Level Up Legend

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

level up legend

– Volume 6 Episode 1

Chapter 1.

A huge magical power moves. The first move was crude.

It was simply surprising that the spirits of fire were moving even in the midst of a rampage.

Then he got up

sucked around It was the size of a person.

– Over there!

– Whoa!

The surviving undead. The monsters that were being dragged here were directed to the place where the spirits of flame were swept away, not to the place where there was coarse movement.

It seems that there is even a savior that allows them to survive.

Unfortunately, the savior.

Quad Duck-

They ate them up as planned.

Everything you see, even the ashes left behind by the death of the undead, even the soil that leaves traces of corpses.

Chewed and swallowed it all!


increase the size It is a moment when what only humans used to do goes beyond ogres and become giants.

“Stop that! That’s going to be a nuke!”

-I get it!

I gave the order to the spirit of fire.

-Can not be done!


“under… … .”

He stopped it as if he were sacrificing himself. Self-sacrifice to the devil. it doesn’t even fit

Chei Yi Profit-

It burns away in an instant, but that moment seemed important to them. The incongruent thing gave a lot of power.

one second.

No, the body grows in small units that would have divided seconds. thickens

To call it abomination.

‘… … It looks like it was designed.’

It’s not piece by piece. It fills the body as if the prepared pieces fit together.

If there was something that made the Titan into a body rather than a metal, it seemed perfect for expressing this moment.

The only difference is that it is done by instinct, not technology.

The size was impressive enough to crush even the burning walls.

-Ki hee hee hee.

– Kihee.

As the spirited undead ghost-type joined the last giant.

haha… … .

The giant’s chest let out a long sigh. Then I opened my eyes

Even the eyes were like ghosts. no the ghost is right He perceives the world through a window called a ghost.

“Should I call him the undead’s favorite? I would like to have it.”

But speaking, I know. It is unreasonable to have

instinctively know The guy has an owner. If I try to have it, he refuses.

‘I can’t.’

engraved in the soul.

I don’t know if I’d even learned Necromancy, but unfortunately I didn’t get to that point. Necromancy, which can eat and eat me again, can only imitate it.

Even the race behind the created race is just a product of chance and ties. It was not enough to reach necromancy in earnest.

It’s just a learning phase.

“It means that we have to destroy it.”

Swallowing regret, he wiped his chin. The amount of magical power and body felt changes every moment.

How do you deal with that?

Seeing how they grow in size every minute, I thought it might be a disaster to leave the entire Dwarf and contain the entire Kalon if left as it is.The level of strength is not the problem, but the birth itself is difficult.

“It is a disaster.”

“… … flaw. Will there be another great war?”

There was fear in the mouths of the murmuring Dwarves.

“It’s a great war. I remember those words. We have to tell you later.”

“Cl… … That could be a problem! Before that, tell me how to do it! All die!”

“of course.”

If there was even a piece of my soul, even a piece of my body, it would be.

-… … have to go

Even if I die, I will live again. So undead. Also, if you have a clear will, you will become stronger. before that.

“Jang Ho-seong.”

– Name… … .

“And first. It’s time for you to go too.”

– At last.

“let’s go.”

The strategy stood out.

The body is handled through First, and the soul through Jang Ho-seong.

* * *

woo woo.

The First, who appeared, resembled the appearance of an undersea giant. He forged his skin into gloves, so it had to be the same. The inside was more complicated than it seemed before. He is also getting stronger every moment.

Originally, I should have held the lance I was holding, but that disaster didn’t happen with the lance.

Even the curse of the blind is delicious and will eat it up. Cursed weapons are not allowed. Then the answer is simple.


-… … Do you want to be okay with this?

“You have to live! This is also called contract fulfillment! Are you going to kill them?”

– み… … .

Quad Duck-

The wall that was united with the spirit of fire was torn down. It was huge even when some of it was ripped off.


– First of all, don’t listen!


The spirit of fire that covered the entire wall dwells in the part of the wall that First tore off.

You will learn techniques using the Spirit Stone as a medium.

The union of spirits and magical powers can produce unexpected effects.

‘I know that much. Pass it over for now.’


The spirit of fire that indwells has made up its own mind.

Gnawing and tearing the iron walls. At the same time, he transforms iron so that his magical power, that is, spirit power, can easily reside.

It constantly transforms into well-refined spirit iron.

A giant lance imbued with spirits is created.

And at the same time.

-… … Only this time.

– If there’s a chance, this is it.


First and the Fire Spirit agree. It’s a combination of scythes by chance, but the two seem to have a good meaning.


The shape the first wants. The fortress wall vaporized with a spear has become a weapon of mass destruction with spirits!


-… … as the name suggests.

* * *

Koo woong. kuung. thud!

Like a medieval knight, he charges with his spear.

Unfortunately, there is no huge horse to carry him. Nevertheless, it is enough. Even with that one rush.

Summon First performs a lance charge.

It could be said that it was a technology.

– Follow me!

– Aaaah… … .

Jang Ho-seong, who will subdue the soul, follows him.

They ate and ate the same dead to increase their number, and the appearance of them following the First seemed like a curtain.

The appearance of so many dead people that there are enough to cover the first.

“It looks like you’re wearing a cloak.”

“… … That’s great.”


The knights of the Middle Ages seemed to have descended here.

It is a picture of a foolish knight wearing a cloak and charging a giant while leaning on a spear. If there is a difference.

“… … He’s not stupid.”


* * *


Lance charging success!

-… … enemy!

-okay! enemy

Quad Duck!

First hanging from the giant’s body, he put the lance he had pierced into the body of the disaster.

quack. Quad Duck.

Although the body was well-made, the first lance charging was overwhelming.

It was a charging that could instantly triple or quadruple his power. Even humans can make the same human beings out of pieces of flesh, but the power in the first is less!

It was enough to break through.

– Drill more!


quaw uh-

The spirit of fire understands the meaning and moves with it.

It burns the pierced body, and then burns it again to prevent regeneration. and pierce at the same time.

Disaster doesn’t mean we’re alone.


waving both hands

As if his body has not yet adapted to it, his movements are unnatural. However, there is a huge force with size.

If caught over there. Die. Even if it’s first.

The first thing I felt instinctively was.


– Whoa!

Finally, he tore his body to pieces and finally avoided the touch that was approaching him.

uh uh

Even though the fire spirit directly burned it, his body was about to be restored immediately.

Unless it becomes the corpse of the surrounding undead.

-Ahhh… … .

Evil spirits who showed unsuitable self-sacrifice tried to restore the body. But already first.


-… … has already been reached

succeeded in guiding them.

It was Jang Ho-seong. The race on the back. He was at the forefront, heading somewhere else across the road.

– Let’s eat it.

Even when he came to the other world, he devoured evil spirits and was faithful to his duty.

-no. I will eat you!

He didn’t seem to have any fear even as he approached the calamity that said that he would eat him up, and that raised his own body by using an evil spirit as body and spirit.


-… … Impossible.

They laugh at disaster and dig into the body of disaster.Ahhh.


soul and soul ringing. bump. pain.

Hangwa of the dead, the power of the ghost. The cries of the dead.

it all comes together kill each other bump into


“み… … This is tough.”


The sound itself is a curse to the living. become a medium to attack them.

Just bumping into it shakes the surroundings.

“… … Magic Defense.”


For me, it was best to protect the living Dwarves first.

Although I might come forward and feed the disaster one shot at a time. At the same time, we had to respect Jang Ho-seong’s choice.

he is.

Born as a dead man, he became a race behind the scenes and began to rule over the dead.

He made a choice.

“… … Should I call it the way of a monarch?”

“What are you talking about?”


Quad-D-D-DUCK- Quad-Duck-

The battle continues as First and Catastrophe wave their hands and stab the lance.

– Nooooooooooooo!

-… … .

As if dragging time, First constantly moves around disaster.

If caught even for a moment, First’s body ends. The power of disaster that continues to grow the body is overwhelming.

A monster that gathers its surroundings and creates a body is itself a disaster.

It is not something that can be destroyed by killing the body.

‘From within.’

It was only possible by breaking the fragments he contained.

I had to realize the truth that when the soul disappears, the body collapses.

It’s difficult.

Not even a single soul. It is a disaster that contains thousands and tens of thousands of souls.

-die! die! die!

It looks light, but it’s just because it hasn’t been made for a while.

The disaster that attracts tens of thousands of souls and achieves unity is getting stronger moment by moment. You are starting to get rational.

‘Is it integration?’

The soul is being united.

If all these unity are achieved, you will be born as an intelligent being. Since it contains tens of thousands, it may be completed like a god.

It can be shaken by itself.

“Ugh… … .”


Even the dwarves who have lived for hundreds of years are not shaken.

In such a place, Jang Ho-seong jumped in with his own strength. Without hesitation as his own choice!

So I had to watch.

As his master, as the creator of him. His choices should be respected.

Whatever the outcome, I hope that it will be Jang Ho-seong who will appear in the end.

“… … Overcome.”

woo woo. kuung.

Like the monsters in myths, I look at the two of them who are fighting the heavens and the earth.

He was watching without missing the movement of the spirit that was moving in it.

And at the same time I didn’t miss it.

“… … over there.”

where to go next. What is the source of all these disasters?

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