And from time to time he nodded in agreement.

"Tell me?"

Follow Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing asked.

Su Bai nodded.


"I'm going to start a business on Douyin. "

"I've researched this platform, and there are 700 million daily active users every day. "

"Douyin is currently the most suitable platform for entrepreneurs to start a business. "

"Starting a business on this platform, not only is there not much threshold. "

"And, most critically. "

"As long as you have a technology. "

"Then you can monetize your skills. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing grasped the key words in his words.

Ask the right questions:

"For example?"

"What technology can monetize skills?"

Hear the words.

Su Bai gave Yang Ruqing an example in a clear manner:

"Let's say you're a designer. "

"Then you can use your professional skills. "

"Tell the public how to decorate a house. "

"Is this a means of monetizing skills?"

Yang Ruqing nodded.

"Yes. "

Su Bai continued to analyze for her:

"For example, I'm a French teacher. "

"Then I can go live and sell training courses. "

"Is this also possible to monetize skills?"

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Yang Ruqing was thoughtful.

Listen to what he has to say.

Yang Ruqing thinks.

Starting a business doesn't seem to be that hard.

You only need to have one technology.

Then expand it.

It seems that you can monetize your skills.

But that's easier said than done.

Is it really that simple?

Yang Ruqing thought in her heart.

While listening carefully to Su Bai's words.

At this time.

Su Bai hadn't finished speaking.

Yang Ruqing was still listening quietly.

He was not interrupted.

After all, interrupting others while they are talking.

This is very rude.

Naturally, she wouldn't do such an impolite thing.

I saw Su Bai continue to talk eloquently:

"Another example. "

"Fitness instructors can open a training camp and recruit students. "

"It's also a way to monetize your skills. "

Su Bai finished speaking.

Yang Ruqing nodded.

"I see what you mean by skill monetization. "

"Then you're planning to use your professional skills to monetize, right?"

Su Bai nodded.

"That's right. "

Yang Ruqing asked again:

"So how are you going to start a business?"

"Do you find it difficult for you to start a business?"

She threw two questions in a row.

Although Su Bai said it very easily. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Yang Ruqing knows it well.

Starting a business is hard.

She wondered.

How does Su Bai plan to start a business.

"I don't think it's that hard to start a business. "[]

In the last life, Su Bai was a financial giant.

It's also from scratch.

Pull oneself up by one’s bootstraps.

Step by step bigger and stronger.

This time.

He believes.

I will definitely be able to succeed in my own business.

"Entrepreneurship, as long as you determine the direction you are good at. "

"Then we will look for successful cases from our peers to study. "

"Imitate in the early stage, and innovate in the later stage. "

"Basically, your path will work. "

In other words, entrepreneurship can be successful. "

Talk about your area of expertise.

Su Bai said eloquently.

Yang Ruqing nodded.

He smiled and said:

"Look at what you say with such certainty. "

"Then I look forward to your success in your future venture. "

Su Bai's face was full of confidence and said:

"You'll see, there's going to be a day. "

Hear the words.

Yang Ruqing smiled and nodded.

He also took the initiative to raise the topic:

"You don't have a job yet. "

"What are you going to do today?"

Heard Yang Ruqing's words.

Su Bai said without thinking:

"I'm going home today. "

"My sister is sick and I'm going to take care of her. "

Yang Ruqing nodded.

"Okay, I see. "

"Then we'll see you in the evening. "

"I have to go to work. "

Yang Ruqing looked at the time.

Discover the time on the clock.

It was already 8:20.

I chatted with Su Bai for about twenty minutes while eating.

Now the time has come.

She had to go to work.

"Good. "

"Bye-bye. "

Su Bai waved at Yang Ruqing.

Watch her leave.


Su Bai finished eating.

I put the dishes and chopsticks away briefly.

Soon after.

He also went out.

Not long after Su Bai went out.


Wang Kaizhi also went out to work.

It's been a busy day.

Eight forty o'clock.

Hou Beicheng and Hou Siyi.

One after the other, they walked down the stairs.

“hello。 "

"Good morning. "

Hou Taicheng greeted Hou Siyi.

"Good morning. "

"Ahem... Cough... Ahem..."

Ask for flowers

Huss coughed heavily.

See here.

Hou Taicheng asked with concern:

"Did you catch a cold?"

"Maybe I didn't cover the quilt and caught a cold last night, right?"

Hou Siyi thought for a moment.



She saw the time displayed on the clock.

Eight forty.

A little panicked:

"Well, let's not talk about it yet. "

"It's too late today. "

"I have to go. "

"Otherwise, you'll be late. "

Hear Hou Siyi's words.

Hou Tiancheng suddenly thought of something.


"Then you don't eat breakfast?"

At this time.

Hou Beicheng was making breakfast.

"No, no, no. "

"It's too late. "

"I'll be at the office in a moment. "

"Find something to pad your stomach. "

Hou Siyi shook his head and said.

After speaking.

She hurried out the door.

And Hou Beicheng looked at the freshly made breakfast for two.

Shook his head.


He thought of what Hou Siyi had told him just now that she had a cold.

Hou Taicheng thought about it.

When I came back in the evening.

Give Hou Siyi a pack of cold medicine, right?

This girl.

Look at not very good at taking care of yourself.

Hou Beicheng wanted to buy her a pack of cold medicine.

Not long after Hou Siyi went out.


Zhang Jing also went out to work.

Ten past nine.

Hou Taicheng also left the hut.

Today they organized training within the team.

He's going to school to play football.

So far.

All members of the 601 Forest Huts left the hut.

All started a busy and orderly life.

A residential area in the imperial capital.

Su Bai bought some snacks from the supermarket.

After that, I went to visit my sick sister at home.

Su Bai's sister is called Su Xiaoxiao.

I especially like to eat snacks.

Su Bai went home every time.

will bring snacks to my sister.

Today is no exception.

Although my sister is sick.


When Su Xiaoxiao was on the phone with him yesterday.

It was also highlighted specifically on the phone.

When I went to see her.

Be sure to bring snacks.

Be sure to buy her favorite snacks.

Now there are no snacks at home.

Her parents also didn't buy her snacks to eat.

So it can't be helped.

Su Xiaoxiao could only turn to her brother Su Bai for help.

There will be renewed hope for snacks.

pinned on his brother's body.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm here. "

Su Bai returned home.

After saying hello to my parents.

Pushed open the door of Su Xiaoxiao's room.

"Brother, are you here?"

Su Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

Seeing Su Bai coming.

Bounced off the bed all at once.

"Well, I'm coming. "

Su Bai nodded.


Su Xiaoxiao looked at him expectantly.


"Brother, did you bring the snacks I wanted?"


Su Bai deliberately hid the snacks in.

It was not directly brought into Su Xiaoxiao's room.

He was afraid that this product would be grabbed directly when he saw the snacks.

However, Su Bai had already guarded her in his heart.


"Didn't you bring me snacks?"

Su Xiaoxiao looked left and right around Su Bai.

I looked up and down.

I searched all over my body.

I just didn't find any trace of her beloved snacks.

On the spot.

Su Xiaoxiao said with tears in her eyes and tears in her eyes:

"Brother, you lie!"

"Yesterday I said yes, you bring me snacks today!"

"You didn't bring it to me!"

"Believe me or not... I'll cry to you!"

Heard Su Xiaoxiao's words.

Su Bai smiled and shook his head.

"I don't believe it. "

"Brother, you ....."

"Woo woo woo ......"

"You're bullying me....."

"Woo woo woo ....."

Su Xiaoxiao made a look of pretending to shed tears.

Pulling tissues and wiping tears again.


Su Bai was half unmoved.


Su Xiaoxiao stopped acting.

She sang and put on a flattering face.


"Brother, please, give me snacks?"

"Okay, give me a snack?"

"Brother, I know, you must have brought snacks, right?"

When Su Xiaoxiao spoke.

also deliberately used "flattery".

Throw a wink at Su Bai.

Su Bai really couldn't stand his sister.

Finally spoke:

"I can give you snacks. "

"However, as a condition. "

"You're going to have to tell me a story first. "

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Su Xiaoxiao blinked.

Curiously asked:

"Brother, what story do you want to hear?"

"Do you want to hear comedy or tragedy?"

Su Bai shook his head, "You can say whatever you want." "

"I'll give it to you when I'm satisfied. "

Hear the words.

Su Xiaoxiao thought for a moment.


"Brother, why don't you tell me a little story from a movie I watched recently. "

"I think it's funny. "

Su Bai nodded and said:

"Well, you name it. "

"I'm listening. "。

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