Level Up Legend

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

level up legend

– Volume 7 Episode 18

Chapter 18

The cart collapsed.

It’s a cassette that doesn’t have a lot of ground. The capital of such kasut was closed. The king was standing there.

“Kill! Evil!”

Even though he knew he was going to lose, he held on.

“It remains to be seen which one is the worst. You are a king and not a king.”



He was like a king pictured in his head as he flew in with his long cloak fluttering while holding Karsut’s treasured sword.

Only that part was cool.

However, the inside is rotten. Like a king, he only holds the last seat, no one else.

In his head, he would like to be remembered as a dead man who was desperately defending his place.

He wants to be remembered so much in front of the surviving nobles. However.

‘I can’t let you go like that.’


I captured the king with my magic.

oh oh-

He drew his magic power without losing the royal road.


Even as a trickle of blood poured out of his mouth, he struggled to resist his magic. tried to hold on

He is the king of Karsut, who grew up as a leader.

It’s easy to read the intent of what I’m trying to do.

“do not die. He can’t die so easily.”

“Ah… … . Vicious!”

“Will you also be remembered as a vicious thing to the people of your country?”

it’s showtime

uh uh

I started injecting my magic into his body.

‘Oh my gosh. A lot.’

His whole body was filled with magic.

He truly deserved to be called a king.

In terms of the size of his magical power, he is comparable to the me he was before. He is more than Jang Ho-seong.

‘Low purity.’

That’s the amount of horsepower.

If he had restrained himself and practiced endlessly, he would have become one of the strongest known in the dimension beyond Kalon.

Magic that is passed down from generation to generation became the basis for that.

The power of time is fair, and if you can use that power, you will have more power than you think.

Even those who are here now do not know, the first king who invented a way to transmit the power of Kasert.

‘I must have been strong.’

It was also a strong force that could transcend time.

The question is, is it to the extent that such mean people were born under such a strong man?

He would have become a strong man if he had inherited his power and refined it endlessly.

They simply lived with contentment that they had inherited the power.

The king of Kassert, who flew majestically, was looking at me with a blank face that looked 30 years old.

To be precise, he was shooting his eyes at my hand, which contained all the power of his predecessors.

“Is this yours?”

“No, that’s right!”

I nod my head like crazy.

Every time you shake your hand, your eyes move, your madness begins to grow young.

I nod my head as if obeying as if I shouldn’t put a Torah on my words. Even if he did that, his power would never come back.

I raised my hand. And they ruthlessly crushed their expectations. It was simple.

“Ah… … ”

“Ahhh… … ”


He brought his hand to his mouth. There was no way to escape the floating magic from my hand.


as it is by mouth.

New energy is infused.

It’s a different kind of magic. The magic of a different kind is in opposition to the original magic.

Reads different types of magic. It succeeds in interpreting different types of magic.

Magic power is increased by 100.

In an instant, all the magic power is scattered and begins to settle in my body.

It is a magic that has not yet been refined. But over time, it will exist in my body and will be refined and refined.

will be my strength this

“It’s the difference between those who have built up their own strength and those who are satisfied with their accumulated strength. You idiots.”

oh oh oh-

100 horsepower.

A power that is only a part of my body now.

But it is by no means low power. And as this magical power is refined, it will continue to become my strength. even at this moment.

Magic power is increased by 1.

Magic power is increased by 1.




The more I read the magic the king had, and the more it settled in my body, the more the magic was increasing.

great power.

The King of Karsut, who was like an idiot even with such power, was only funny.


Laugh out loud

“Oh, how!’

“You too are handed down from generation to generation.

“iced coffee… … ”

They would have thought that the power they inherited was the only power they could have.

But he stole it. They instinctively begin to tremble at the fact that their power is not entirely theirs.

The surviving nobles and kings tremble.

I drew magic from them one by one.

I didn’t read it alone.

These magical powers are loot. In a previous life, spoils were not eaten alone.

Succeed in refining the disturbed magic.

Refined magical power settles in the demonic castle.

Those who made the ball this time.


“thank you.”

The race behind Jang Ho-seong. A new refined magical power was extracted from them.

They will use this to become stronger. You can also absorb magic power in the same way as me. It could also be used to create new ways of getting stronger for the race.

Either way it didn’t matter.

The stronger they get, the more it will help me. These are by no means one of the most useful limbs.

“They… … ”

I saw kings and nobles shivering because they did not die and survived.

They did not know that they would die by their own hands.

He pretended to be majestic and swung his cloak in a cool way, but that was no less than suicide.

You can’t die on your own, so you run to me.

Even at the end, he tried to borrow the hand of someone other than his own choice.

The power he had was also similar to what he had not built up. they are contemptible

I can do whatever they want.

I had a funny thought in my head.

What they most despised and feared was obvious.

From the beginning the king was afraid of this. More than dying!

“Take it all off. and chase it away out of the palace.”

“I will do as my name says.”

Jang Ho-seong bows his head.

As if he knew my intentions, a moment of cruelty passed over his smiling face.

“Oh, no!”


no matter what they say.


The races behind them did not tolerate rebellion. Not only their bodies, but their souls themselves.


They were dragged in, unable to resist.

peeled off

And the races, who correctly interpreted my meaning, delivered their message to the Karsut people who were surprised by the collapse of the dynasty of Karsut.

– Those who used to be your kings.

– Also, aristocrats.

– Who led you guys.

-Or those who exploited.

– It’s your choice what to do with them.

All the Khaserts look at them with astonished eyes, but also those who were their kings and nobles.

“Ugh… … ”

The naked body showed that they had a body like them.

They have been supporting them all their lives, no, from generation to generation.

Unlike those who risked their lives to continue their rough lives, they lived by exploiting themselves like pigs.

Those who could not achieve anything on their own!someone.

“Kill it!”


threw stones That was the beginning.

* * *

after some time,

Even in the castle I occupied, news came that the kings and nobles in the capital of Kassert had all been killed by the Kassuts in anger.

At first, those who threw stones killed the kings and nobles in all sorts of ways, just as if they were craving for it.

Infinitely cruel!

So that I can torment you for a very long time!

“Did you get rid of it?”

“It will be some.”

“okay. some have been There is no way for me to unravel the whole thing.”

The long-running kingdom cassert came to an end.

The land still remains, and although there are Khasuts who occupy the majority, no one dares to attack with a sword.

‘Even though it is a small country, it would be so easy to destroy one… … .’

It was faster than I expected.

And they neither trembled nor rebelled when no more massacres took place in the capital after the death of kings and nobles.

As if adapting, he moved to find something to do on his own.

My throat is grapefruit, and I have to eat right away, so I had to move even if I was afraid.

because i don’t do anything

“You got used to it.”

“Katherts have their fondness again. No taxes, no tyranny. I just leave them free again.”

felt more satisfied.

Hagi didn’t even exploit them, and the monsters that occurred around the karsert were catching the visible tribes.

The races behind them were catching monsters and bringing them back to life as they are.

The threat of monsters disappeared from the Karsuts.

The nobles who exploited the Karsuts in the name of catching monsters also disappeared.

They didn’t know that now might be a more secure situation.

Without it, the country is doing well.

“I was more incompetent than I thought… … , like a chicken head.”

It was a contradictory and amusing situation.

* * *

Destroyed one of the cassettes.

This collapse must have already spread throughout Kalon. It must have spread from the day the king was driven and stoned.

Having captured the royal castle, I just stayed still.

Jang Ho-seong was arranging his army and using the loot, he was rolling the castle little by little. He was also gifted at this.

Not long after, he asked.

“What are you going to do now?”

“I will have to wait for the next one. It’s not my turn to move this time.”

He placed his hand on my neck, drew a horizontal line, and continued speaking.

“It takes time to cut the throat in one shot.”

“You are waiting like that.”

There was no need for a long explanation. Even so, he figured out my meaning.

“Till then, go away for a while.”

“I’ll take it.”

Meanwhile, I had to make another preparation.

And in the midst of not preparing.

-Chii Yi profit. prepare… … .

“Hey! Hey!”

Many were moving for their own preparations.

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