601 Forest Lodge.

Everyone chatted while eating.

The warm light hit the dining table.

It reflects the laughter and laughter of the people.

Ever since the first person spoke.

The conversation became lively.

The topic also expanded.

From the body of an animal.

People talked about each other's occupations, ages, and geographies.

Wang Kaizhi shared with everyone:

"I did tax consulting, and then I'm currently in rotation. "

Wang Kaizhi works in a well-known firm.

If it weren't for the rotation right now.

He didn't have time to participate in this love show.

That's why I came here by chance.

After speaking, Wang Kaizhi added:

"And then I was '99. "

Hear Wang Kaizhi's words.

Hus was taken aback.

"You're '99?".

"I can't see it~".

Wang Kaizhi's face showed a maturity that did not match his peers.

That's why Hou Siyi said this.

Fan Elan interjected:

"I can't see which way I'm looking?"

Wang Kaizhi smiled and said to the two

"I feel like I'm supposed to be in my forties. "

"I should have been '89. "

Hear this.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

After Wang Kaizhi finished sharing his career.

Fan Yilan looked at Wang Kaizhi and said:

"I'm also in finance. "

"I'm also currently in rotation. "

Wang Kaizhi nodded.

I was listening carefully to Fan Yilan's speech.


Fan Elan added:

"Then I was from Chongqing Province. "

Hear Fan Ilan's words.

Zeng Chaohao said, "Then do you know how to speak Sichuan?"

Sichuan, Chongqing, Sichuan and Chongqing, these two provinces are next to each other.

There is also language communication between the two provinces.

That's why Zeng Chaohao asked this question.

"A little bit. "

Fan Elan replied.

Zeng Chaohao nodded and said:

"I'm from Sichuan Province. "

"Then I was born in your province. "

"Growing up in the magic capital. "

"Then come to work in the imperial capital. "

"I'm also doing finance. "

Hou Siyi answered:

"I'm also from Sichuan Province. "

"I'm super spicy. "

Hear the word spicy.

Not sure why.

Su Bai had an inexplicable sense of joy.

He remembered the appearance of Hou Siyi being cried by Chaotian not long ago.

Not long ago, my memory is still fresh.

and Zeng Chaohao and Wang Kaizhi.

also looked at Su Bai with a smile.

He looked at Hou Siyi again.

Obviously, the two also remembered not long ago.

Hou Siyi was crying by chili peppers.

On this occasion, though.

Add to that the fact that the two sides are not very familiar with each other.

Su Bai and the three of them tacitly did not mention this matter.

After all, you can't expose people in public.

Hou Siyi shared things about himself with everyone.

The crowd listened in silence.

After Hou Siyi finished speaking, the others shared their careers one after another.

Hou Taicheng said:

"I'm a student. "

"Then I am still studying at Peking University. "

"I graduated in July this year. "

Hear the identity of Hou Beicheng Peking University.

In addition to Su Bai, Zeng Chaohao, and Wang Kaizhi.

When I was chatting with Hou Taicheng before.

Already know each other's schools.

Everyone else was shocked.

Qingbei is one of the top institutions of higher learning in China.

Someone who can get into it.

They are all dragons and phoenixes among people.

It is not easy to enter Qingbei.

It's no wonder that everyone is impressed by Hou Tingcheng.

"What did you study?".

Hou Siyi was obviously attracted by Hou Tiancheng's Peking University identity.

Blinked, asked curiously.

Hou Taicheng responded with a smile

"I was specially recruited to Peking University by a sports student. "

"Then I learned football. "

"I'm not a professional athlete though. "

Hear Hou Taicheng's words.

Hou Siyi was a little surprised:

"Are you a sports student?".

"It's so white, it doesn't look like it. "

Hearing this, Hou Taicheng smiled and said, "Then I should be darker." "

Listening to Hou Beicheng's self-deprecation.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

After Hou Taicheng's introduction.

It was Zhang Jing's turn to introduce her career.

"I graduated from Chinese opera, and then I was a dance teacher. "

"I am currently working as a teacher at a dance institution. "

The crowd nodded.

Indicates understanding.

There is Hou Pingcheng Peking University Pearl in front.

The drama has become less surprising.

Plus, basically people who come to the hut.

All of them are from prestigious universities.

So it's not too surprising.

After Zhang Jing's introduction.

Su Bai was left at the scene without introducing his profession.

As for the new female guest Yang Ruqing.

When I was talking to Su Bai just now.

I have already introduced my profession.

Naturally, there is no need to say it again at this time.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Su Bai's body.

Wait for him to speak.

Cleared his throat.

Su Bai said:

"I'm also a student. "

"But I've graduated. "

"Then I have received offers from several large domestic manufacturers. "

"But I haven't figured out where to work yet. "

Opposite Su Bai.

Yang Ruqing heard Su Bai's words.

A little surprised:

"You're a student too?".

From Su Bai's body, Yang Ruqing felt a maturity different from that of her peers.

It's not on the face, it's on the way it behaves.

Su Bai gave him the feeling that he was more mature.

At the dinner table, he seems to be at ease, and he knows how to guide the topic from time to time.

And the people are also very attentive.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a recent graduate.

"Yes, I'm a student. "

Su Bai nodded.

"And which school are you from?".

Yang Ruqing asked curiously.

"He's from Harvard. "

Su Bai hadn't spoken yet.

Zeng Chaohao spoke it for him first.

"You're from Harvard?".

Listen to the explanations of others.

Yang Ruqing looked at Su Bai with a little surprise.

Obviously, she didn't expect that Su Bai would be from Harvard.

You know, Harvard University is the world's top university.

Consistently ranked among the top three schools in the world.

I can get into this school.

This is a height that many ordinary people can't reach.

"Yes. "

Su Bai nodded.

Not only Yang Ruqing, but the rest of the people were also a little surprised.

Although among these people, some people have long heard Su Bai talk about his identity.

However, at this moment, I saw Su Bai admit that he was from Harvard.

Everyone still felt a little envious and worshipful.

And at this moment, Hou Beicheng was also a little shocked.

Looking at Su Bai's eyes, he was also a little surprised.

He also didn't expect that Su Bai would be from Harvard.

Harvard, this is much more powerful than Peking University.

For a moment, Hou Beicheng only felt.

himself in front of Su Bai.

It was as if the light had lost in an instant.


In the live broadcast room, netizens were a little excited.

——[This season's love comprehensive, I feel like a lot of top students!].

——[These people are all graduates of prestigious universities.] 】

——[Hou Taicheng is from Peking University, and Su Bai is from Harvard. 】

- [Only I was brought up by my mother.] 】

——[Lian Zong, is the threshold so high now?].

——[Why does this make me a college student?].

- [Hahahaha, you were brought up by your mother, although this sentence doesn't sound like anything wrong. 】

- [But I don't know why, I want to laugh hahaha!].

- [(sighs) Laugh, you don't understand my suffering.] 】


After Su Bai's introduction.

At the dinner table, people also ate a lot.

The meal ended in a pleasant chat.

It is worth mentioning.

At the dinner table.

Hou Taicheng and Zeng Chaohao have been watching Hou Siyi from time to time.

And Hou Siyi also seems to have been enjoying the gaze of the two.

This will look left, that will look right.

And others.

Zhang Jing has been paying attention to Wang Kaizhi.

At present, he has a good impression of Wang Kaizhi, a simple man.

But what disappointed her was that.

Wang Kaizhi didn't pay attention to her.

Instead, he looked at Fan Yilan more eyes.

And Fan Yilan also noticed Wang Kaizhi's gaze.

The two made eye contact from time to time, which can be regarded as a tacit understanding.

And Su Bai is more concerned about Yang Ruqing.

Similarly, Yang Ruqing is also interested in this, whether it is professional or animal.

Su Bai, who had a lot in common with himself, was quite curious.

A meal that ends with laughter.

Hou Taicheng and Wang Kaizhi took the initiative to take on the responsibility of washing dishes.


PS: If you like this book, please vote for flowers and votes, thank you.

Your support is the motivation of the author!

Thank you for the flowers and tickets. The author will try to update!

In addition, about what was said in the comment area, Yang Ruqing had seen Lianzong on her mobile phone before, I admit this, it was indeed a bug.

But for the time being, I don't know how to change it, cough cough, please bear with me at this point, sorry.

Then Sister Haru enters the signal hut at the moment.

I assume that I don't know anyone else yet, and I don't know the relationships involved.

Everything needs to be communicated to know and understand Ha.

Then I will try my best to shape the characters well, and write the various feelings and atmospheres of the characters falling in love and fighting openly and secretly.

If the writing is not good, please bear with the book friends, I am willing to accept criticism and correction, thank you.

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