Chapter 300 What is this method! It’s terrible

Eternal was shocked.

As everyone knows.

The shock in the heart of annihilation is even stronger,

Eternal is eating~ Have you taken Shiquan Dabu Dan?

Can this be stopped?

To know.

His power is capable of destroying everything.

Any position, any energy, so that the source, even the avenue, cannot-exist in front of his Lilian.

This is the most destructive force in the universe, the purest annihilation.

According to reason.

The eternal chest should be directly pierced, and then fall.

But actually.

The results he achieved were far less than expected.

Eternity actually blocked.

“how did you do that?”

Annihilation couldn’t help but ask.

“Why did you do this?

Eternal did not mean to answer at all, but instead asked.

“For what else.

“Definitely a higher realm, I’ve been in this realm long enough. 13

“Why even you can make a breakthrough? But I can only limit myself to this poor power.

Annihilation said very jealously.

Eternal must have had an amazing chance.

A chance to break through their level limit!

He almost sacrificed the entire multi-universe without success.

Eternal but successful.


Hearing this, Eternal felt a little ridiculous.

“Just because of this?”

“Isn’t that enough!”

Annihilation opened his mouth with anger.

“In the eyes of those mortals, we are the so-called five gods.

“But in the eyes of those really powerful beings.”

“We are nothing but ants. 99

“There is no need for those unspeakable existences, just a few Super Universe Level police powerhouses are enough to destroy us. 91

“I do not!”

“I am annihilated and can’t end up like this!”

Annihilation said, with fear in his eyes.

He is not afraid of death.

But I’m afraid of being pinched to death like a cockroach, easily pinched to death!

Obviously, those strong people have such power!

He has to break through!

“You’re delusional, they wouldn’t do it. 31

“We are the cornerstone of maintaining the existence of the multi-universe.

Eternal couldn’t help but argue.

“Hahaha, Eternal, you are so naive!”

“It was just a lie, and you took it seriously. 93

“We are nothing but puppets, tools, and at best a few watchdogs. 33

Annihilation said with a mocking expression on his face.

Eternity looked at Oblivion with a frown.

“annihilation, you’ve gone mad. 99


“Hahaha, maybe, but you don’t know the truth at all.”

“Seeing that we have been brothers for many years, you should die and give your power to me. 99

“I will live in your place.

Annihilation roared in anger.

The destructive power of darkness was brewing in his body.

When Eternal saw his identity, he simply did not hide himself, and directly restored his body.

That sturdy body like a skeleton exudes devastating waves.

“Now, eternity, let me see how much you have grown.

“Hope, you won’t let me down. 99

Annihilation shouted.

The next moment his powerful body disappeared directly.

In the blink of an eye, directly behind the eternity, a black sphere of destruction emerged from his palm.

“Destroy all directions!”

Annihilation hid a sound.

The figure is directly divided into four.

Surrounding Eternity, the four figures move in exactly the same way.

The black ball in his hand was pushed out.

For a while, the aura of destruction is always moving.

This Chaos Void, which had been devastated, shattered in an instant.

This is Chaos originally.

What is deeper?

It is nothingness, it is emptiness.

is the end of everything.

Four cracks appeared around, and even the ubiquitous Chaos airflow was absorbed into the cracks, and then disappeared.

Even the ubiquitous Chaos has been blurred by this power of nothingness, leaving no trace of existence.

If a person is involved in it, the fate can be imagined.

Eternity felt wrong as early as annihilation and disappeared, and subconsciously wanted to leave.

He found out.

The surrounding space, I don’t know when it has been imprisoned by a strange force.

He couldn’t travel at all for a while.

Feeling the tingling pain in the chest, Eternal’s heart sank.

This blow, if he can’t dodge, even he will fall.

He must do his best.

Eternity uses the mighty power in the body.

The Congenital Eucharist begins to resonate with the surrounding avenues.

this moment.

He seems to have become the darling of the avenue, and a large number of rules are shrouded in his side.

Countless Daowen appeared in front of him.

0…for flowers….

Under his control, these Taoist texts were directly injected into his and the law, and became the emperor’s pattern.

Amazing power emerged.

In his body, blood began to rush, and even made the sound of rushing rivers.

This is the performance that the Innate Holy Body has driven to the extreme.

His body, his energy, has risen to its peak.


The innermost breath of Eternal sighed, and it was actually hooked like a sharp arrow.

a time.

Eternal power reaches its peak.

Right at the moment.

Four black beams of light shot over.

Every black beam of light exudes a power of destruction.

The surrounding Chaos cracked open.

Endless nothingness.

Eternal’s face tightened.

He sensed an aura of danger from it.

“annihilation, then see, which of us is more powerful!

His whole person became full of purple energy, as if the sun was rising, and the first thing he noticed was a touch of purple.

These purples traveled a defense beside him.

China Unicom formed an astonishing defense by connecting those unusual emperor patterns in the future.


The sound of water jets hitting the flames dries up.

The black beam of light directly collided with the purple mist and the emperor pattern.


Everything is immediately silent.

Space, law, and origin are all obliterated by the intertwining power of the two.

There are large cracks around and endless nothingness emerges.

Everything within this range was directly swallowed up.

The corner of the eternally forged emperor pattern cracked directly after being wiped and dried.

This made Eternal take a deep breath.

He was at the center of this collision, and if he was sucked in, he would be dead.

Eternity without hesitation.


The powerful emperor patterns around them exploded directly.

A powerful light burst out directly.

Those black beams of light were all shattered by this powerful force.

The four figures were annihilated, and three of them were directly shattered.

Annihilation was also directly ejected.

Annihilation looked at Eternity with a shocked face, and seemed a little unbelievable.

Such a powerful attack.

Was it broken like that?

This is the most tyrannical one among his tricks.

Even the Super Universe Level police can’t get any favors.

This guy.

How did you do it!

What kind of power is this! Billion,

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