Chapter 285 Ni Fury shocked

Nick Fury is a little confused.

What did he just hear?

What is Magneto going to trade with them?

“Mr. Magneto, what did you just say? Could you say it again, please?

“What are you going to trade with me?”

Nick Fury asked.

“A planet, a planet that no human has ever set foot on.

Magneto said lightly.

“Are you kidding me?”

Nick Fury said with wide eyes.

a planet?

What are you kidding?

Magneto is this crazy-?

Even said such a thing.

“Do you think I came here just to make fun of-?”

Magneto said disdainfully.

“Are you kidding? 9

“Your planet is really ridiculous.

Ni Fury said.

to be frank.

If Ni Fury hadn’t seen the world, I’m afraid Magneto would have been a sensation.

Trading a planet, what a joke?

The value of a planet is indeed very high.


With the current technology and water quality of human beings, it is impossible to develop other planets.

Do not say.

They simply do not have the ability to transport resources into the sky on a large scale.

Even if enough resources are collected on other planets, there is no way to bring them back.

For today’s human beings, this is equivalent to no.

a planet?

This is just kidding.

“No, it’s not ridiculous at all.

“In this world, there are some people whose power is beyond your imagination.”

“I know you don’t believe it, so I’ll take you to see it for yourself.”

Magneto said.

Nick Fury was about to speak.

Suddenly, his body felt numb, and for a while he couldn’t control his body.

Nee Fury looked horrified.

“what did you do to me?

“It’s nothing, just to prevent you from doing irrational things.

Magneto said.

“It’s impossible! How did you do it?”

“Your Ability has evolved again?

Nick Fury wants to control his body.

However, he found that his body was like a wooden stick, and it was impossible for Mr. Cao.

The only thing that can move is his own head.

“No no no, my Ability has not evolved. 93

“I just figured out something.

Magneto said.

From Kamar-Taj, he learned the true meaning of electricity and magnetism.

The manipulation of magnetic force has also reached an extremely delicate level.

Now, he can even manipulate the invisible iron ions in the human body.

Before him, he couldn’t control it to such a subtle level, the iron ions inside the human body were really too thin.

It was only Mystique’s hands that he was able to manipulate.

It’s different now.

He can directly manipulate the iron ions in his body.

In this way, the electrical signals in the human body are manipulated, thereby controlling the behavior of human beings.

He was able to control Nee Fury with this power.

“Don’t be nervous, Director Nick Fury, I’m just showing you the truth of what I’m saying

Magneto said something.

Magneto waved.

A silvery white light appeared.

This silvery white light constantly expands, directly forming a door of light with a file size of two meters.

Let’s go”, I’ll show you inside, I’m not kidding.

Magneto said something lightly.

Controlling Ni Fury walked into the door of light.

Although Ni Fury was being controlled, he still felt it.

He felt as if he had entered the water.

A feeling of freshness comes directly oncoming.

“What appeared in front of him was a virgin jungle.

He could even smell the rancid smell of humus in the jungle.

Everything is so real.

“Is this a hallucination?”

Nick Fury asked.

“Is it a hallucination, don’t you know if you feel it yourself?”

Magneto said something.

Nick Fury suddenly found that he could move.

He bowed his head.

Grab a handful of soil directly.

It feels incredibly real.

The trees over there are exactly the same as the real thing. Like the trees on the earth, there are no district police at all.


All this is true.

“How is this possible!”

“Where is there such a planet near the earth!

Nick Fury muttered to himself.

“I didn’t say it’s near Earth, it’s a planet in the constellation Orion. 9

“From the earth, I don’t know how far it is.

“Look in the sky, there are two satellites here.

Magneto said lightly.


0・・Ask for flowers・ 

“How is this possible! How did you do it?”

“Have you discovered a natural wormhole?

Ni Fury said with a horrified expression.

Directly teleported from Earth to the unknown constellation Orion, known technology simply cannot explain this phenomenon.

“It’s not an impulse.”

“This is a portal given to me by a great being.

“But that has nothing to do with you. 99

“Do you think we can make a deal?”

Magneto said lightly.

Nick Fury was shocked.

great existence?

Build a direct portal from Earth to Orion?

What kind of existence is this, followed by such a powerful force?

What kind of power does it take to open a portal at an unknown distance of light-years?

With the current technological level of the earth, they simply cannot understand it.

This kind of power is simply incredible.


Now is not the time to think about that.

Nick Fury quickly calmed down.

“How big can your portal open? How far can it go?

Ni Fury asked.

If the portal can only transmit a few people, the value will be greatly reduced.

The resources on this planet cannot feed back the earth at all, so even an emerging planet is not of great value.

“You can be as big as you want.”

“The power of that great being is something you can’t even imagine.”

“Exactly enough for you to deliver resources. 93

“Otherwise, why would I trade with you?”

Magneto said lightly.

Ni Fury took a deep breath when he heard this.

if so.

Then the value of this portal has reached a very terrifying level.

“So, what do you want.”

Nick Fury took a deep breath and said.

“You’re going to build a city for us mutants on this planet.

“And I want you to help me push the mutant human rights bill, we mutants need to be treated normally.

“I need to raise the status of our mutants.”

“I want fairness and equality.

Magneto said.

Nick Fury looked around.

speak up.

“no problem.

“We need to have a good talk.

Nick Fury’s voice was low.

It’s about the future billions of the planet,

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