Level Up Legend

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

level up legend

– Volume 8 Episode 2

Chapter 2

The battle became intense.

As time passed, it became more intense as there were only a few people who noticed the change in the magic circle created by Hyung-Jun Lee.

The race behind the scenes runs wild. It ate the one with the cold, and brought him back again, turning him into a dead person.

-iced coffee… … .

Among the dogs, there were a few who were transformed into the race behind them after they died.

Just as the soldiers were influenced by the power of the Holy Land, those who were influenced by the race behind them appeared in the midst of death.

A being higher than the dead, and the one who rules over them. The few who became the race behind the scenes.

– Was it like this?

– That’s wrong.

got used to it quickly.

It was an individual and a race behind the scenes that could have a common consciousness as one.

As soon as they became the race, they accepted the things of those who were originally the race behind the scenes.

He chose to stand on the borderline between death and life.

The undead who rose from the dead and moved, neither the living nor the living, but those who became the race behind them.

Because they are on the border, their identity is ambiguous, and at the same time, they are powerful because they are on the border.

– Then this is correct.


Knowing the reason and meaning of the battle vaguely, they changed more actively than when they were alive.

who were once allies. Those who were strong enough to become a race move as enemies.

“… … why!”

– Let me know.

“Speak nonsense!”

“Oh God!”

It was bound to be a disaster in itself to move.

The shock when a once-comrade draws a sword at you is a greater shock than when someone who was originally an enemy draws a sword.

Morale is starting to crumble everywhere.

that much.

“… … A prayer!”

The bishops gather, unite in chorus and pray.

those who fell. those who have lost their morale. Those who scream in pain. The soldiers are being pushed back like never before.


A great light falls on them.

It was a brighter light than the light that created the curtain covering the battlefield.



when the light fell

Soldiers in despair taste the power of God. In an instant, a belief in God that did not exist is created.

The created belief was passed on to the bishops, who gave them a price for their faith through that power.

Revitalize a body tired enough to sit down.

A defense against the mind that suffers because an ally is dead.

It inspires the will to do anything.

buff.An ability that makes a priest useful on the battlefield.

Those who show vitality like cockroaches, who are more reliable as an ally than anyone else, and resurrect those who should have died if they are enemies.

They run rampant and move.

The spear is flying wild. The sword is fluttering, and magic flies.


In the meantime, under the roar.

‘I wish I had Vivas… … . It doesn’t matter.’

As I swallowed my regrets, I breathed in the last magical energy of the tuned magic circle.

A mere death is not enough. had to make a change.

A change that only I can make!

quack. quack.

The magic circle, which was alive and moving, added more speed to the run.

The incomplete magic circle transforms into a strange creature as soon as the final tuning is finished.

Creates an imperfect creature.

A being who has not fully reached new life. It is a being destined to annihilate itself at the end of imperfection.

However, because it is imperfect, it has a perfection that a perfect life does not have.

It cannot exist on its own, but as long as it has magical powers, it will grow and exist endlessly as long as it eats things that will become its prey.

Created a new creature like never before.

Do you want to name it?

“… … not at all. Hmm… … Do it like a deity-breaker.”

A new creature will be named Incomplete Sanctifier.

Venomous beings stare intently at imperfect creatures.

“Don’t take unnecessary interest.”

Venomous beings are against you.

“Fufu. What do you know?”

There was really no need to know the enemy.

In this battlefield alone, there are tens of thousands of people who have hostility toward me. The figures of the Holy Land look at me as if they are enemies, regardless of whether they are strong or weak.

Those who are ill-willed.

‘You have to be good, devil. or demons. There may be few gods.’

I don’t know how many times you use the system to look at me or not.

Even if there are any restrictions, they are beings who cannot run to me right away.

Rather than being seen later, the enemy in front of me was an urgent priority.

* * *

The magic circle that fell, not the one now called the Holy Destroyer, reached the center of the battlefield.

Although the appearance of gliding and moving had a different characteristic from other magic, there were no people who focused on it.

The Defiler was huge but quiet.

It did not fly loudly like a bullet with the power of a curse, nor did it try to burn it with the power of fire.

He simply settled his body on the huge membrane that separates the sky and the earth.

The Desecrator knew exactly what he was going to do.

Chei Yi Profit-

A gigantic membrane created by divine power.

There are cracks here and there, but the membrane that is still functioning begins to melt.

A deity destroyer created by giving life and reversing life.

The devastation planted with distortion had the power to shake the power of the deity itself.


It creates just the right size for it to pass through.

If it ends there, it will be good for the opponent.


As if that was enough, the divine destroyer, who made a grotesque laughter-like sound, did not stop moving.


It secretly swallowed the divine power that was forming the curtain.

Magical power and divine power are often said to be the opposite!

If it was absorbed, beings made of magical power had no choice but to shake or suffer extreme pain.

key kick.

The Defiler devours his power as if the opposite, and then smiles.

Far from being destroyed, the body grew a little bigger. It was subtle, but it was proof that he had absorbed the power of the gods!

key profit.

Now that the membrane has been absorbed, we have to go in. But I look back sadly.

Imagine how big your body would be when you absorb all that huge divine membrane.

Wouldn’t it be possible to have more magical power than Lee Hyeong-jun who created him?

It was attractive enough.

It’s like a miracle created by the priests of at least one country!

transfers they made. Isn’t that huge shield, which is the result of faith, even blocking Lee Hyeong-jun’s magic circles?

It is the most attractive prey for the deity destroyer who eats the deity, increases its size, and maintains its existence.


“… … Go in.”

In the voice of Lee Hyung-jun, who speaks quietly as if in a recitation.


The Deity Destroyer had no choice but to shrug.

On a huge battlefield, Hyung-Jun Lee’s chanting is so small that it can be eaten by the noise of the battlefield. But to the creature, the Destroyer, it was louder than thunder.

have no choice but to follow

However, the owner of the Destroyer was more merciful than a god who only wanted blind faith.

He understood better than anyone that he had to absorb the divine power endlessly in order to survive, even if he was an imperfect creature.

I informed the Deity Breaker of the solution.

“Take off some and take them out. You can.”


Hearing the story, the Deity Breaker trembled.

take off some It was something that a newly born Deity Destroyer could never have imagined.

How do I remove some? I didn’t teach you how. But instinctively I knew.

From the beginning, the Deity Breaker was created by mixing several magic circles. There were several magic circles that made up the body, so it was only necessary to remove one of them.

uh uh-

Imperfect Desecrators multiply by two in an instant. It was one, two, and one at the same time, a string of magic.



The two played roles with each other.

Chei Yi Profit- Cheek-

The little saboteur is a delicious divine membrane. He began to melt and eat the membrane that kept blocking Lee Hyeong-jun’s magic.

It was small, but it was clear that by the time the membrane was eaten, it would grow to its full size.


It trembles as if satisfied with its delicious prey.

The gigantic Deity Destroyer, who was looking at it, began to move with ecstasy at that moment.not a curtain Those who oppose Lee Hyung-jun from under the curtain.

“God! Lou! Praise!”

I have seen priests of Holy Seed Kingdom show off their existence to the fullest in the name of under the name of God.

He could see clearly without eyes.

key kick.

On a subject that only satisfies their greed. They are those who move in the name of being under God.

Even though they had just been born, the Divinity Destroyer felt disgust as soon as they saw them. It was a natural hatred.

They are enemies and at the same time his prey.

How to eat that food?

simple. Creature and Deity Destroyer from Lee Hyeong-jun naturally thought of the method that Lee Hyung-jun often uses.

Like a snake that preys on it, approach it cautiously and slap it in one shot! Asking them was the most delicious way to eat them.

twenty twenty.

The saboteur moved more secretly.


– You are.

Between the race and the soldiers behind the battle. They grazed and moved naturally as if water was flowing on the ground they were trampling on.


It was such a secret move that even those who react sensitively to mana might have been mistaken!

Formless and incorporeal, the Defiler rode the ground like water to reach its prey.

The priests who are prey.

“Prayer! hurry!”

“The curtain is starting to break!”

It was only now that he realized that another small devastation was slowly absorbing the gigantic membrane.

They never dreamed that their nemesis, the saboteur, had already reached behind them!

The Defiler was about to follow the purpose of his existence.

simple. It was enough to eat someone with divine power. Especially those with the power of the God of Light!

In battle, unknown is death!

They did not know that the creature had reached this far, and did not realize it until the teeth of the angler were thrust into their necks.

Quad Duck-

“100 million!?”

It was only at the moment when death approached that he realized the existence of the Deity Destroyer.


“Don’t stop… … .”

They realized too late that they had broken through the curtain and approached their natural enemy.

You should have known from the moment their curtains began to break!

From the moment the devastation reached through the curtain, they were already like frogs in front of snakes.


It pierces the neck, and the divine power inside it is continuously sucked by the divine destroyer.

As he battled, it was only his master, Hyeongjun Lee or the Deity Destroyer, that became stronger.

Also, it seemed greedy.

quad-duk- quad-duk-

The Deity Breaker did not rest.

In order to maintain their existence, they endlessly pursued those with divine power.


The moment I succeeded in chasing it, I ate it without hesitation!

At first, it was a small hole-drilling change. And the change began to grow gradually.

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