"Where are you from?".

Su Bai thought about it and asked Hou Siyi.

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Hou Siyi shook his hair unconsciously, and said with a smile

"I'm from Ji Province. "

"But I'm really good at spicy food. "

Hou Siyi said confidently.

"I think that if you don't eat chili peppers. "

"Half of the flavor is lost. "

"By the way, when are we going to eat?".

"It's been a long journey. "

"My stomach is almost hungry. "

Hou Siyi touched his gurgling stomach and said a little embarrassed.

At this time, Zeng Chaohao said, "We just eat." "

"Have you eaten?"

"So early!!".

Hou Siyi looked surprised.


"How long have you been here?"

Zhang Jing answered:

"We've been here for most of the day. "

"Oooh. "

It can be seen with the naked eye that Hou Siyi's face is a little lost.

She was hungry.


She wants to eat.

If you don't eat.

How can she hold on?

Wang Kaizhi said kindly:

"There were two steaks in the fridge. "

"Why don't I go and make you a fried steak? "

Hear Wang Kaizhi's words.

Hou Siyi instantly regained his spirits.

He said with a smile of surprise

"Good guy~".

"Thank you~".

Wang Kaizhi waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay." "

Zeng Chaohao quipped:

"Mr. Wang, now you have a chance to show your cooking skills. "

Fan Yilan suddenly asked

"Where is the toilet?".

"I want to go to the toilet. "

Zhang Jing pointed upstairs and said:

"There is no toilet on the ground floor. "

"The toilet should be upstairs. "

"You can go up there and have a look. "

Hear Zhang Jing's words.

Fan Yilan nodded and said, "Okay, thank you." "

With that, she turned and went upstairs.

After Fan Elan left.

The others didn't continue to make small talk.

Wang Kaizhi went to the kitchen to fry steak.

And Zeng Chaohao felt as if he shouldn't stay here.

So he also followed Wang Kaizhi to the kitchen and followed together.

Because I'm so hungry.

Hou Siyi directly lay down on the sofa.

Waiting to be served.

And Zhang Jing was walking around.

As for Su Bai.

He didn't participate in the crowd's activities.

At this moment, his mind is immersed in the system.

The super invincible spicy pepper specially made by the system, Su Bai thought of its usefulness.

Right now, there's a suitable candidate.

Just let her taste the pepper.

"By the way, how do I get the pepper out in a reasonable way?".

Su Bai suddenly thought.

In front of everyone, if you conjure a chili pepper directly out of thin air.

Well, that's an exaggeration.

Moreover, Su Bai also knew that they were broadcasting live.

So, you can't mess around with such things as magic.

After all, there are so many pairs of eyes staring.

Su Bai felt that he still had to be more restrained.

If you don't get it right, it's not good to scare people or get caught and sliced.

In short, you can't do this thing by turning chili peppers out of thin air.

Otherwise, there will be a lot of trouble.

"System, how can I get the pepper out in a reasonable way?".

Since I can't figure it out myself.

Su Bai simply asked for help from the system.

[Back to the host, you can silently recite in your heart, put the super invincible and spicy Chaotian pepper in the backpack, and the pepper will automatically change into your backpack. 】


"So amazing?".

"Then I'll have to try. "

Su Bai thought about it and decided to operate according to the system.

So he silently said in his heart: "System, put the super invincible and spicy Chaotian pepper into my backpack." "

At this moment, a system prompt sounds.

【Ding!Detected the host's will, the system has put the super invincible and spicy Chaotian pepper into your backpack!You can check it at any time!].

"And that succeeded?".

Su Bai got up and went to the table to get his backpack.

When I opened it, I saw that there was a super bright color, super red, super big pepper as thick as a cucumber.

"It seems that it is the super invincible spicy pepper specially made by the system. "

"It's a special system!".

"This color, this volume, tsk, interesting!".

Su Bai nodded.

Then, then, the time has come to witness the miracle. "

Taking the backpack, Su Bai walked in front of Hou Siyi.


"I heard you say that you like chili peppers, don't you?"

"I've got a delicious chili here, would you like to try it?"

Hearing Su Bai's words.

Hou Siyi hesitated for a moment and asked

"Are you chili spicy?".

"I like spicy food, I don't eat spicy food. "

Hear this.

Su Bai couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"It's quite a bit of a personality. "

"It will make you so spicy that you doubt your life. "

For the peppers produced by the system.

Su Bai's trust is 100%.

Since the system introduction has said so, this chili pepper, no matter how much people who can eat spicy food, can cry spicy.

That Su Bai believes that a little girl must be okay, right?

didn't answer Hou Siyi's words.

Su Bai took out a system-made special Chaotian pepper as thick as a bitter gourd, handed it to her, and said

"Now, this pepper, do you want to taste it?"


"This pepper is so big!".

"And it's so brightly colored!"

"Yes, yes!".

"This must be delicious!".

Hou Siyi is now too hungry to die.

I didn't ask Su Bai what variety of pepper it was.

After taking the pepper he handed over.

Hou Siyi hurriedly took it to the faucet and washed it.

As a lover of chili peppers without spicy or unhappy.

She can't wait to try the fresh peppers!


PS: If you like this book, please vote for flowers and votes haha.

Your support is the motivation of the author!

Then came the ninth shift haha, from noon to one o'clock in the morning now, I went to rest.

Then let's talk about my update time, because I often stay up late and sleep late, so I basically didn't update in the morning.

Generally, the code word starts after 12 noon, and then it starts to update at about 1 o'clock.

Finally, thank you for the flowers, tickets and reminders, thank you.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: August 10 to August 20)

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