118 How can the emperor not love a small vault that can make people happy?

The capital of Daxia, the Weiyang Palace.

“Nu Xiong and Shen, long live, long live, long live, long live, my majesty.”

I saw Heshen just entered the hall.

He knelt down with a thud.

He has just returned from the South.

He didn’t even return to the mansion.

Then directly enter the palace to face the saint.

Heshen was in a mess.

Even the coffin was stained with a little dust.

The round face was full of exhaustion.

At a glance, people really thought that he had suffered a lot in the southern border.

But Nie Zheng knew it at a glance.

This guy Heshen deliberately dressed himself like this.

This is what I tell myself about this god.

He has done a good job in fulfilling the will of the emperor.

And worked very hard in providing relief to the hungry.

Although He Shen played with a little thought.

But Nie Zheng didn’t care.

Ruo Heshen doesn’t do that.

Instead, it made Nie Zheng feel strange.

“Be equal to Aiqing.

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

He Shen hurriedly got up, bowed his body, and had a charming smile on his face.

“He Shen, you did a good job, and you didn’t disappoint me. 99

Nie Zheng doesn’t praise it.

“Your Majesty breaks the gap of the slave, and the slave can do things for your majesty, which is the blessing of the tenth generation of slaves.”

He Shen hurriedly smiled.


Nie Zheng became more and more satisfied with her small vault.

“Heshen has done a great job in helping the hungry people in the southern border of Jinan, and was specially awarded the post of Young Master, ranking one of the nine ministers.

Nie Zheng ordered.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En.

He Shen looked overjoyed.

He hurriedly knelt down and bowed his head again.

Although he guessed that the Son of Heaven would reward him.

But Heshen never thought of it.

The emperor actually rewarded him for being the young master of the dynasty, and he was one of the nine ministers.

This is a great reward.

How can I keep Heshen from getting excited?

“He Shen, I originally wanted some gold, silver and cloth from you, but after thinking about it, forget it. Your Hefu is not lacking in these things.” Nie Zheng smiled.

Hear the words of the Son of Heaven.

He Shen’s heart moved slightly.

He had long known that the Son of Heaven knew all about his corruption.

But now there is no point in blaming him at all.

What does this mean?

It means that the Son of Heaven regards him as a confidant.

And what are you going to do?

Of course, it is reciprocation, and Ying Tianzi is happy.

“Your Majesty has a clear view, Nuxu has returned from the southern border and brought some rare things to His Majesty. Please also invite His Majesty to watch.”

He Shen was talking.

He hurriedly clapped his hands outside the Weiyang Palace.

I saw Zu-zu dozens of large wooden boxes were brought in.

Follow Heshen’s orders.

All these large wooden boxes were opened.

Jewelry instantly filled the entire Weiyang Palace.

It was even more stinging that the eunuchs and palace maids present were unable to open their eyes.

“Your Majesty, this is the ten thousand year blood coral, which can be found all over the land of the seven kingdoms. There are absolutely no more than five fingers who can possess this thing. 99

He Shen carefully picked up a peerless treasure and sent it to Nie Zheng.

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.

good guy.

He Shen is really a personal love.

He even got this kind of peerless treasure.


On this trip to the southern border, He Shen did a lot of searching for the money that was greedy for coffins.

According to Nie Zheng’s understanding of Heshen.

I’m afraid that the wealth of these southern librarians will not be emptied by Heshen.

“Look again, Your Majesty, this thing is called Wuyi Hanyu, this jade is made into ornaments and worn on the body all year round, it has the effect of prolonging life and longevity.

He Shen smiled flatly and continued to offer his treasures.

“Okay, Ai Qinghe really has a heart.

Nie Zheng smiled.

police said.

Otherwise, Heshen is his precious little treasury.

Look at how this servant of the figure does it.

I went to the Southern Border Vessel – Disaster.

Not only the problem of the hungry people is solved perfectly.

When he came back, he presented many peerless treasures to the Son of Heaven.

Which emperor do you think doesn’t like this kind of minister?

“Your Majesty, I have better things for you. 33

Heshen thief laughed.

He quietly took out a brocade box from his cuff.

Although the brocade box is not big, it is very delicately made.

I saw Heshen open the brocade box.

Among them are seven medicinal herbs that exude a fragrance.

“Your Majesty, this thing is called Dragon-Essence-Humen Dan, which is made from rough-aged ginseng, century-old velvet antler, and adult tiger bone with more than 100 kinds of rare medicinal materials. 59

“Consuming this pill will not only consolidate your foundation, but also allow you to experience the ultimate happiness that is difficult for gods and immortals to experience on the dragon couch.”

“Of course, Your Majesty can rest assured that although this medicine is powerful, it does not have any side effects. On the contrary, it has a great nourishment for His Majesty’s dragon body. Your Majesty should try it with confidence. 99

“And this pill is suitable for both male and female, if Your Majesty is willing to give it to the ladies in the harem…”

Heshen thief laughed again and again and did not continue talking.

But its meaning is very obvious.

He quietly put the brocade box in front of Nie Zheng.

“Yes, Not Bad.”

Nie Zheng looked strangely at the brocade box in front of him.

Although he feels he can’t use this kind of thing.

But He Shen said so.

The voices of Gouwu Meiniang and Zhuanjie appeared in Nie Zheng’s mind.

A wicked smile lay out from the corner of Nie Zheng’s mouth.

how to say.

These two beauties are good in every way, but they can’t let go in that respect.

If this Dan really works wonders.

It really made Nie Zheng feel a little ticklish inside – it couldn’t be itchy.

Seeing the smile on Tianzi’s face became more and more alarming.

He Shen was secretly happy in his heart.

He knew he was doing it right.

have a look.

Didn’t you make the Son of Heaven extremely happy?

In the future, it is naturally no problem to walk smoothly.

The emperor now completely treats him as a trusted confidant.

Watch the whole summer.

How many people can have this honor?

The next thing is simple.

Heshen kept offering treasures.

Ying Nie Zheng laughed even more.

Until all the treasures are introduced.

He Shen even presented an account book to Nie Zheng.

The contents of this ledger are simple.

Remember how much money Dai Heshen sent.

Nie Zheng took a brief look.

good guy!

There are more than 100 million taels of silver alone.

Gold is as high as the trilemma.

There are countless other jadeite articles.

“Your Majesty, Nuji has already sent all the property in the account book into the treasury, and please ask Your Majesty to investigate. 99

He Shen knelt down and kowtowed.

“Okay, He Aiqing, you are indeed a big-big loyal minister.

Nie Zheng laughed more and more happily.

But the next moment.

Nie Zheng’s eyes turned cold.


These belongings are the people’s fat and people’s cream that the librarians of the southern border have been searching for over the years.

The sheer number is simply appalling.

Perhaps he sensed Nie Zheng’s murderous intent.

He Shen turned his eyes and hurriedly said:

“Your Majesty, Nu Ji and Governor Wei killed some southern librarians, but not all of them. 99

“After all, if all those librarians were killed, no one would help His Majesty manage the southern border.

“However, Your Majesty can rest assured that Nuji has appointed some capable ministers to govern the southern border.

“These people are all old officials of Nupeng’s disciples, although they may not be clean, but they know what to do and what not to do.

“Your Majesty Nu Jigan promises that things like the starving people in the southern border will never happen again.

“As for those librarians in the southern border who were not killed, waiting for these disciples and former officials of the slaves to completely manage the southern border, they will naturally kill their lives.

“it is good.”

Nie Zheng nodded slowly.

What Heshen did was indeed in line with his wishes.

In the way of life as a coffin, there is indeed a follow-up ability that others do not have.

“Your Majesty, Nu Ji has arbitrarily appointed a student and an old official as a coffin, but without His Majesty’s approval, Nu Ji is guilty.

Heshen hurriedly kowtowed and pleaded guilty.

“Okay, get up.

“If you are guilty, then all the librarians of my Daxia should be killed.

Nie Zheng laughed.

“Thank you Your Majesty for your forgiveness. 19

He Shen secretly sighed in relief.

He was really afraid that the emperor would be angry because he appointed librarians at will.

After all, the matter of appointing and removing librarians needs to be presented to the Ministry of Personnel first, and then to the emperor.

To do so yourself is a complete overstep.

But seeing the emperor did not blame himself.

He Shen also secretly admired.

The power of the Son of Heaven is as abyss as the sea.

He also did not choose the wrong master.

“And love, we are going to have a banquet in the Imperial Garden tonight. You, a great hero, must not be late. 1

Nie Zheng said.

“Sir, obey the order.

He Shen’s eyes moved.

It can only be heard from this sentence of the Son of Heaven.

Tonight, the emperor will banquet all the ministers, I am afraid that he will unify the court.

This also made him extremely excited.

Then the two rulers and ministers (De Nuo’s) had a brief conversation.

He Shen retreated.

With Heshen, he left the Weiyang Palace.

Zhao Gao next to Nie Zheng smiled and said:

“My lord, the pearl of wisdom, He Shen is really a personal stitch, and only you, my lord, have the ability to discern people.

Zhao Gao is flattering.

Just watched Heshen’s series of actions.

He sighed to himself.

However, for his master’s methods, he can be considered once again to experience it.

“Okay, don’t flatter Lian. Tonight’s banquet for the ministers, Lian has something to tell you to do. 22

“Zhao Gao, come over here.

Nie Zheng waved to Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao hurriedly stepped forward.


After listening to what Nie Zheng explained.

Zhao Gao Elu was shocked, and an exclamation came from his mouth.

Looking at the emperor’s eyes, he was surprised.

“Your Majesty, is this really good?

Nie Zheng smiled lightly and said:

“Why, are you afraid?

“Let go and do it, with Zhen behind you, whoever dares to say more, then he is a person without monarchs and ministers.

“And such a person’s life, naturally, there is no need to keep it.

“This Great Xia Dynasty Hall should indeed be rectified.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were slightly cold.

A murderous intent flashed across his eyes.

Tonight’s banquet for all the ministers is not just a matter of unifying the dynasty and taking over the imperial power alone.

It is also time for the Daxia Chaotang to be purged,

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